Why don't people take these more seriously?

Why don't people take these more seriously?
Even if they are fictional.

you mean in-universe? because no one really understands them and what they're capable of. Other than that they're just a big Mcguffin and no one cares.

that's a limited answer. I think you mean no imagination. And you can't tell me no one cares.
In light of something so powerful it's not even slightly plausible people wouldn't give it some substantial thought.

Where are they currently? Are they even whole again?

Not the point. I guess these cosmic artifacts are too big to think about for human minds, eh?

Because people don't like Jim Starlin anymore : (

But I do acknowledge the Elements of Harmony and the power they wield

In the comics - no idea

In the MCU, they're mostly spread out

Mind gem is what's keeping Vision alive
Reality gem is with the Collector
Power gem is with the Nova Corp
Time gem is the Eye of Agomatto
Space gem is in Asgard
and Thanos has the gauntlet

Soul gem is probably going to be connected to Heimdell - his eyes are orange and he can see every soul in existence, also explains why he was blind in Thor's vision

nigga there ain't no time pony.

Which Infinity Stone would you save from the rape mill?

so much for basic comprehension

How do you represent time in its natural form without relying on man-made systems (clocks)?

>also explains why he was blind in Thor's vision

fuck, good observation. would be awesome if they actually did that. Would also have some connection to the gauntlet being in asgard

baby with arrow pointing towards old man

it represents aging, but close enough

Sundials? They're man-made but rely on natural phenomena to work.

The Moon.

A plant drawn through different stages of its lifecycle in quick succession from sprouting to blooming to withering.

oh, so they're not going to introduce Adam Warlock then?

a wedge

I don't think you can give definite stats and limitations to something called an infinity gem, user. They can do whatever you want.

They have limitations in the sense that they can only do certain things, although when you start trying to explicitly define the differences between the Soul Gem and the Mind Gem it gets convoluted.

I refuse to believe that Sup Forums would ever take the reality gem seriously.

I wonder what Professor Hawking would do with them.
Or Chris Angel. Oooooooh