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Comics #875
So, CN released another pilot
What are the best dc titles during the 2000s before new52?
Now I understand Venom is always gonna show up sooner rather than later in any Spidey medium...
Superwoman #4
Didn't like Hal because he was a nerd
Supergirl #3 Storytime
What's an example of an amazing comic that got a sequel that blew chunks?
Face it Sup Forums we are on Earth 3
ITT cartoon characters that never talked
I have no idea what is going on
What are some cartoons with epic soundtracks, Sup Forums?
Season 20 was a mistake
Thoughts? We need a new Hotline Miami comic thread since the last one died...
Fear Itself Storytime
This is not how the world ends
A reminder
In Justice League episode about the Justice Lords...
Characters who will become sluts
President... do you know how much power I'd have to give up to be president?
What did you think, fellas?
What are some good comics that take place in winter, Sup Forums?
They're done, right?
The most popular run of the Titans was Wolfman and Perez's version
/fit/ here. Why is this cartoon so fking addicting. Its the onmy cartoon my kid and I watch together. Thoughts?
The protagonist of the last Sup Forums thing you read/watched committed a crime and Harvey Birdman has to defend him
YFW Trump triggered Dobson so much that he started drawing again
Homestuck and Hiveswap
Is it actually... good again?
Now, before I abandon you in this cornfield, does anyone remember the way home?
Green Valley #2 Storytime
The language of the mystic arts is as old as civilization...
Should we get a thread going with a bit of hope in it?
The Zeta Project
Star Vs thread
Why is it that we can never discuss Gargoyles without it turning into waifuism and homolust? It was a brilliant show...
Left or right?
Is this too far?
Disney will never, EVER release the uncut footage in HD
Batman in the 90's
I know it may not be a popular opinion, but I'm really gonna miss this guy
Show me your O-face, Sup Forums
JSA Storytime: Quasar
Is Batman Catholic
Official Win-O'-Thread #2
Arrow Talkback Thread:Green Arrow Begins Edition
"Every fight scene we have is designed in a way that's almost child-friendly...
Was there anything entertaining about this show or is the only true appeal in the cuteness of the main protaganist
RWBY/RT General #956: Lets try this again Edition
Betty & Veronica #2 storytime
Good day everyone...
South Park - "Oh, Jeez"
New Mighty Magiswords on!
Hey, lets all shaddap about the Primus-damn election and read this fun crossover. Because its really fun. Funny too
Choose one and the rest disappear forever
Earth 2 society #18 storytime
Adam & Steve
Back to the Future #14 storytime
Herbie the Fat Fury StoryTime Extravaganza~
I'm completely new to comics
Sonic the Hedgehog #288 storytime
Evansposting is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy
The Scarecrow
Well? Which are you?
Another lincoln and clyde episode
All Hail King Julien drops its fourth season on netflix here on friday. Why are they making Clover a slut?
You can only choose one of them
Rosianna Rabbit
Let's take a classic cartoon and make a shitty CGI remake which is much more infantilized than the original
Morrison Bat Epic Pt. 3
Is this the best quote in the history of comics?
YFW BvS is the President of Capeflicks
Comic ends with Clarissa giving up and just accepting her dad having sex with her
ITT epiodes the anger the fuck out of you
Sup Forums, how did you feel about the way the big villain Doctor Strange was "defeated"...
Marvel might have better stories than DC but DC is cuter than Marvel and in the end cuteness is all that really matters...
Storytime Black Panther World of Wakanda#1
So apparently the MPAA are FORCING Sony to remove Stark's alcoholic behavior in his Spider-Man Homecoming appearance to...
Can anyone give me a specific Punisher comic recommendation where the justice is extremely satisfying?
Whatever, let's just read some fucking comics
Is someone planning on storytiming the new Gotham Academy?
Since there's multiple as expected Marvel twitter freakout threads...
Uncanny Avengers 16 Storytime
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4 Storytime
Why is she suddenly gay for Not-Renee Montoya?
Doctor Strange vs The Avengers
Story time
South Park
I don't need to ask how your day has been, so let's have the last issues of Blazing Combat
Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange... anyone who is a threat to HYDRA!
Is Dan Slott THAT retarded?
Does Trump winning mean that the SJW age will finally join 90s edge era in the garbage heap?
I wonder what the creators of Steven Universe are up to on twitter
Fox Planning "Soft Reboot" Of X-MEN Movies
Can we have a nice /tweets/ thread?
Superman, on the Radio?
Doom Patrol #3 Storytime
What does savino think about our new president?
Power man and iron fist #10 storytime
Red Hood & The Outlaws #4 Storytime. Pup Pup And Away Edition
Mother Panic #1
The unbelievable gwenpool #8 storytime
Based Cap
Invincible Iron Man #1
Captain America - Steve Rogers #7 storytime
Renew Your Vows
Invincible Iron Man #1
Deathstroke #6 Storytime
We did it, bros
Nickelodeon Is Making An ‘Invader Zim’ Movie
LoliRock Bread: Party Talking edition
Is this true?
The Clone Conspiracy #2 Storytime
This issue feels extra funny now
None of this would've happened if Pepe hadn't pulled his pants down
Avengers 1.1 Storytime
Will anything change in the industry?
Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American Way?
Dark Reign 2 when?
Action Comics #967 storytime
Marvel on suicide watch
Pre-orders when?
Amazing Spider-Man-Parker v Osborn-The End Begins Here!
Wonder Woman #10 storytime
I just got started on European comics (Wake, I am Legion, Carthago, etc.). I want more...
I miss old starfire
Why is Captain Britannia better than Captain America?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
So are they just going to sweep this under the rug?
DEATH BATTLE - Hulk vs Doomsday Results
New Super-Man #5 Storytime
2000ad - Prog 2006 - Dredd Storytime:
All Star Batman #4 Storytime
Hal Jordan and the GLC #8 Storytime
Detective Comics #944 Storytime
Say hello to the new president of the United States
Official Win-O'-Thread #1
Kamala this morning
Rules of RWBY/RT General:
So is Mr Garrison going to become president in South Park now, or what? This is confusing
The Flash: "Lightning Strikes Twice"
Trump being president will ensure a new golden age of cartoons and comics...
What did he mean by this?
Well I found one silver lining to Trump winning
Who is best Scott Pilgrim girl?
New Avengers Vol 2 Storytime (Part 3)
Whats your favorite Doctor Doom moment?
What happens next?
So would South Park do with Mr. Garrison if Trump wins?
What did Alex mean by this?
Which Dilbert episode is the most persuasive?
ITT: Sum up your life in one Sup Forums-related image
Rick & Movie
ITT we post better presidential candidates
Lets talk Sup Forums rodents
Tell me Sup Forums, what are some non-animated works of media (books, movies, comics, TV shows, plays, musicals, etc...
South Park
What was your favorite cartoon character as a kid, Sup Forums?
No but seriously
President Lex Storytime
In case anyone's interested
Was Cyclops retarded?
Teen Titans: A Celebration of 50 Years storytime part 2
Invader Zim movie in development?
Who will take his virginity in season 3, Sup Forums?
"A double McSpanky with fries and a Flurp. That'll be $6.53. And $3.47 will be your change."
Why are milfs so cute?
Cosmo! Wanda! I wish every day was summer vacation!
Who's the strongest Sup Forums character Cartman could defeat?
Okay, Sup Forums, it's now or never. How the fuck do we get Spectacular Season 3?
Mighty Magiswords
Should I read this?
If you're looking for me
What do you guys think about the Harley Quinn comics? I think they are fucking hilarious and hot
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors AKA the Flora show
I am going to shag you!
What Moebius comics should I read first?
Dot Warner
Over 20 years ago
Which Dennis is better, Sup Forums?
Right now I'm in my office making a jeapordy review for my statistics students...
Truly, the face of pure childhood joy on a snow day
What do you guys think about his body of work?
What books is Sup Forums looking forward to this week?
RWBY/RT General #954:Tradition Edition
She is pure, unadulterated, waifu material
"We participated in a genocide, Barney."
What would it take for this to be any good?
I'm going to storytime Green Arrow 8-10 because I love them
So Marvel's next event is basically confirmed to be Hydra Cap shit
Will she ever be redeemed? Will she ever be in a movie? Will she ever be the love interest again?
Is there a single Super Heroine comic that approaches this masterpiece of the genre?
There is no Flash today but thanks to a behind-the-scenes video we have our first glimpses of the both Vibe's and...
In which Season did The Simpsons became bad? I'm having a hard time thinking about it
You are given the opportunity to finally have your waifu brought into existence and be madly in love with you
Archie Comics wew so lewd
Toonami Ratings for 11/5/16
Aardvark Storytime
You know, I cringed when people complained about quips in MCU movies. But this is it...
Why does the Superfamily never get any love ? If you like the new Superman status quo with his son it's ok...
Best Friends Animated Adventures
So what's the one thing that most people seem to frown upon when designing a character's costume that you love...
Fuck Renew Your Vows
Doom 2099: One Nation Under Doom Storytime
So... will we see more of this in comics after the election?
Hey Sup Forums, what should I do if some gangster starts dissing my fly girl?
Kamala encourages you all to vote today as long as its not trump
Why does everyone treat him like he's a super serious and unique threat to the universe?
Who would you vote for?
Marvel Writer has problematic Political Beliefs
It's election day so I thought I would storytime the Fantastic Four issue where they literally fight a clone of Hitler
Sup Forums what did they do to my lion king?
What are some art styles you really like?
When do you think the Harley Quinn fad will pass, and who do you think is gonna step up and take her place?
What's the problem with this show? I caught one of the episodes called Restaraunt Wars and it seemed good enough...
Ready to get BTFO you Sup Forumsmblr pussies?
Watching rocket power in the living room like 2004
Is he right?
According to Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige...
Who here is hyped for the triumphant return of the Bat Family's most memorable character?
Top Ten Bestseller List
So now that homestuck is in the hands of a Twitter Funnyman and Tumblr Fanartist...
Young Justice Season 3 Confirmed
Why must Marvel make everything tacticool now...
ITT Sup Forumscandidates you'd vote for
Having a female character be a rape victim and getting her revenge is problematic and sexist
Would you be okay if movie Galactus looked like this?
Why does the Legion of Superheroes have the best waifus AND the best costumes in cape comics?
I'm friends with a scriptwriter on Justice League, He got fired for leaking this out, so fuck them...
Injustice storytime
The power is yours!!
Why is Bugs Bunny such a great character?
Why are boyish boy protagonists the best?
Carl is back on the warpath
Why is Bruce Waye such a great character?
Prophet Storytime Part 3: Empire
Election Day Storytime of Pain: Liberality for All
Fuck Wonder Woman! Fuck her!
Monster Girls
Would you a Birch?
Got the guts to argue with the man who slapped Bob Kane?
Sup Forums
WTF is this bullshit?
If you're not writing in Lex Luthor today you're straight retarded
Batman Arkham: Poison Ivy Storytime
What does Sup Forums think of the funny internet animator Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson?
Will we ever get a preschool cartoon that doesn't suck?
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting , 2016
Dan DeCarlo
They totally wasted Mads
Why is Lucifer so good? It's like the show's finally finding its groove
It's been 6 years, when will the freelance police return?
Why did Odin and Aggamotto bring Infinty Stones to Earth?
New Prequel promised before the last one was a year old
Will Marvel ever produce something as good as pic related
Write the final episode
Smash that muthafuckin' patriarchy
So with Aaron having pretty much recycled his God Butcher storyline wholesale in his Doctor Strange
Star vs Thread
Let's have an Endtown thread, only six days to go until the end of hiatus
Old-time Excalibur continuity question
Just saw XMen Apocalypse, damn that mansion scene is awesome
Justice League Action
Daily reminder that Bugs Bunny is funny
ITT characters who have probably killed people
What went wrong?
What was her problem?
Will he be gay in Season 3?
I don't know why I deluded myself into thinking this would have ended happily
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Finishing up from
Paranatural Duckpond
RWBY/RT General #953: Punchable Faces Edition
Is it to premature to take blue rings from our drawers?
Heathcliff holds the flag
Is this the most ambitious cartoon currently on Disney XD?
Ang Lee's Hulk was a Masterpiece. The only issue I had with it is that it was too deep and ambitious by Ang...
How do you feel about this wall?
The Curse is finally over, just as he planned
So are they going to explain how the Infinity Stones/completed gauntlet and the eye of Agamotto became spread across...
Are French-Muslim superheroes a good idea?
Why doesn't Marvel just give Norman Osborn this Kira nigga's hair...
ITT: you are given the task of filling up the new avengers ranks
Dot Warner
Steven Universe Possibly Ending Soon
I told you fucks one of these days they had to be funny by pure chance
Hey Sup Forums I over heard the owner of my favorite LCS say this is good so let's read it!
Why would Disney cancel a show with such great waifus?
If Alexandra hated Josie, why the fuck did she pal around with him?
Dr Strange is about a rich genius who is also a suave arrogant prick
I get that it's silly to just have ugly villains and pretty heroes
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong
End of the World Storytime
Be realistic Sup Forums. We both know he will lead the new season
Why is this not allowed?
What comic is the origin of this reaction image?
Gogo bomango
Poppy O'Possum
Sup Forums, I'm not going to be here tomorrow...
Reaction image thread
Elektra returns in The Defenders
Can we talk about how fucking ugly the new Marvel Studios opening is?
Post a shitty show and one good thing to come out of it
RWBY/RT General #952: Magazine Edition
The sequel is better than the original
More like this??
Why people like this stupid pairing so goddamn much? I've been fighting with my girlfriend the past hour because this...
You will never experience YTV at its peak, ever again
DC has its own spider-man and it needs to use it
It's over bros. Zootopia 2 is dead
Supergirl Talkback Thread
JSA Storytime: Quasar
Would Superman benefit from a speedster/Speed Force villain trying to fuck with him?
Why do so many modern cartoons have to have one (or more) of these tropes:
This episode of American Dad made little dogs look so wonderful. I have to get one now
Morrison Bat Epic Pt. 1
Cartoon Network shows (Foster's to Class of 3000)
Young Justice getting a Season 3
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #8 preview
Infinity War Spoilers
Mary Wendell Thread
Spot the loss
ITT: Out of context panels
Soap drop, nigga
In all honesty she`s the most boring part of the show
I'm Doc Doc Doctor Dick
I must apologize for Mordo, he is an idiot. We trained him wrong on purpose. As a joke
Mother Panic preview!
Art from Nova #1 is out. Are you prepared for the return of Richard Rider, Sup Forums?
Why No one ever discuss this cartoon?
WB' Plans For The DCEU Moving Forward
Teen Titans: A Celebration of 50 Years storytime part 1
Young Justice Season 3 CONFIRMED!!
What's the biggest fight you ever got into over Sup Forumsshit? I remember when I was about 16 or so...
Derivative characters that you like more than the original
Yfw too many sorcerers
RWBY/RT General #951: From the DEPTHS Edition
How in hell are they going to pull this off?
I want you to imagine a scenario with me
Fairly Odd Parents
So was he the only employee in the restaurant before Jimmy and his friends showed up?
Anybody checked out Gerard Way's Doom Patrol yet? What do you think?
General Grievous Storytime
I see, at long last, what's wrong with Sup Forums. Too many wizards
What went wrong?
Talking to britbong
Bravo Waid!
Doctor Strange: Ive come to Bargain Edition
Star VS thread
Only high quality cheesecake in this thread
Batman should never find happiness, not even for a while, and die abandoned and hated by everyone, gripped with sorrow...
Is she the best MCU waifu?
Does Sup Forums like XKCD?
ITT: 10/10 protagonists
Inhumans vs X-Men spoilers
What's been the best comic series this year, Sup Forums?
Post funny webcomics with interesting stories
Which character is more adorable, Star Butterfly or Mabel Pines?
New Jetsons by DC Comics
Sumowskis v. Louds v. Matsunos
Describe her personality
You want a good comic? Well, here it is. I hope you had a good weekend, because it's time for Blazing Combat
You guys enjoying Champions so far?
Why this ship remained so popular over the years?
How would Batman defeat Zoom?
Mankind wrote about ragnarok before the asgardians knew it would happen
DC Legends
Nudity Thread
Invincible Cameo Storytime: The Tick
Honestly, I preferred the Thor movies to any other marvel movie
ITT: Your favorite animated films
Hey there Sup Forums what do you think of the comic that I'm working in? (Gouache backgrounds + digital characters)
How does Sup Forums feel about censoring the human body and it's functions?
What would you say is the best comic currently being published?
Whats with the writers forcing Lapidot when Amedot was very clearly the original plan?
How would Sup Forums write a bisexual character without people thinking they are one way or the other?
Superman is a loser!
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this show?
So I'm watching through Justice League TaS and I'm starting to want to read some comics about J'onn J'onzz...
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
I know Sup Forums likes to hate on Legend of Korra but the hate is completely unjustified
Heavy Metal
Did you know that I'm actually God?
Why do people pretend Rebecca Sugar is an SJW...
Batman, I've come to bargain
TFW nick rigged "kids pick the president" for hilary
The greatest challenge of our time
Women of Marvel Comics
Do you like Newspaper comics?
Bad Comics
Gunnerkrigg court
Doctor Strange is the one individual who deals with all things arcane and mystical
Phantom lady thread
What did you guys think of the Logan trailer?
Dobson had to move back in with his parents and is literally living off foodstamps after his girlfriend got sick of his...
The Ghostbusters cartoon was very prophetic
What will Matt and Trey do on Tuesday night when they realize Hillary didn't actually win?
RWBY/RT General #950: Pissing off Reddit for Fun Edition
She did literally nothing wrong
We've had a sexy childhood
Final Crisis Pt. 2
Heathcliff laughs with the cows
New Avengers Vol 2 Storytime (Part 2)
I love The Lego Movie, but it triggers the fuck out of me because I was watching it when my little sister abandoned me
Are there any Sup Forums parents that accepted their faggot son or daughter?
Just watched this. Not a G.I. Joe fan in the least...
ITT Cartoons no one but you watched
"Kappa Mikey the first anime to be produced entirely in the United States"
Can we talk about this gem, Sup Forums?
Anyone else agree these two are wrong together?
Any chance of Reed coming back while Dr. Doom is Iron Man?
He stinks and I don't like him
Will he ever receive another show/movie?
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 6th November 2016 – A Little Animosity Towards Batman
This is what the Green Lantern movie should have been
Can we all agree that Spider-man's villains are objectively superior to Batman's?
Earth, wind, fire and air
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
Aku Thread
Mr. Doctor Strange
How do you feel about Death of the Endless Sup Forums?
ITT: Post your favorite Batsuit
/swco/ - Star Wars comics and cartoons
Favorite Pages Thread
Does ANYBODY actually like him anymore? Like really, genuinely like him?
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Star vs thread
Batman in the 90's
No more Laura Lewds
So Sup Forums i know you probably dislike this series because Jason Aaron is a hack...
Straight thread
ITT 10/10 comic book movie adaptations
Name a worse Disney song
Sup Forums-aproved Batman TPBs
When your waifu abruptly becomes a vicious mass murderer
What if
How come the Hex girls were popular additions to the Scooby gang? They were literally goth Josie and the Pussycats
Let's have a Rebirth Theory thread. What do you think's happening? When will we see Legion or JSA?
My mother is in the hospital after having a stroke. Pretty stressed about it...
Sell a comic to other anons by posting one panel/page also general recommendation thread too
When are we gonna get another good Batgirl run?
Harvey Beaks is coming to NickToons
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #872
HIBY part 2
Would you fug her?
Mfw cartoons have finally stopped using "Ow! My spleen!" joke
Lex Luthor: A Celebration of 75 Years storytime part 2
Non-Traditional Story time for weirdo occultist who also read comic books
Geronimo Stilton
Jango Fett - Open Seasons Storytime
Disney's Recess: Why everyone still wants to go back to school 15 years later
RWBY/RT General #949: Scheming Weiss Edition
Justice League News
Pops is God confirmed
ITT: We post good natured humor that always brings a chuckle to your mouth and that anyone can enjoy
So...did Cumberbatch manage to make it into the handsome men of the MCU club? He's prettier than Sebastian Stan...
I miss this guy, Sup Forums. He was the best part of the Ultimate universe
Bill Ward
Thomas and Friends
Thoughts on Telltale's batman game?
What the hell happened to Matt Fraction?
What was the name of that awful 3d cgi christmas special Cartoon Network aired a long time ago?
Animation Domination General #1: >it's a Taylor Swift Episode Edition
Lex Luthor: A Celebration of 75 Years storytime part 1
Ed, Edd, and Eddy fuck up on such a grand scale that the entire cul-de-sac, even Johnny, want them dead
Amethyst's pain>>>>Pearl's pain
I feel happy for him. He finally has a hit
I didn't ship the Pines twins.Why am I shipping these two? I never incest ship
Yfw this happens
Adventure time
Is there any character who can defeat Garfield?
What went right?
B&TB pics
What went wrong?
ITT: things from cartoons that you always wanted to do
Not so cool monikers
Do you watch their cartoon vlogs?
Full-New X-Men Storytime
Wonder Woman Recast? Gadot is pregnant
Sup Forums! I've come to bargain!
Abandons his 600 day long siege of the enemy capital just because he got a little emo about his son dying...
RWBY/RT General #948: Best Girl Edition
Whats her end game?
Pixar Boob physics
Why, I do believe it's time for... The Avengers‽
Miles replace Petet as Spider-Man
Champions #2
Movies like this aren't appreciated enough. Just watched again on tv and I remembered how fun and entertaining it is
Donna Troy
So is it me or Batman's Rebirth book has been extremely meh so far...
ITT: A Sup Forums character of your choice suddenly has the Boomerang stuck to them, how does their personality change?
Cheesecake Thread
Isn't afraid of a little diversity
Why do the heroes always choose the princess over the evil witch/queen when the witch or queen (or witch queen) is...
ITT: Worst Cartoons Ever
DC's smol trinity
What IMAGE comic has the best art?
What would you guys say is Deadpools ACTUAL origin story?
Explain this character to me
Is this an accurate portrayal of a native girl? Not surprising how things turned out
Spidey and Batman swap universes
What the FUCK was his problem?
I feel like writers ended up dropping the ball on Civil War II...
Rebirth Lines
"Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange… anyone who is a threat to HYDRA!"
The government is full of devil-worshipping pedophiles
A woman in her 20s who was struck by lightning – a serious injury complicated by an electronic implant in her brain...
Characters you can beat the shit out of easily
Somebody asked for this earlier in the week, and I finally have some time to do it, so here you go
New character named Witchy is introduced
Prophet Storytime Part 2: Brothers
Filename thread
Cheesecake aside, what's to like with Peej?
How would Superman save the train without injuring a single person?
You have just been told by Marvel or DC that you can write any book you want...
This fucking innuendo
Chris thread?
What went Wrong with this version of Lois ?
The Simpsons have been renewed for a 29th and 30th season
DC Trinity
RWBY/RT General #947: What lurks beneath Edition
Was there ever a time a adaptation surpassed the source material whether that be a movie or a TV show
Star vs. thread
Has the Flash ever lost a fight? How did the Flash sell comic books after he outpaced DEATH? Even in Smite (video game)...
New tmnt
Robin Wood (1944-2016)
AoU: Make it a point to save most of the Sokovia population before finishing off Ultron
Hotline Miami:Wildlife storytime thread
Happy tree friends
Steven is a far better main character than any other boy MCs right now
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Weekly write thread
Tom and Jerry Thead
Did you know that the Venture Brothers is problematic?
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Wearing a suit version of his costume
Ghost Rider: Revelations Storytime
How did it turn out so good? best dc animated anything in years. more movies like this when?
Toonami General #9
Was Sausage Party at least funny?
Toonami General #8
Toonami General #7
Toonami General #6
Tropes that you love
Toonami General #5
Is there a purer goth then her?
Looking back five years later, was it any worse than Suicide Squad?
Toonami General #4
Has internet animation finally reached its end?
What were DC thinking Sup Forums?
New Avengers Vol 2 Storytime (Part 1)
Stan Lee just finished shooting his next 4 cameos, some before the movies even started filming
Toonami General #3
What character would you legit have sex with?
Heathcliff, Garbage Ape, and others dance their way to the polling station
Who is your favorite type of villain?
Why don't people take these more seriously?
Toonami General #2
Why is Harvey's head so big?
Sup Forums Character you could narrowly beat in a fight
Milo Murphy's Law
V for Vendetta
So whats the deal with Bruce Timm and BananaTits?
What could DC do to get peej to Harley Quinn levels of popularity?
Some kind of Jason storytime
What aspect of your life caused you to escape into the world of Sup Forumsmics?
RWBY/RT General #946: Year of the Monkey Edition
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...