New character named Witchy is introduced.
New character named Witchy is introduced
Tyler Baker
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Samuel Cox
Her accent sounds.....familiar
Its like a female version of Dunkey
Jacob Powell
She appears in the credits sequence, I was wondering who that was.
She seems adorable, looking forward to more of her.
Jeremiah Gray
She's cute but she's no Rape Ghost.
Blake Ramirez
Its like a shitty newgrounds cartoon but worse
Christian Jackson
Complete with unintentional fapbait
Easton Perez
Witchy Simone isn't new, she just hasn't had more than 30 seconds of screen time. She's cute though
Jayden Foster
I didn't know she died.
Levi Taylor
Who voices this character? As the accent is both good and horrible.
Colton Morgan
Yeah. She works at Slugburger.