Best Friends Animated Adventures

Did you like them?

Also favorite Best Friends animation? I think their Machinima Respawn intro is pretty damn cool for an LP series.

Also this:

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I love best friends
stopped watching them as much, but they're still my go to non-music, non cooking video, related youtube watching experience

are you one of those people who says for live action superhero movies, too?

This isn't Sup Forums.

I enjoy the a good portion of the Best Friends' stuff, but I didn't really get into Funtime Advenrtures.

OP's mainly talking about the animated series they did.

>It's a Superbestfriends talk about comics episode
>It's a they have horrible horrible taste episode
These niggas don't even think Cyclops was right.

Best animation.

am i in the minority in thinking the SFM videos are way funnier than the plague of gripes ones?

everyone loves plague's animations. but i think they're just okay.

Hey, remember that time when Aquaman _________________________________________________________

SFM animations are life

Plague's animations are hometown

>Luke Cage is to black for me.-Woolie.

It's one of the best fisticuffs too, and one of the few eps i actually rewatch every now and then.

>plague of gripes

I will never understand why people like his DA tier art.

>Green Arrow is a Hawkeye ripoff. -Matt

They're both great, but I think the reason why you like the SFM ones more is the SFM style where it's like a mix of realistic and cartoony. That might add way more to the humor than Plague's drawings.

did you get banned from Sup Forums?

He's Canadian black. That's like American eggshell white.

Matt and Woolie still read comics like they're some sort of novelty instead of just judging them like any other medium of entertainment. I love the guys, but I want to drink bleach every time they talk about comics.

Well played

Unlike the games they didn't grow up with,

Like Matt calling Saga "one of the best fictions ever made".

It's fine if it's his favorite comic. I won't argue that at all. But calling it that? Fuck off.

>seven youtube links
>all of them animation
>thread with title "Best Friends Animated Adventures"
>most of the posts in thread so far are talking about their animations or their thoughts on comic stuff
>b-but go back to Sup Forums!!!!

So you admit it then?

yeah but he was the only one complying about it

He never said that though. In fact he specifically said the opposite.

pretty sure he said it was the best one right now, and that's true

comics is garbage now.

>the pat cartoon isn't smaller than all the others

Immersion is broken.

Woolie was actually the one to say that I think. I actually got a response from him on it saying that they know they have the tendency to overexaggerate and are trying to be more mindful of that, they just like it a whole lot. But it doesn't sound like either of them are terribly mindful of writers and reading for quality, and just kind of read whatever. Woolie and Matt still think Bendis and Slott are good writers just because they recognize their names. It's fine, they're allowed to like what they like, it's just really obnoxious when they drone on about it.

It's to white?

no but for real he complained about preaching of black history and culture don' mind in a luke cage tv-show, like common it's based on a blacksploitation comic what where you expecting.

No, he actually said Luke Cage is too black. He went on a 10 minute rant saying such classic and well thought out things like "blackity black black black" without irony. Woolie is a huge self hating sellout

i cannot listen to them talk about comics. it's painful

It's less painful than Sup Forums talking about comics.

Yes and no. I think Plague hasn't made a good video in a while, but his classic stuff was some of the absolute best

Because he's creative as shit and he has a great sense of humor which translates really well in his art.

He literally said in the following podcast that he wasn't complaining though, he loved it but he didn't expect it.

His complaint was less "it's too black" and more "it's trying too hard to be black".

>Woolie was actually the one to say that I think.

No, it was Matt.

And they said they wouldn't overexaggerate in the same episode they said that.


>Even the gator is afraid of dick-biting snakes.

Yeah, that was the podcast with them raving about Kubo. The irony was palpable.

The only two that read comics, woolie and matt, are just front runners that want to stand with the more vocal people on twitter. Woolie will love or hate whatever is trendy.

He doesn't really have opinions, he just goes along with whatever is popular.

he's probably funny sure but he's not that great of an artist, especially sucks that he designs Zubaz in the new indivisible game and not other artist they know.

like rennerei

>It's like when you're reading Planet of the Symbiotes and...
Why does every time Woolie tries to talk about comics I'm overtaken by all-consuming rage?

They don't know their shit.

Neither do I, but at least I admit it.

To be fair all of these kinda suck and the only one recognizable as Baz is Cranky's, and only because he traced over Baz's concept art.

because he's an idiot

agree that's why i'm mad that they picked "worst" artist for the job.

Side note but I can't stand Plague's voice.

>every time they mention bunnyhop

You mean Super Junglebunny Hop of the Blackface Boyz?

That's fair.

I could overlook Matt fudging up a few Frank Facts in The Punisher LP but Woolie's rant about O'Brien's death in MAX was a whole other level of stupid.

You mean

>every time Matt mentions bunnyhop

Does Sup Forums like Matt? Sup Forums fucking hates his guts.

Why is it a Best Friends thread can go 20 posts without once talking about their LPs while an Egoraptor thread talks about how he sucks at games in the first post? Seems impossible to talk about the awesome series and Ego's old work without people bitching about Game Grumps, Jon Tron, and Ocarina of Time.

Sometimes I forget he's there.

I find Woolie so irritating a lot of the time. Most of the time when he talks about something he is so obnoxious because his knowledge is limited but everything point is started with a condescending "What it IS is...*a bunch of wrong shit where he missed the point* ".

I also just can't stand how he falls back on the argument of "agree to disagree" or "well, FOR ME" i.e. appealing to subjectivity when the topic of conversation is the quality of something NOT his subjective reaction to it.

Also Danganronpa was a travesty.

>Woolie is a huge self hating sellout

No shit, they constantly talk about how much of a race traitor he is.

I mean these guys aren't Ego-level bad at games for the most part and have a podcast as well. I know several people that almost completely ignore their LP channel and just listen to the podcast.

My opinion of Matt can vary wildly. Sometimes, I love him. Other times, I want him to shut his idiot meme-spouting mouth.

I was a little bother by how when patt asked them if image was good.

Matt couldn't be assed to say yes or no, or even bother to differentiate 90s edge Image or modern day movie pitches Image.


He's...Pretty annoying. His voice is fucking awful as well.

Everyone knows only Liam is any good at games because he's 12 years old and his reactions haven't slowed down yet.

It hits all my buttons.

I never watched them, sorry Matt, I know this was basically your Fighterpedia.

But what's the point of caring if an LPer is bad at games? Isn' the point a commentary? If someone wanted an actual walkthrough of the game, they wouldn't be watching jokey people who fumble around. I never got the impression people watched things like PewDiePie for his rocking abilities. In fact, the longer a person takes in a game, the more commentary you get.

So Sup Forums:

WHO is the Best Friend?

Vita, of course.

I find myself laughing a lot more at Matt but agreeing more with Pat. I don't listen to their podcast so I can't relate to people who find Matt annoying. I think he ends up having the funniest jokes and has the best laugh.

He seems like a nice dorky guy but I'm with this guy to a lesser extent I think people give him way too much shit.

That's true, but you'd hope the person was at least competent at the game being played, otherwise you might as well have no gameplay at all and just have it be a pure audio-only channel. Commentary is a part of it, but if there's no progress there's less to comment on.

>That period Pat was basically Lex Luthor with a scat fetish

Started off cringing, ended up enjoying the sheer ridiculousness of it.

>I think people give him way too much shit.

I agree, even though he does deserve it sometimes.

>That time Matt wouldn't stop quoting Steven Universe

I can't escape that show, no matter how hard I try.

He comes as a huge man child at times who can't handle being made fun of.

He's fine but he's way too thin skinned.
Liam is pretty great after last nights macaroni nightmare

plz gib full pic

>Feels bad for getting upset over stupid things during the podcast
>Proceeds to kill himself via kraft mac and cheese

How did you feel about the time when Pat kept talking about that one DBZ fanfic?

Macaroni Armageddon was incredible

I was so happy to know at least one of the best friends thought it was an "ehhh" show, because Liam, Matt, and I think even Woolie fucking love it. Which of course they do because they're giant Japanese nerds.

I don't even know who this person is they keep fucking talking about. It's getting really annoying.

Liam is the worst. He's a pseudo neutral wet blanket that spergs out over the most random things. He's a pedantic little shit.

Last weeks podcast the gang is having a fun time talking about the pokemon starters. Liam tells them all to stop because arguing about it is pointless. They make a waifu joke and stop.

This fucker never admits he's wrong. Before MGSV came out he spent 5 minutes arguing about how it would never be on ps360 even though he was factually wrong he still refused to back down. At best he'll go cry on twitter to tell his most ardent supporters he'll try and speak more clearly next podcast...but he will never EVER admit he's wrong. Liam is the worst and I sincerely wish he would quit and do something else.

>When Liam talks about anything.
He's not gaining fans by doing this.

[Spoiler]>tfw I was a huge tbfp fan and I ran a moderately successful quotes blog on Tumblr and now I'm like 2.5 years behind.[/spoiler]

I'll get caught up one day!

Turn Liam into a girl and you've got yourself a two season contract

Super Bunnyhop. A reviewer, but whose shining moment was his fantastic MGS3 play-through on EE, also with no tranq and no kills.

I feel like Liam is at his most annoying when he plays Devil's advocate when he has no points or raise or even just facetious ones but I guess that is just what you said.

Find Woolie way more irritating though because of how inarticulate he is whilst also being condescending. They're a toxic combo for LPs and I'm glad megaman is dying on its arse like Danganronpa did hopefully that pairing will be killed off so we can pair Woolie with Pat who at least consistently tells him he is an idiot like he needs to hear.

>Matt talks about his wife
>Matt talks about movies
I guess I'll be the only one on Sup Forums who doesn't see the big deal.

>Also Danganronpa was a travesty.

I would rather have them shit over the dub they have them talk over the moon speak.

I actually don't mind the avocado shtick too much, in moderation. It can break up a nonstop hype/gwasses circlejerk, and keep Woolie from making more enemies on Sup Forums and /m/.

>Matt talks about movies
>not Matt spoils movies he's seen recently.

I mean my biggest problem was those two made no effort to BE fucking engaging at all and just spouted unentertaining nonsense.

I really appreciated that podcast episode where they were asked about videos they considered less successful and Matt was fairly salient and said how the worst video to him is a BORING one so you see he has a vague priority in his mind to be entertaining. Woolie on the other hand was just a salty bitch who complained people were comparing LPs to edited down machinima episodes and thus any complaints about LPs being unfunny/boring were "comparing two different things, maaaan". I wish Pat hadn't been absent that week so he could have just shot Woolie down.

So far, I think he does that shit on purpose.

At least they had the decency to finish it. Any other channel would have dropped it after all that nonsense.

Most of the time their choices in games are terrible/don't interest me.

The Fall
Freedom Planet

The only good WooLiam LP was Guacamelee. Most times the good LPs with Woolie and Liam have Matt with them too.

>No one in this thread hates Pat
Good. He is the best of the friends.

He does it because he doesn't care about spoilers but for some reason he doesn't care about others' feelings about it.

>Do we go left or right?
>If we were going to the Far East, we'd go West, right?
>But West is right?

What the fuck did Liam and Matt mean by this?