The protagonist of the last Sup Forums thing you read/watched committed a crime and Harvey Birdman has to defend him.
What's the charge? Does he succeed in defending?
The protagonist of the last Sup Forums thing you read/watched committed a crime and Harvey Birdman has to defend him.
What's the charge? Does he succeed in defending?
Pretty sure Harvey Birdman did a Global Warming episode which ended up with everyone drowning at the bottom of the ocean
>Philip J. Fry
I can't think of a charge but I'm fairly certain Fry would be okay no matter what it was
he did kill the shapeshifter in the second to last episode
>Zipher from Pandemonium Wizard Village
Partially responsible for causing a huge fire and burning down one of the main buildings, as well as nearly getting everyone in the village killed.
I'm not sure he'd be so lucky.
>The protagonist of the last Sup Forums thing you read/watched committed a crime and Harvey Birdman has to defend him.
Chip and Dale.
>What's the charge?
Public nudity and attempted rape.
If I remember correctly, he was framed for the destruction of Earth-51.
I don't think Harvey can prove him innocent unless he does some Ace Attorney tier stuff or the Chewbacca Defense.
She probably stole a snickers because she thought it was free or something
Or burned a supermarket to the ground.
We never learn of Clarence's crime just that it was unspeakable. Harvey tries to defend Clarence using mental disability as inability to to be responsible for his actions. Then he has to prove he's actually mentally disabled. All played over the top maudlin whether or not he's disabled or if Harvey is doing the right thing except Clarence who just rambles like himself the whole show but nobody really acknowledges that.
Arrested for having too fine an ass.
The prosecutor was Reducto. So yeah, she won.
Superman gets puts trial for murder, identify fraud/theft, and probably a few counts of breaking and entering, jay-walking, and a host of other minor crimes.
I'm betting that Harvey gets him off on some legal technicality or the case gets dismissed due to lack of evidence. Or Clark Kent gets sent to an insane asylum.
>armed robbery
>grand larceny
>grand theft auto
>reckless endangerment
>possession of illegal firearms
No way she's getting away with it
Can my character help Harvey to defend himself?
But she knows its all just a cartoon. She probably robs a bank with Harvey tagging along and uses the proceeds to pay off Mentok. Which would 100% work on that show.
I dont think Rorschach doesn't have much of a chance even then he will probably escape
Oh this ought to be interesting.
>Gentlemen... BEHOLD. I bring you...... EXHIBIT A!
It's an ear of corn with spider legs.
>Uhhh, doc they haven't called you to the stand.
>Well STEVE I'm standing! And no one esle is contradticting me! So I must be on the stand!
>Doctor Weird, as your attorney I have to say that you do some damn fine defense work.
>I will have order! Dr. Weird, Mentok commands you to either sit down or shave your legs!
>Nair's already been invented doc.
Doctor Weird proceeds to hose Steve down with that weird atomic breath he used when he replaced his dick with an antler.
>Captain America
Not a chance in hell. We're talking about Harvey Birdman, after all.
I'd pay to watch this mess.
I mean, the time he actually WAS on trial was kind of a shit show.
Tyrannical ruler
She'd get out because she is one of the few people who can lead Mars, that or dodgers interferes.
Considering he has some games that more or less follow the Ace Attorney style, I think he should be fine...ish.
I would like for the prosecution to go more into detail about this "Mecha-Shiva"
>Spider Motherfucking Jerusalem
>Assault & Battery
>Public Urination
>Public Nudity
>Grand Theft Auto
>Possession of illegal firearms (The Bowel Disruptor)
I don't see this going too well. If he's got Journalist's Insurance that's up to date, on the other hand...
Dr.Strange and for perverting the laws of nature.
i guess offending an SJW who claims that them spreading ideas is misognistic,racist and triggering.Birdman probably wins the case by revealing the sjw was eric idle in disguise wanting to ruin dreamfinder so he could have imagination pavillion to himself, demolish it and turn it into the ministry for silly walks. episode ends by Figment accidently causing Eric Idle to explode.
>Rick Sanchez
Remember that court transcription Roiland read? Basically that.