What does Sup Forums think of the funny internet animator Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson?

What does Sup Forums think of the funny internet animator Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson?

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What went wrong?


dont you have to do animations to be considered an animator?

stay out of here Arin

jon left


Jon was the Shawn Micheals to Arin's Marty Janetty

Can I finally dicuss Game Grumps somewhere on Sup Forums? Sup Forums wont allow any discussion because autists there get pissed that those threads get a lot of traffic while their shitty ones dont.

Arin realized he made more money from just sitting on his ass playing video games than animating, so he decided to ditch his life goals and just do that.

Jon, on the other hand, wanted to actually do his own thing, so he jumped ship after realizing he was stuck at a creative dead-end as long as he was on Game Grumps.