Sup Forums, how did you feel about the way the big villain Doctor Strange was "defeated"...

Sup Forums, how did you feel about the way the big villain Doctor Strange was "defeated"? I know this board hated the way Ronan was taken out and in a way this was kind of similar as it was a punchline.

Someone mind spoiling the ending for me? I haven't gone to watch Strange and don't plan to any time soon.

He annoyed the big bad until it agreed to go away.

Strange bargaining with the big extra dimensional cosmic bad was the most in character thing they could've done and it was by far the best moment of the movie. You even asking this outs you as a casual.

Unless you're refering to Kaecilius, which you shouldn't because he not only wasn't the real villain, he was barely a character and a criminal waste of Mads. Dormammu was handled well, appearance aside.

Strange has always made deals, bargains, and outsmarted other dimensional beings 100 times over in the comics

The ending was reportable the most true to comic scene that isn't even from a comic book.

I felt it was the best thing (besides the imagery) they done cause there was no way Strange could take out Dormammu in a fight, especially in the Dark Dimension and it still makes Dormammu look all powerful, even in his defeat.

It's literally the most unique way to defeat a villain I've seen in a comic book movie

It reminded me of Neil Gaiman's Sandman for some reason.

Does anyone get what I mean, or am I nuts?

Part of it was a missed opportunity, the movie didn't properly show how well he had mastered the mystical arts yet, they should've left it even more vague, and then at the end (like Groundhog Day) have him try out new defensive/offensive tactics, spells he hadn't mastered (that we hadn't been shown, but that he had read in the library), and had him keep getting better and better, even though at the end knowing he would still die, he could at least 'hurt' Dormammu, or stretch out his life a little longer; so that when Dormammu gave up and Strange returned to Earth, after weeks/months/years in the loop, the audience would know he was now a master sorcerer.

Perfect. What else would have made sense?

>Amateur magician defeating a eons old God through sheer firepower
>Dance off
>Magic Muffin that saves everyone

Instead we see Strange stand 0 zero chance in a fire fight and be forced to use his brain.