Why do so many modern cartoons have to have one (or more) of these tropes:
>Quirky, awkward, serious protagonist >Lol so random XD wacky sidekick >The reverse of those, with a wacky protagonist and a serious sidekick >Cringy, unnatural-sounding dialogue that a preschooler could come up with >Supposed lore that only attracts millennials who are just starting college >Making said millennials the show's target audience >Forced romance that ultimately leads nowhere >Forced diversity for divrsity's sake >Ugly character designs, some of which obviously have no effort or imagination put into them
And so on. Pic related seems to show potential, but even it's fallen victim to some of these tropes.
Seriously, I don't understand. What's the appeal of all this? How come no one's gotten sick of seeing this stuff yet?
Isaiah Miller
Kill yourself faggot.
Jaxson Lee
It's called trends.
Every decade or so cartoons have them. It's not a thing that just started to happen this generation. Go take a look at cartoons of every decade and you'll notice a similarity in most of them.
Kevin Evans
It's just the style right now, OP. These things move in waves, and we're likely not going to see something different until another 5 years.
Mason Allen
A lot of things you've mentioned have been happening for years. Tropes/Cliches are just something that happens. As long as they're done well enough it should be fine.
Colton Young
>>Quirky, awkward, serious protagonist >>Lol so random XD wacky sidekick >>The reverse of those, with a wacky protagonist and a serious sidekick The silly guy and the straight man is literally the oldest trope in the book.
Connor Smith
Carter Stewart
those shows are "the story of a life", which translate by white people telling you the story they wrote when they were 12 and "deep" and somehow it shaped their whole life ever since so they have to tell you. But in the end, it's generic 12 year old fantasy. self inserts + derivative content to build things, and humour that goes from "wow it's like that movie I like" to "lol farts". If you want to sum up in one word, it's "(wo)manchildren"