Yfw too many sorcerers

yfw too many sorcerers


Man that outfit looks like shit. Just looks like the kind of shit stock "vaguely eastern" apparel you would see in like that awful 90's Mortal Kombat live action series

all the robes were pretty great tbqh and obviously if they gave mordo a super special green robe it would have been too much of an indicator that he is going to rise to something super duper important or something

>guy in green robe uses magic and has boots that allow him to hover

So, Nintendo will sue right?

Not really a surprise, I was more like "ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME"

After that part someone in the theater yelled out "What the fuck, I hate sorcerers now".


I left during the first after-credits scene

fuck Marvel for making me wait through useless credits, at the very least DC has the mind to let us know about future movies during the movie

That was unexpected.