Superman is a loser!

Superman is a loser!

Fuck off, Cho!


Oh, a good old fashioned Superman hate thread, eh? We haven't had one of those in awhile.

Damian is a little franchise-killing faggot.

No One Likes Superman Anymore -


I like him.

No, you are.

Superman is poison. If you seek his poison, look around you.

That's stupid. He's indestructible because his kryptonian cells combined with a yellow sun make him invulnerable

His ship shouldn't be indestructible JUST because its from Krypton.

Oh yeah it's really retarded reasoning but it makes for cool scenes.

Don't think it's necessary for indestructible suits though, due to bio-aura. They could have it be indestructible AND made by his mother if they wanted.

But in dark knight returns superman won the fight. Batman gave a few hits and then faked his death to run away. Running like a coward after cheating using his friends in the battle is not exactly a victory.

>to run away. Running like a coward after cheating using his friends in the battle is not exactly a victory.
It is if you're a Joestar.

I see where you're coming from, but I believe it's canon that some Kryptonian matters were indestructible. In prior canon, Superman's clothes were indestructible (could sustain damages done by his speed or by received blows) because they came from the fibers in his baby sheets.

I guess writers are allowed to use that fact in order to say whether or not such or such Kryptonian artifact is indestructible

And no normal, decent person ever liked Damian.

I like Damian when Morrison writes him and how Morrison uses him.

Batman & Son is a favorite of mine.

Jasonfrag pls.

Well you're on Sup Forums and you're probably a faggot. There's nothing normal about that.

Words hurt user

Jasonfag pls. kill yourself,

faggot.? Tim Drake ?

Down the shitter this thread goes. See what happens with Damian?

And no normal, decent person ever liked Tim Drake.

He was my favorite Robin growing up and had the best ongoing series any Robin's ever had.

We Know.

Bruce Wayne is actually son of Joseph Joestar.

Ladies please, we all know Dick is the worst Robin.

Miller was right to do what he did to the character. The most interesting thing ever done to him until DC made him a spy.

You the user that always shitted up the Grayson threads?

Kill yourself loser.


>Gary was here!

Lex Luthor is a petty little bitch!

Second worst part. She shouldn't have the power to even do that if she wanted to. Superman is just too durable.


I'm a decent person, and I like Tim Drake.

Dick Grayson likes Tim :^)

He's vulnerable to bad writing

Supes is fucking great.

You do know, that Russians kicked his ass before Batman, don't you? And without kryptonite.

this thread angers me, leave Superman alone.

>Superman is a loser!
And the sky is blue and water is wet.

Whats with the recent upswing in character wars bullshit on here?

>implying a nuke could hurt Superman
Such bad writing.

>Man of science
>can't reproduce his results

>Genius: The Transgression.jpeg