Are French-Muslim superheroes a good idea?

Are French-Muslim superheroes a good idea?

In fiction, there are no bad ideas, just bad delivery.

Marvel's newest A-lister is a Pakistani-American Muslim girl and one of DC's most popular Rebirth books is about a Lebanese-American Muslim man who fights aliens with a Latina woman. So no, I don't think comic readers have a problem with Muslims.

What about jewish-muslims?
Captain Juslim

This right here. As long as it's executed properly, just about anything can be good.

Yep. This pretty much sums up most problems that the comic industry has when it comes to diversity.

The ideas are not good or bad on principal. Hell, if you had said to me when I first started reading comics, Annihulus becomes a bigger threat than Thanos and beats Galactus, I would have told you that is the shittest thing I have heard.

But, after reading the event, I can say that Annihalation up to Imperative is god-tier and I love the shit of it now.

Likewise, the idea of the Avengers fighting a group of their greatest threats for one arc, sounds fucking awesome but Dissembled is a goddamn mess.

What mattters is the execution.

>there are no bad ideas, just bad delivery.
Homosexual superheroes don't make sense because superheroes are supposed to have a sense of morality. I guess unless he tries to fix himself as part of the story?



Sorry buddy but superheroes have to have morality. Edgy degenerate "superheroes" have no place in media.

I don't know what the point is in having a Muslim superhero, honestly for most comic characters, their faith is irrelevant. Tell me Bruce Wayne is Jewish and it wouldn't make a difference (to be honest, I don't know if he has a religion or not, probably an edgy atheist but who knows). You would have to call attention over the fact that he's Muslim, which could be distracting and potentially more offensive than not having a Muslim character anyway.

Faith is not always irrelevant. Had Superman been adopted by a Jewish family, it would have been very funny when they tried to circumcise him.

>Not liking Midnighter and Apollo

what are you, a faggot?

Nightrunner is the best of the extended batfamily and he is literally never used.

Bruce Wayne is a canon atheist even though he has on countless occasions been confronted with literally angels and forces of god and actual Hell and demons and magic and ghosts etc. Yet he still believes there is no afterlife. Bruce Wayne may be the most stubborn fedora to ever tip.

About as good as an idea as French Muslims.

Good for an occasional story in algeria, or for some local color. But they never have the balls to go all the way with the shit, so they're not reaching full power.

A french Muslim evil genius, going maximum Dr Doom, and allah everyone's ackbar might be good for a change, but we have zero chance of seeing one.

>Bruce Wayne is a canon atheist
Lying through your teeth unless it was literally retconned five minutes ago. Bruce has always been portrayed as a Christian.

XD Sup Forums is always right!! upvote

You're in for a rude, edgy, dumbass awakening.

Batman isn't atheist, he's just not religious. He believes there's a higher power out there somewhere (he's literally been to heaven multiple times and accepted it), but you won't see him in church on Sunday.

Boy sees his parents pointlessly murdered in front of his eyes, an event that scars and warps his whole life.

And you think he "obviously" believes in the just God theology of Christianity.
You keep shoveling this.

batman a pussy bitch nigga

He literally gets down on his knees and prays to God afterwards. Why would they change such an iconic scene like this?

He's not Christian. He is aware that "God" is real but also knows that God is not the character the Bible portrays him to be and perceives that would world to just be exactly that: some other world.

>heroes being moral is Sup Forums
No wonder people hate Superman.

XD I'm literally laughing out loud ha haaaaa! XD XD I hope Sup Forums never leaves

Yes, a truly poignant scene where this poor orphaned child realizes that if any God even hears his prayers, it simply does not care.

And you believe that child's childish belief in having his wishes granted by God if he truly truly believes hard enough survived that direct evidence?

Apparently not, since only one or two have ever been successful.

... direct evidence TO THE CONTRARY.


Bruce is Jewish by blood but doesn't practice any faith

Daredevil being Catholic is a fairly significant part of his characterization.

When it comes to the faith of the superhero, the relevancy comes from a couple places. One, their faith often informs their moral code, such as their attitude towards murder, adultery, and theft. A devout Zoroastrian would be much more critical of lying and fraud, for example.
Two, what they fear if they mess up. An Atheist worries if they will be able to live with their mistakes and misdeeds. A Catholic worries they will burn in hell for their sins. A Hindu worries how their karma will impact their next life. A Shintoist worries if they will be able to join their revered ancestors or if they will be cursed and forgotten. Such things alter context and tone.
Third, what kind of advice they get when they seek solace with their spiritual advisor. Do they go to a church, a temple, a mosque? How to they pray? Kneeling? Bowing? Silently, or vocally? Such things produce different imagery,
Fifth, a lot of superheroes end up being written into stories where they re-enact certain myths or events from their religion. So a Christian might have a story where their are persecuted for their good deeds, and rather than lie about who they are or what they have done they own up to what they did defiantly. A Jesus allegory. While a Hindu might have a story where they have to kill a whole army, but don't want to, and get reminded that no matter what they feel, a lot of people are going to die that day, and it is the duty of the hero to see the fight to the end rather than run away and hope someone else does it. An Arjuna allegory.

A character's faith an invite different kinds of stories. yes, you could do those same stories without them, but a character having an explitit religious background informs the writers of some stories that would be thematically appropriate to draw inspiration from.

Now you're just hamming it up, user

Lapsed Catholic, if anything.

Why don't you just read the comics? Do you not possess the means or the times?

I don't know if anyone will ever read a post this long but I did user and I think you make a very good point, especially when it comes to your fifth point.

Alright, alright: calm down. Here.

They make just as good villains

Give me one fucking scene where he prays, goes to church or does anything remotely Christian in main canon from O'Neil's run on. Gothic has him raised Christian but clearly no longer into it considering he was abused by a man of the cloth, and I think that's the closest you're gonna get.

Why don't you? You're going to be able to count the amount of times Batman does something religious on one hand post crisis, if any

So Captain America is an edgy immoral superhero to you? (he's not gay he's just explicitly supported gay rights)


Daredevil and Nightcrawler met actual asgardian and greek gods, and several cosmic entities, but they still believe that the christian god is the real deal.

I agree with this dude.

And I also agree with this dude.

Good French things:
-Baked goods

ok, that was pretty funny

Thor gets beat up.

They ever seen Jesus or God get beat up?

Yeah that's what I thought.

Uh... Dude... I've got some bad news for you about Jesus...

Depending on which version you talk about.

In Islamic version, Jesus (pbuh) never dead and he's not a God.

And the prophets (pbut) aren't immortal and they do get hurt.

While there are no bad ideas in terms of premise, making a character from a country you only know through the news is bound to impede your execution.
Like that guy is muslim and arab from a French suburb who does parkour and gets beaten by racist cops, it kind of looks like a checklist.
Aside from that parkour did emerge in French suburbs, but was created by black, white and asian French people and originally had very low penetration power among arabs.


>So no, I don't think comic readers have a problem with Muslims.
You're funny.

Superman's powers didn't manifest until he was already in school, though.
Also Superman's got a lot of Jewish traits due to his creators so I always thought it would make sense to have the Kents be Jewish, but then we couldn't get Snyder's hamhanded symbolism.

This is a good, reasonable post, and if more Sup Forumsmrades were like you we might be able to practice a higher level of discourse. Have a (You).

As Islam is an inherently evil ideology, no it doesn't make sense unless the supposed "Muslim" is so non-muslim as to be effectively secular, as is the case with Kamala Khan.

Someone actually took the time to make that?

I'm... Impressed.

To be fair, the one behind all is not only a real thing but even the msm depiction of the christian god puts him a level above other gods, who are merely stronger humans

>So no, I don't think comic readers have a problem with Muslims
But we do have problems with the French

It all depends of the treatment.
If they make a big deal out of it, it will end up cleaving and cliché, one way or the other.

In the case of Batman though, it could give another layer to the "do not kill villains", because killing is against the religion's ideology.

It could help fight prejudices Americans have against Islam, but it's hard to believe the treatment could be good.
Ms Marvel is fucking awful because it makes a big deal out of it and because it's full of clichés.

>because killing is against the religion's ideology.
Here is your [you].

That was proof of everything that was wrong with Falcon Cap. Captain America should have not take sides, taking part in a political side even if its for supporting gay rights was stupid.

>Bruce Wayne is a canon atheist even though he has on countless occasions been confronted with literally angels and forces of god and actual Hell and demons and magic and ghosts etc.
Proof? Of the atheist part.


I have problems with muslisms, niggers, latinos, chink and women taking the mantles of known heroes.

Although in general I also have problems with new white heterosexual males taking the mantles of known heroes.

The only scenario where I accept someone getting the mantle is if the original one dies, like actual diying I mean, permadeath, finito, caput.

Yes, a french super hero would raise the white flag moments before the battle even starts .

French-Muslim people aren't a good idea, let alone French-Muslim superheroes.

das racis

Why the Hell do people get mad at jokes like this? God damn, Sup Forumsmblr is real and I hate it.

His costume was a great idea.

>Snyder is literally the only person in history on this planet to make Jesus symbolism about Superman

I like Snyder loads but even I wouldn't make that claim.



exactly and the same can be applied to most women since they have no concept of honor and duty
there's only a few justified cases like WW and Hawkgirl

Most of them are whores too so they can't really be "superheroes" for that reason too. Original Mary Marvel was perfect.