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Oh wait oops

I got the joke regardless, OP.

Yeah "oops"

Thanks for the kek op


>hurr durr nazi
>bawww occupied land apartheid state zionist agenda

You liberals are vapid self-contradicting stupid shit hypocrites. You fuckers are out confiscating guns and defending godless race eugenics with your Planned Parenthood. You stink with your constant empty headed cries of "racist" as though you're constantly farting, meanwhile screaming "uncle tom" and "cunt" and openly bragging about wanting others gang-raped, asaulted, and murdered like the pretentious entitled miserable air-head that you are.

Take a fist to your fat sour ugly face you worthless race-worshipping hypocrite.

I don't get it.

Settle down, Giuliani.

You are racist though, right?