What went Wrong with this version of Lois ?
making her 50 ft tall was a misstep.
>not having a giantess fetish
She was bitch and wasn't Superman's gf. Thankfully, she's dead and those dark times are behind us.
Red shorts when?
Lois is hard to write. Without the easy fallback of 'slightly bitchy Superman wife' to fall back on, a lot of writers stumbled to portray Lois in an interesting way and instead used her purely as a source of conflict for Clark. She wasn't his sole link to humanity (which was a stupid concept that they really shouldn't bring back), or his only friend (I was so glad that Jimmy Olsen was finally getting to be Superman's best friend again but there that went), and writers didn't know how to write a spitfire action reporter who often went into the same dangerous situations as Superman without the superpowers to back her up. So she ended up as just that bitch who got in Superman's way. I don't defend New 52 Lois, but I have to admit I wish we didn't go straight back to Post-Crisis' bland safe version of her either.
She was too much of a bitch, to put it in the simplest terms.
Yes we all know the drill: she's mean to Clark, she puts the story over everything else, is feisty, etc. but this is often accompanied by the soft side we see when she's by Supes' side.
So I guess you could say she needed more of the Super dick to be liked.
there was nothing wrong
superman fans are autistic and unable to accept change
Why must she be Clark's only link to humanity? There are hundreds of thousands of people in Metropolis alone. Let him make some new S.Link with others for once.
Because once Superman and Lois got married, most of the rest of his supporting cast pretty much disappeared into the far background. It was pretty much just her, the Justice League, and sometimes Supergirl for a lot of the 90's and 2000's, right up until the New 52 separated them and Clark was forced to find new friends. Now with Superdad we're seeing the exact same dynamic set up again.
We need Bibbo back. His brother could work at star labs.
I really liked his moments in Death of Superman.
>there was nothing wrong.
Bullshit. They made the ideal spitfire journalist into a readership obsessed editor.
Bibbo yes, but also giving Perry White a bigger role than maybe showing up once in a while, letting Pete Ross be friends with him again, having Superman actually talk to John Henry, letting the Legion of Superheroes pop in outside of events, bringing Jimmy back into the fold like he just was. Johns' Action Comics started to do this a little, and New 52 did a great job with Jimmy, but both times they were completely ignored by the next writer coming in. Superman's supporting cast seems doomed to being a cast of background designs that shout yay when Superman catches that plane.
>what went wrong?
The simple answer is that they weren't writing Lois Lane as Lois Lane.
Bibbo is back but I'm not sure if they will use him much,
She was buried so that DC's forced ship of Superman and Wonder Woman could sail
>it was different therefore it was bad
It's bad since it's the complete opposite of who lois lane is supposed to be. Making her a sellout isn't a good direction for the character.
She's was a bit cheaper but I actually liked that. I really wish we got to see a proper reconciliation between her and superbro after truth.
I wish we got to see the romance between her and superbro eventually happen
Fucking spell check
The hardcore cucking theme of the first few issues of the New 52 really soured me on her. So it seems she died? Good news if you ask me.
>His friends outside of work disappeared once her got married.
Too real DC, too real.
That's a lie, user. The 2000's was filled with characters like Steel, Traci 13, Steel's niece, STARlabs people. The Daily Planet cast also never went away. There was even more characters added to it like Perry White's black adopted son.
Superman's cast in the 90's and 2000's was bloated as fuck.
Lois is at her most interesting when she is in love with Superman and Clark Kent. Look she can be good on her own hell I would say she has some stories on her own, but all you could do with Lois if you take out the Superman stuff is generic reporter stuff, and with the focus on the initial Wonder Woman stuff over her she ended up well pushed to the sidelines because no matter what she would look like a bitch if she got in the plot.
>Cuck Superman to establish that this relationship is not happening. John Carrol a waste of a character.
>Lois still is in love with Clark but won't tell him for reason and amnesia.
>Lois is popular but she's great as a supporting character not the lead.
>Revealing Clark's identity, they tried there hardest to justify that but it still felt forced.
Look I love Lois, but when your a supporting character in comics reboots screw you the most over because the new writer will just make new one to fill your old role.
She's been lame since long because readers wanted more realism and feminism. Lois is the best when she's obsessed over marrying Superman and tries to trick him into tying the knot.