ITT: you are given the task of filling up the new avengers ranks

post your new avengers line up
> include reasons
> emphasis on new


>sullying peter by putting him on the avengers

This one

Multiple Man
Doctor Strange

captain falcon
> because it's probably better that rogers retires (also diversity points)
johnny storm
> fun character, gives him something to do while he waits for the fantastic for to come back
> having a speedster is a good addition to the team
> she's inhuman, quicksliver's wife, and johnny's ex so why not
> because she's hot (also diversity points)
> because we need a non-powered player
> we need a mystical member
iron patriot (lila rhodes)
> because fuck riri


Here is the basic lineup I would try to create.

>Cammi Bennally
>Noriko Ashida
>Julian Keller
>Ex Nihlo/Abyss Hybrid
>Omega Sentinel
>Beta Ray Bill

This team would test the very limits what it would mean to be Avengers. Basically they would be what Tony 'envisioned' the Avengers being in Hickman's run. They would fight foes from all over the Marvel Universe.

There would be a few characters who would be important to the plot who were not in the line up like Nova and Magik, but that would be the main line up.

If I was writing at Marvel, I would also use this line up for to help build up this Crisis, that I previous envisioned. The Crisis in question would be this one.

The characters that I would use for the Crisis would be the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Knowhere team, along with a few other X-Men, Avengers and Cosmic characters.

Leader: Winter Solider

Tech/Engineer: Iron Spider

Mystic/Cosmic: Captain Marvel

Tank: She-Hulk

Non-Powered: Dare Devil

Brains: Sue Storm

So you'd turn the New Avengers into a comedy? I am suprisingly okay with this.

>Inb4 Logan quits by the end of the first issue but his image is still used to draw in fanboys.

I literally copied Bendis New Avengers