What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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They didn't know shit about their shows
Fucking PC soccor moms trying to make cash from anime. You do the math.
hey they did other shit not anime too
Too much silly, cheesy, obvious censorship.
Although they did make YuGiOh hilarious.
They just thought that if they offered Japanese cartoons to kids but took all the Japanese stuff out of it they'd be able to prevent a generation of weeaboos. Sadly, they failed.
lost the rights to pokemon. only show responsible for their popularity
they stole money
They lost Pokemon.
>Nintendo of America being heavily involved in the first season of pokemon with script changes,music edits etc. Which would go on to be the structure of all their future dubs
>CEO acting like an idiot at cons, and in general being an idiot in interviews.
>Toei basically handing 4kids the license to One Piece hoping it would be a huge hit
>Pretty much everything besides yugioh and pokemon were complete failures
>attempting to release uncut dvds but half-assed it with dubtitles, and 3 episode volumes
TMNT was pretty good at least
Pokemon and Ultimate Muscle were great dubs that's a fucking fact, you can't prove me wrong.
They censored the living fuck out of every anime dub because muh chilluns
The One Piece thing wasn't completely their fault, they just wanted Shaman King but Toei said they could only have it if they took One Piece as well.
There's just so much shit in One Piece that 4kids edits out of their other shows that when you look at it, of course it's going to be a hacked up mess.
I think Kinnikuman gets some credit because of how fucking hard it is to translate to begin with.
It's chock full of super japanese specific cultural referencies and fucking bizzare shit, but they managed to do it.
Porygon dub when?
It wasn't before?
That actually makes sense since they kinda treated Shaman King nicer than One Piece.
No I agree Toei completely screwed them by giving them such a violent long running series. Who knows maybe that was the intention
They didn't pay for yugioh so they got shafted.
They probably thought One Piece could become the next Pokemon here if they gave it to 4kids.
But in the end it kinda killed One Piece in the west.
They thought they were the hottest shit, but in reality, they couldn't keep up with the times. They thought they knew the best way to dub anime, but over time, obviously, the heavy censorship, name changes and altered music only style of anime dubbing isn't much of a thing anymore.
pretty much this. They should have focused more on the cable networks rather than syndication. Make dubs that were still edited slightly to meet CN's standards, but could still produce uncut releases for the hardcore fans.
DBZ tanked in syndication, but became a smash hit the when the saiyan saga it reran on Toonami. The Frieza saga dub was made on a shoestring budget, BUT was produced uncut, and then edited down for TV so it could be put alongside the japanese track on the dvds.
4kids had a potential goldmine, but fucked it up royally
who /foxbox/ here?
forgot pic
Kirby: Right Back at Ya was the shit
I'm still mad about the big VA swap Pokemon did.
happened when 4kids lost the series surprisingly. Not sure why the cast had to change since the dub is still produced in new york using the same talent pool of VAs
Apparently it was a cost cutting thing or some shit, it ended up costing more since when they first aired the mirage episode the reaction to the VA's were so negative they had to redo it all.
You mean TPCi
I can't get used to the voices. Sarah Natochenny has been doing Ash's voice for 10 years now and I still think Veronica Taylor did it better
Looking back it's amazing DBZ took off with shit like this
Veronica has kinda said they hit a point where its not really possible for her to come back anyway due to how long its been and Ash magically sounding younger.
All armature VA should really watch the early Funi DBZ dubbing.
Sarah's been doing it longer than Veronica so there's no point in changing it now.
fuck they could have went even further, and had Sean Schemmel play someone in the main cast instead of just minor characters even it was fucking Luffy. Kids would have ate that shit up
Just a reminder that this backwards message made it into an episode of Pokemon.
Man, Foxbox was really hit or miss, wasn't it?
found this much more terrifying
It was a shame about the music though.
>The One Piece thing wasn't completely their fault, they just wanted Shaman King but Toei said they could only have it if they took One Piece as well.
Shaman King was animated by Xebec not Toei. 4Kids beat out Funimation when the bids for licensing came out for it it was never a package deal to begin with they wanted it due to its success in Japan hoping for it to have the same level of popularity and they completely botched it with their bullshit.
Shaman King also had a shit load of edits, stupid changes and other bullshit on par with all their dubs. You only think it was handled better because the only thing anyone even remembers about that show was the theme song.
Toei literally had shit to do with that since they have always been hands off in the production of dubs to the point where Funimation had to wing most of the translations for DBZ. The One Piece debacle is all 4kids fault and Toei had no real say in any of it because they didn't care .
I'm trying to remember the edits that Sup Forums made in Shaman King. I know they changed Morphine's name, but what else?
The obvious stupid name changes, any references to religion, the change in soundtrack and of course violence and blood NOW nothing as severe as say skipping an entire arc like what they did with OP but still it was pretty botched.
Alfred Kahn was a fucking idiot.
>lol, kids can't understand other cultures, even adults don't care about other cultures
>everyone loves rap and high pitched voices
>death? No, everyone just goes to jail or was really an iceberg for Luffy to punch
Dan Green fucking rocked as Yugi. Prove me wrong.
They tried butchering One Piece into becoming their next Pokemon, when they had a potential Naruto, or even a DBZ on their hands. How incompetent can you get?
Ultimate Muscle was their only good dub.
Fight me.
Also, something that people tend to forget is tat Toei signed off on EVERY SINGLE one of 4Kids' changes.
An exec for 4Kids claims that One Piece came with a Shaman King deal made with SHONEN JUMP, not with Toei.
Didn't they also release Yugioh uncut with no subtitles?
It wasn't Shaman King. It was Ultimate Muscle and Magical Do-Re-Mi that 4Kids wanted and ended up getting One Piece with it.
Except they didn't. They gave them the rights and that was pretty much the end of their interactions. Toei didn't care what happened so long as 4shits made them money.
That still doesn't make sense since both anime came from different distributors and 4kids had to bid on it hence why Funi couldn't get it and there's no way in hell a property as big as that would be given away in a package deal with a lesser known property.
>They tried butchering One Piece
the intro really captured the feeling though?
Their Funky Cops dub was flawless, but it's vanished off the face of the earth
No, drink bleach and die
I heard somewhere that it was actually Tokyo Mew Mew
>On July 22, 2010, an interview between Anime News Network and Mark Kirk, the Vice President of Digital Media for 4Kids Entertainment, revealed that 4Kids acquired One Piece as part of a package deal with other anime, and that the company did not previously screen the series before licensing it. However, once 4Kids realized One Piece was not appropriate for their intended demographic, the company decided to edit it into a more child-oriented series until they had an opportunity to legally drop the license. Kirk said the experience on producing One Piece "ruined the company's reputation." Since then, 4Kids established a more strict set of guidelines, checks, and balances to determine which anime the company acquires
That actually makes it worse. Funimation often talks about how much Toei meddles in their dub, yet they let 4Kids do whatever they wanted to the franchise they desperately wanted to be a hit?
I liked how they dropped the name of the series in.
>There once was a man named Gold Roger who had fame, power and wealth, beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows these were the final words he said "my fourth new is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in ONE PIECE".
unironically love it.
I really have to wonder if the company was ran by idiots
>One Piece as part of a package deal with other anime, and that the company did not previously screen the series before licensing it. However, once 4Kids realized One Piece was not appropriate for their intended demographic, the company decided to edit it into a more child-oriented series until they had an opportunity to legally drop the license
Unbelievable. Its not as YGO, Shaman King and Ultimate Muscle were kid friendly either
Why is the treasure called One Piece?
I don't care they're fuck up opened me up to one piece I love it even more now that I've read it. They still censor shit in japan.
>whitebeards death
I actually don't know it could be a super weapon, it could be vast riches, it could be a hidden truth. It's all in one piece supposedly.
This is just bullshit. Yea, sure, they totally intentionally made a shit dub to lose the license instead of just shelfing it or at least trying to make the most of what was given to them. This is just them pretending to be victims so people will stop calling out their shitty handling of dubs.
Never ever
>It's true
Fuck I can't believe the madman actually did it.
Now that's talking out of your ass.
When your own Voice Actors hate your guts so much they record a backwards message in fucking Pokemon.
Already posted senpai, also the message was taken of in the DVD release.
Ultimate Muscle is perfect on paper. It's a dumb gag show sequel to a vintage dumb gag show, starring pro wrestlers with wacky costumes and super powers, and the hero is a dopey twit who farts constantly and pisses himself in terror. S'perfect for what 4Kids was looking for.
>mistyping the foxbox url took you to a foxy boxing site
Rock the Dragon makes everything better
Well, the anime wasn't nearly as graphic as the manga, which has cocks, EVERYWHERE.
I thought it was Nash from the Thumbnail
The original Kinnikuman and the sequel manga are fucking adult as hell. Original series had a dude getting ripped in half and turned into ramen or some shit, and the current series has cocks galore.
Or so I've been told.
>Too much silly, cheesy, obvious censorship.
If the FCC laws say you can't have certain things in your programming, then you can't have those things in your programming, It's just that simple.
4Kids doesn't write the laws, they just have to follow them.
FCC didn't have dick to do with them.
I don't harbor any grudges against 4 Kids. Such things like bandwagon jumping is beneath me.
I remember Ultimate Muscle being pretty damn entertaining. Only show I don't recognize is Funky Cops.
Why did you make this post? Was it just so you could feel smug over something so inconsequential?
There were better ways to tell the cast that they were getting fired, except somehow James Cathcart got to come back and steal more than 4 roles from other actors
I solely believe that Christopher Niosi doesn't talk about that shit because he's part of the Pokemon cast since 2010
Funky cops was around for so short of a time that no one really remembers it.
This and original USA dub for GT makes me thankful for the Canadian dubs.
>Canadian dub of GT
Is that Slutty McSlut?
>the intro really captured the feeling though?
That would make sense if they used the original 4Kids intro they had
and not that rap
I read a chapter after watching ultimate muscle and Kevin Mask cut some dude into 5 fucking pieces.
I definitely recall hearing the most recent Kinnikuman manga had dudes getting their faces ripped off
I seriously need to check this shit out.
>name changes
A double edged sword, sometimes it work and sometimes it doesn't.
For example I watching the dubbed version of One Punch Man the other day, where he was raiding the house of evolution. They called Carnage Kabuto for Carnage Kabuto, I have no idea why they didn't call him Carnage Beetle. Would have been less jarring
Everything starting with Yu-Gi-Oh!
>TMNT was pretty good at least
Let's not lie to ourselves, user.