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Why is everyone memeing this so hard?
Sup Forums is only capable of communicating via memes. It'll die down after a week or two just like every other non-Bane or Raimi Spider-Man meme they've forced.
I can at least understand Bane and CIA, that entire sequence is hilariously stupid.
THE MIRROR DIMENSION... YOU CANT EFFECT THE REAL WORLD... yeah that was explained like twice
It only works in the context of the movie, its not a very good reference.
Astral projection masturbation is a better meme, but that'd take wit or artistic skill rather than just repeating a quote.
Can people have sex while astral projected?
What if a girl gets pregnant from spirit sex?
Could you astral project during work, get a spirit hooker, bang for hours relative to you, then get back to your body before anyone even notices your body is unconscious?
Because with BvS people actually discussed the movie even if people weren't happy with the movie, whereas DS is some generic popcorn flick shit with nothing to discuss, there's no meaning, there's no depth, resulting in no discussion so in order for the movie to be relevant people have to keep spamming shit like this or making memes.
>Meaning, depth
Sup Forums is incapable of doing the opposite. It is a pile of living shit that vomits its own shit and sits atop a pile of inert shit. It is a Moebius Shit.
Even if you didn't like the movie you can't deny that there's depth, themes, meaningful shots, etc. BvS actually feels like a cinematic movie whereas MCU looks drab and safe, there's no risks or style.
>BvS actually feels like a cinematic movie
And if it had actually tried to tell a cohesive, coherent story on top of all the (faux) symbolism and Snyder's penchant for making grand cinematic moments (that often land with a dull thud), that "feeling" would mean something.
>Astral projection masturbation
Where was that in the film?
Do you want people to just put meme text over a picture of Doctor Strange with masturbation jokes? Because that's far more inorganic than the evolution that Baneposting has undergone.
The BvS Ultimate Edition smoothed out a lot of the story problems I thought but it's still not perfect. Don't get me wrong, I liked both BvS and CW but I did feel like BvS wasn't as bad as everyone is making it out to be.
But it just memes so nice...
>here's depth, themes, meaningful shots, etc.
Yeah, on an elementary school level.
That image is worse than the average JRPG plot.
It really was exactly as bad, user. We're talking about a movie where one of the only three major interactions between the main characters was cut out because the director couldn't take the two actors seriously when they were talking in costume.
Dormammu, I wish to parlay
Partycat edit when
But doctor strange was actually good
Fuck off man I'd gladly discuss how well constructed the solution to the narrative was and how it completes the character arc but you and a bunch of other Sup Forums contrarian faggots have made it so that marvel HAS to be nothing but quip comedies and you'll force memes and derail actual discussions until that's all that's left while simultaneously accusing anyone and everyone of being shills.
This is the bed you've made and I hope someone sets it on fire while you're in it. I hope you step on a lego. I hope your headphone cables are too short. I hope you get the shopping cart with one bad wheel. May you live in interesting times.
hey guys, i found the guy who's been memeing it so hard
I'm not afraid of BvS.
I'm bored of it.
it was funny.
Shut the fuck up with your console war bullshit. Even Sup Forums is sick of talking about BvS
>Saving our world with savestate scumming
Sup Forums would be proud
Because the narrative Sup Forums wants to put out is that Marvel is the one making "meme movies". but they've only just now realized that all they've been doing is forcing DCEU = Kino and 4U shit.
Where's the discussion for this movie at? I just saw this yesterday and I'm itching to talk about it
There is another thread up for it, check the catalogue
Yeah been scrolling. Most of the threads are way down
I agree, but let's dail it back a little user.
I never thought about it that way. holy shit!
Yeah. Same reason every SS thread was about waifus and box office: nothing to talk about. That's why I like Snyder, he actually puts effort into making his movies.
Dormammu caved too early. He should have bargained for at least 20 earth dollars.
Jonathan "Pa" Kent is arguably the greatest villain in modern cinema. Zack Snyder turned a bland farmer from Kansas into more than just the adoptive father of Superman; Pa Kent is now the catalyst that turns the Over-Man into a vicious killer, a dark messiah who offers hope only of being in his shadow.
Jonathan Kent is not an important man on the surface. He has an ailing farm and a wife who may share a name with the Wayne matriarch but has none of the wealth or the charm as that Martha does. Plagued by the sounds and sights of drowning horses and his own premature impotence, Jonathan finds the child his wife always wanted in the alien he names Clark, the creature he sees as the ultimate tool of vengeance upon the world that has mistreated him. Gone are the dreams of old, gone the days of hard working men like President Truman or Jonathan's father. Now the world is a gutter, filled with the sex and blood of thieves, whore and murderers. Jonathan sees in Clark the potential to create a messianic figure, a symbol of hope people could look up to as their new god, and thus he begins to lay the groundwork of his plans. He almost blew his cover when Clark saved a busload of children from drowning. All the trouble to sabotage the bus' brakes, and now the boy ruins everything. Jonathan couldn't have his boy plagued by the same sights and sounds of drowning life as he himself is, so he had to take more drastic measures. He had to die before his son's eyes for a pointless reason, to show that the life of a human being is worth no more than that of a dog's.
Jonathan Kent will teach you the Superman. He is lightning, he is madness!
Any chance of his "notghostrider" look to ever appear in the future?
The RT critics are the greatest villains. Evil, despicable people who tried to kill the DCEU but failed. All that work and love Snyder did to give us perfection and it was blasted by critics. Typical.
it was the most clever bit in the movie
Rorkannu had the best MindlessOnes
My problem with Snyder is he can make a scene look great but can't get a good performance out of some actors
It's as if he more worried about the image as the main vessel for his ideas rather than the actor's method to convey emotion to the audience
And yet he made the most emotionally impactful scene in cinema history.
Ignoring all the memes I was kind of hoping this would be treated like a big magical knowledge powerup for Strange.
A few thousand iterations of practicing spells against a god without getting tired even if the iterations are like 5 seconds long is great practice.
Shh, quips & memes.
The city folding thing gets boring pretty quick. Pic related.
I would like to remind everyone that Doctor Steven Strange has successfully used trolling to save the world.
This will mean nothing until we see who is the better dancer, him or Peter Quill.
>when Sup Forums guys keep emulating Sup Forums memes but even Sup Forums likes Doctor Strange
They really shouldn't have opened the movie with it and just saved it for the chase with Strange and Mordu.
The whole point of them doing it in the beginning was to tease that TAO had something else going for her besides pure magic. They had her hood up so you couldn't see her face on purpose. Then later on when Strange takes them to the mirror dimension Mordu tells Strange that they just stepped into it.
Strange's knowledge of 70s albums will be the key to Star-Lord's new mixtape saving the galaxy.
Stephen, when you create a meme the payment is due. The old gods will shitpost.
Yeah, also they had a bunch of weird imaginative stuff in that first trip sequence, after that it settles into a pattern, and besides the time travel bit (which was so thoroughly set up that it lost all surprise) they keep using magic in the same ways.
Marvel made me not like action scenes.
>keep using magic in the same ways
Try to imagine yourself in that situation. Would you
A) Do what you know you can do, stuff you know works in a specific way
B) Purple monkey dishwasher
It's a movie not a real thing, he should do whatever looks good on the screen.
>I want pretty colors, not coherent narrative!
Oh. Sorry.
If they sell the movie on the visuals like they did this one they should have more than 2 ideas.
I posit that they had at least THREE ideas, so there.
Have you noticed how people like this movie? I get the feeling you might have a minority opinion there, mate.
[insert stale fedora meme]
So? When did I say anything about anyone else?
Part Time. you're an idiot?
Everything you said was about "what they should do", not "I feel like they should", you know? You were saying these things as if your opinion were an absolute fact, see?
Yeah, we all discussed how shit it was. I remember people quoting "is she with you?" all the time when the trailer first dropped, so don't think for a second the DCEU is somehow "over" memes.
I'm saying talking realism with a movie like Doctor Strange is ridiculous. If ever a movie had licence to disregard the possible it was this one. Also when ever people talk "tactics" with these superhero movies it comes off idiotic. "Why didn't the hero just do this thing then none of this disaster would have happened?" Because we all came to see the disaster that 's why! These movies are spectacles, they should be spectacular. Have Strange pull some completely new type of magic out of his ass, something that'll blow me away, don't just hit the same beats for 2 hours.
Well you lost your money already and you're not getting it back. No amount of whining on your part will change the fact that most people enjoyed it.
So just give up maybe?
Ancient One's vogue fights were fucking stellar, though. She had such incredible presence.
Do I really have to say "that's just my opinion" for you to understand that I'm speaking for myself? Of course I wouldn't hold these opinions if I didn't think they were correct so why shouldn't I state them?
>Feels like a real cinematic movie
Then why was there no establishing shots?
Also the whole "lol super heroes are like modern day gods" thing is such a over used theme.
Yes you do. Lots of people here act like their opinions are facts, I have zero reason to assume you're not one of them unless you point out you're not.
Why do you have some problem with me not enjoying the movie? Also I didn't hate it, it was average.
Eye Of Amaretto?
Eh. I'll give you fifty bucks for it and not a penny more. I got a lot of overhead.
My problem isn't with what you feel about it, it's with the fact that you take a movie that's already far beyond what you see in most movies and then whine it isn't even more so.
Show me a movie that does what Doctor Strange does. Show me a movie that does it better.
>Then why was there no establishing shots?
Yeah that's not actually true but good meme. Also no one cared about establishing shots until it was memed.
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.
What a load of horseshit. That was clearly a Windows 98 screensaver.
I heard Tina Minoru was supposed to show up and one group shot had an asian woman with a staff that looked like the staff of one.
>My problem isn't with what you feel about it, it's with the fact that you take a movie that's already far beyond what you see in most movies and then whine it isn't even more so.
Did you work on this movie or something? Why are you mad that I'm not sufficiently grateful for 2 hours of entertainment that I paid to see?
>Show me a movie that does what Doctor Strange does. Show me a movie that does it better.
Altered States does the whole "opening your mind" angle way better.
>I'm not mad, ur mad!
>Altered States
Never seen that, tell me more.
You could have just typed 'yes' and saved yourself some time.
Altered States stars William Hurt as a scientist experimenting with psychedelic drugs and sensory deprivation to achieve high states of consciousness that threaten to change him into something no longer human.
This guy is right. BvS, while by no means a great movie, took more risks and at least tried to tell a story with a cimplex themes, plot and characters. Granted, it didn't tell the story well, but at least it tried.
Doctor Strange is visually interesting but mostly squandered potential. Overall mediocre, I feel.
But movies have its pros and cons, and it's just useful to consider what they tried and failed at.
Oh hey, I've got the MAD Magazine parody of this.
Interesting point
>but even Sup Forums likes Doctor Strange
I'll take your word for it and feel good about that piece of trivia
Note: Sup Forums liked it BEFORE it came out in the USA, at which point the shitposting began.
I felt the same. Personally I get bored by something if it just looks pretty. I think the DS fights would be much more interesting if a) it was shot better, and b) the fights took more creative advantage of the constantly shifting environment dynamics.
What was idiotic about what I said?
Memes aside and not that user, but I've always cared for establishing shots.