Do you watch their cartoon vlogs?

Do you watch their cartoon vlogs?

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Doug needs to just shave his head already. That comb over combo with no fries isn't working.


I'm cool...



sometimes. can't stand their SU shit anymore. miss the AT vlogs.
he just needs to grow his bangs longer

he's a lot more calm, and discusses the shows a lot more frankly for his personal vlogs, probably because he's talking bout things he likes

And because he's not literally playing a fictional character that he made up who's entire purpose is to be angry

No, because they talk for-fucking-ever, just on and on and on…
The reviews stay more on point. I just don't like rambling.

I hate hoe in their SU vlogs they try to find the "central message" of the ep and then just talk about that for an hour. It gets irritating because so much detail. Like, they didnt even meention Steven's outburst to Lars in the episode with the moss.

I liked Doug's original Avatar vlogs that were like ten minutes. Then he got Rob to join and suddenly they are longer than the episodes.

I don't really trust Doug anymore and Rob has always been sort of an asshole who's opinions I've never really cared for.

Sometimes, though last time I checked those vlogs were put on hiatus indefinitely in place of their shitty sketches/skits.

Malcolm Ray is too good for them.

I watched their ATLA, LOK, OVGW and GF vlogs. I enjoy seeing them talk about those shows, but sometimes I wonder if they even pay attention to what is going on onscreen. Seriously, they get confused about things that were explicitly stated in the show or sometimes ignore important plotpoints or at least memorable scenes. It´s very irritating.

That's true for their movie reviews too.

I hated their SU vlogs a lot of the time while they were running. The only character they cared about was Pearl, they'd often tried to find some central message rather than looking at the characters, and they'll often forget basic plot points like character names.

>youtube celebrities who aren't Jontron, Red Letter Media, Brad Jones, or Cinemasins
Kill yourself friendo

I hate it when they can't even remember the names, or pronounce them correctly.

I used to, but their retardation is too hard to ignore now.

All you anons in this thread better be saying nice things about Channel Awesome! HMMMMMMM?

>youtube celebrities
Kill yourself my senpai

Obligatory post

my nigga

The last Nostalgia Critic related thing I watched was his vlogs on ATLA. I liked them until he brought his brother on, and his was brother was so full of shit and pseudo philosophical bullshit, on the best episode even, that I couldn't stand it and stopped watching.

>No Dunkey

Nah man

Who was that anonymous poster?

Do you have that post about that guy who worked on Kickassia as a sound engineer or something like that?

The worst characters of each respective show and Jake.

My fucking nigga right here

never forget

I'm not about to believe a random user, but it's a good story. Someone should ask Brad if it's true.

This too.

Nope, sorry


Here ya go.

I think Brad denied it, but Linkara basically admitted through denial that it happened. It's bullshit, but I believe it.

I watched their videos on Adventure Time and thought they were alright. Nice to get more of a layman's perspective on this stuff. Guess they stopped doing them in favor of SU.

I loved the vlogs for ATLA, LOK, OVGW and DD.

I don't get why he did them for Adventure Time and Steven Universe. Money, I suppose.

His movie vlogs are okay, too. The worst one is X-Men: First Class. He major complaint is that instead of seeing the main X-Men like Storm, Kitty, etc., he just gets these "boring ones" DESPITE THE FACT THE MOVIE TAKES PLACE IN THE 1960'S AND MOST OF THE MAIN CREW ARE EITHER KIDS OR NOT BORN YET. He's an X-Men fan, why would he like the B-listers from this movie?

Imagine how shitty Disneycember will be this year. in 2014 he had to use shitty stock music and screencaps instead of movie scenes to avoid copyright shit. Then last year he decided to shill for TFA by doing the Star Wars and MCU films.

I'm really hoping he'll touch upon the Disney sequels and Disney Channel movies, but he'll find some way to worm out of that, I'm sure.


Every now and then, Doug will dislike a movie because he misses some major point or just flat out doesn't understand something. This is really annoying, because I do enjoy his movie vlogs.

No, unfortunately I don't have the time these days

Still pretty good from what little I've watched

Haven't seen this one before.

Thanks for the read user.

>Believing this "totally true" story from people that were "actually there"


What is he supposed to be doing other than looking stupid without the sound to explain his egotistic motions and attention grabbing?

Someone from Sup Forums actually did during brad's 12 hour stream. Brad said that most of the rumors that come from Sup Forums are hilarious but obviously fake.

Red Letter Media is the only good thing about your list.

Jontron sold out, Brad became a cuck and Cinemasins is just some guy making shitty jokes instead of actually pointing out mistakes in a movie.

>Brad became a cuck
I don't think you know what that word means

>aka The Running Joke Show
Fuck off

I like to think it's Phelan but I've heard people say otherwise.

Fuckin saved. Thanks, I've been meaning to read that again. I used to watch some of their videos, but so many of these CA people seem so fucking annoying.

He doesn't seem like the sort of guy that would go on Sup Forums.

I fucking hate that word but the guy you're quoting is kinda right.

Brad's last GF, Violet, left him for someone else right when they were going to announce their engagement.

That's not what a cuck is you retard

Alright, bozo, then YOU enlighten us as to what it is

You're so right though

Someone's wife cheating on them. That's literally what a cuckold is.

Actually, prior to the incident with Violet, Brad's friend Jake (the guy who reviewed kids movies for the Midnight Screenings) was kicked off the site for sleeping around with Brad's then-girlfriend.

Seems like Brad has a lot of shitty luck with long-term relationships.

Call me a grandpa all you want, but I will never ever understand why one would watch other people just sit and talk about a show when one could being watching the actual show instead.

And jake now has to raise I believe two bastard children while being outcasted from his friends

Brad deserves better. So much better.

Usually you've already watched the thing and wanna get other people's input on it. Least that's why I would ever do it.

Really? Have you not seen his commentary track for TBF where he and Brad just shit on Doug for being terrible at filmmaking?

Wouldn't be surprised if he's posted in one of these threads?

To see other peoples' opinions

Same reason you'd just casually talk about the show with someone

>Have you not seen his commentary track for TBF where he and Brad just shit on Doug for being terrible at filmmaking?
No, gotta get around to that at some point.
I'm just saying that Phelous doesn't seem like he'd go on Sup Forums, although he might make that up somewhere else.

I think LordKat said this is bullshit
LordKat said he thinks most of this is true
(also one of my posts made it onto this infograph so I'm very proud of myself)
Don't know if this is true but I can see it being true based off Linkaras history

I haven't. Got a link?