Radio Dramas once had great power to affect society, in the early days of mass media. I know radio style drama has made a comeback thanks to podcasting.
Would you want to see a new Superman Radio Drama Podcast? What heroes would you like to see have new age digital radio dramas online or on broadcast?
I think for a radio drama you should go with less spectacle and more grounding unless it's also a comedy, so no on Supes. I know the Dr Who radio plays are supposed to be good, but for more Sup Forums related stuff I think The Spirit would do great in this format.
Christian Foster
Is he still going to fight the KKK?
Liam Myers
Now now, they were the Clan of the Fiery Cross. Any similarities to the Klan (not they spell it with a K!) is purely coincidental.
Leo Hughes
Superman is a creepy fucker who hid in the radios of kids so he could spy on them.
Oliver Smith
That's only one serial, and funnily enough was used as a way to socially combat the Klan when they were a bigger deal and mattered. I know they're experiencing a surge of visibility right now, but as an organization I don't think they're going to amount to much if any violence.