I am going to shag you!

>I am going to shag you!

I would have no problem cumming in his mouth or fucking him up his tight rabbit ass.




why is it illegal to have sex with animals anyway? Who fucking cares? We can eat em, hunt em for sport, but not for sexual relief? fuck you. I do what I want with my property. I payed for it. It's mine to do what I want with it.

He's reaching into his bag again...

I say as long as you're not forcing it to have sex with you then you should be able to.

Animals would make good practice girls for horny teenagers who want to have sex but are afraid of getting someone pregnant or don't want an STD. And it's just good to have something to practice on.

>b-b-b-but muh concent!

That argument doesn't even hold up since animals have plenty of ways of showing you if they want to have sex or not.

rabbits literally cannot consent though, kill yourself

Then why do they always dress up like women? They are clearly asking for it. Kill yourself.