Whats her end game?

Whats her end game?

being hot

20 kids.

i know it hardly gets used anymore but i hate the "never see the parents" face gag


To keep having kids until her vagina becomes stretchy enough to consume the planet.

I used to fucking hate it as a kid, but when its used now its hilarious almost in an ironic way(the way they hide the parents faces on loud house is one of the only legitimately funny things on that show)

Access to birth control.
And I think the dad's end game is raising a full soccer team

I thought he liked football the most?

Nothing can beat the parents from Cow and Chicken, though.

No way, that takes the cake of funniest no face reveal prents gag.

Achieving the Broodmother perk.

Well, her end definitely has game, that's for sure.


Correcting her mistakes.



Riding my dick, hopefully.

Being a fertility goddess.

no that's that one mom from that one newspaper comic

forgot her name though

to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children


You mean Ana?

Her end game is making literally every other mother in the town they live in jealous of her fantastic figure.

To slowly condition all of her brood to accept incest as something normal?

169 Grandchildren.

Based titty monster

I want to bury my dick in those tits

New Life With Kurami thread when

>zero R34 of Ana
Life is suffering

I thought we weren't allowed to make anymore threads

Ana is too pure for porn

wew lad

She's just so perfect that I want to indulge in her, even if it's only once. Seeing her in ecstasy wouldn't sully her purity, if anything it would amplify it.

at least we'll always have the Sup Forumsllection thread of her

Nothings too pure for porn. Mark my fucjing worse i will make porn of ana even if shadman makes it

>seeing a pure character cum means she's extra pure
nigga what


Lily wasn't born, she fell out.

>Shadman makes Ana porn
I honestly don't know how I'd feel about such an event transpiring

Not one of these fucking threads again. This is exactly why we can't have anymore Kurami threads

Someone tried to pull that stunt on /aco/ and got banned for it.
When you fetishfags get the memo? Nobody wants that shit on Sup Forums.

>Kurami threads
please tell us oh ye of high morality, what exactly can we fucking glean from kurami threads without discussing anna?

it's "kurami threads" cause that's the name of the comic dude, the fuck you mean

and anna is part of it, but you seem to think the comic has anything of interest to talk about aside from her massive tits, its a fucking garfield tier comic without anna

>its a fucking garfield tier comic

*it's a fucking Garfield tier comic

Who cares about baseless morals and practices when someone so cute and adorable has such massive honkers like that?


Let me ask you something grammarfag, why do you act like such an autistic shit and obesses over other peoples grammer?

>Fatfags are mad that not only can they not make Ana threads due to the massive support of moralfags defending the comic and the creator's career by not wanting it associated with Sup Forums, but they can't even make or bring fetish porn of her to Sup Forums without getting banned

Cry more

Didn't just Cow and Chicken used it?
Why does everyone pretend this is a common trope from the 90ies?


There's also Charlie Brown, who I'd assume from my astonishingly small knowledge of the trope popularized it.

Weren't they just weird off-screen noises?

These are the only ones I know who used this trope

except some eras of Tom and Jerry

The moratorium on lewds just ended up giving Kurami a forbidden fruit angle that keeps driving them to want lewds. Like if people were getting the lust out of their system and drawing fap material, they'd get bored and go back to wanting thiccs of non BBW characters and only pretending to care when somebody tries starting a canon fat girl thread. You know, just like what happened with Clarence's mom.

amazing tax breaks.

Rita got the hiccups.

What? What the fuck happened to get banned from /aco/?

Some autist sperged out and started begging for Ana lewds fucking everywhere

>no fics about Luan having a thing for her MILF of a mother

>implying it isnt cannon that rita jerks off her kids like a victorian maid, and lets them suck on her massive tits and rubbher ass


>massive tits

so delusional

>Whats her end game?
Having ALL of the children.

In their world theyre huge

early episodes of fairly oddparents did it too.

plus they did it with remy's parents also in fairly oddparents.

>7 tits

>Rita Loud thread
Finally, Sup Forums has seen the light!

And I thought THIS was a sight!

Do you think they'll ever show her pregnant in a flashback?

I'd be mega triggered


To give lots of love to her husband and children.

think there'll ever be an edit of this?

Shes the hottest in the show but ritas got a nice ass

I want to lick Luna and Luan's tummies.

only if it's of all 11 kids at once

>belly fetish
Muh nigga

>Two T H I C C women clearly designed for r34 and waifu material, yet everyone still drools over the Loud sisters
Loudfags truly are ridiculous.

I never thought id fap so hard to someone without a face before loud house came on

Wouldn't women having too many children shorten their lifespan or something

Varying sources claim it expands it too

Cow and Chicken went a little further.

I sure know one thing it expands.

>sleeping caps on her nipples

Early Fairly Oddparents.

also early KND

You suck
go back to your country


>Implying you don't do that.