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>tfw nipples are the eyes of the soul

>My eyes are down here!

fucking gold plastic syndrome

Oh please, you're cybertronian. You survived worse. in some continuities. Occasionally. Depending on the needs of the scene

Oh man that was the best one.
I loved that toy

Yeah, and now he breaks when you try to transform him on the aftermarket.

Optimus is behind this


GPS. The silent killer.


Can we appreciate for a moment how based Beast Wars?
For a Canadian CGI TV show, it didn't deserve to be so good

It's fucking amazing, although Season 1 is pretty weak at points

2 and 3 had the privilege of being shorter and sweeter.

Even if I'll never forgive them for wasting an episode of season 3 with that 'Hunting Grounds' one.

Hunting Grounds wasn't bad, it was Go With The Flow that felt like pure filler

GWTF had to fill the spot left by 'Dark Glass'. Can't completely hate it for that.

BW was soo sweet.

When child, I didn't watch the entire seasons, only a few single episodes.

Months ago I watch the entire seansons in order and I felt surprised how solid was the plot, the characters development and the humor.

In the other hand, I felt surprised how bored was Beast Machines. The idea behind the show was good, but it was very poorly executed. The characters were boring and the characterization had nothing to do with the characters who were in BW. Rattrapp became a coward almost from one episode to the other.

Blame Dan Didio

I love watching BW while reading the wiki, episode by episode. It's almost like not being alone.

>tfw I can't find my TM Megs anymore, but I somehow end up finding everything else stuffed into random drawers and toy boxes I had as a kid whenever I go back home

>as Beast Wars was too "continuity-heavy"

Thank you for underated the kids brain, DiDio.

The background is so reminiscent of Plinkett
I half expected the camera to pan over to a hooker tied up in the corner

i don't see any cold plastic broken there, it looks like his waist was held in place with fucking rubber bands like an old GI Joe

The TF wiki is great.
It's where OP got his image

at least when it's not full of dave willis's opinions

I absolutely loved this figure. Mine broke at the arms, and about 4 years ago I ended up buying the more sturdy Japanese version for $100. Then later I figured out I could find it on Japanese toy websites like Mandarake for only $60.

Anyone buy the new MP Optimus Primal? Its a really cool figure. Hope we see Dinobot and more in the next few years.

I hated the humor of Beast Wars, and couldn't enjoy it because of it. It's why I far prefer Beast Machines.

Behold: The man with no taste

seriously, need dinobot. if they can make cheetor work, they can do anything
but i can't afford dis munky. by the way i heard he's smaller than the original. This picture already looks way better than previous photos i've seen though, at least the one on the left. the chest is collapsed properly, not sticking way out.
i AM however disappoint that the elbows are still like that. would it kill them to make an outer-piece for the elbow so it's not just empty space on the outer side of a hinge?

Yes he's smaller, but he's much higher quality. I've mostly stuck to Japanese imports in the last few years, so the size queen game of American toys doesn't appeal to me anymore.

The elbows are unfortunate, but it is almost show accurate. There's not much room to work with in his lower arms as far as concealing a joint, unfortunately , since he has an arm cannon gimmick that takes up most of the space in his forearms. Its a very tight fit, and if you have big fingers its hard to take it out due to how small it is. The elbows also allow something like a double hinge elbow joint to give him better articulation, unsightly as it may be.

The humor was barely present most of the time. Even BTAS had its share of stupid humor. It just seems really petty to hate an entire show just due to some stupid gags.

>the size queen game of American toys
I don't get it. transformers are the same size on both sides of the pacific. It's just that the MP line is really big, isn't it?

I mean, western fans get really upset is a $90 toy is smaller than a $50 toy, not taking into account the parts that go into it, the quality, the paint, etc. The MP line actually isn't particularly big, which is a big point of contention because a lot of people don't think they get their money's worth with MPs because of the size/price compared to regular releases.

i could have sworn. i've seen a lot of these huge collectors item ones on rich nerds' shelves.


>so the size queen game of American toys doesn't appeal to me anymore.

I've collected some Super Sentai so this point is lost on me.

Ultra Magnus and Star Saber, as well as MP-01 and MP-05, are the only really large figures in the line.

>MP-01 and MP-05
Okay, those two must have given me a false impression. That's what you get for generalizing! you make a general out of i and zing

Zing is such a terrible general

GPS doesn't necessarily mean the gold-colored plastics. Transmetal Megatron's brown plastic was also vulnerable, along with any metallic swirl-type plastic made in the 80's and early 90's.

>tfw I lost my Transmetal Megatron and Torca to GPS


if you don't mind it being a different color scheme there's also the Armada repaint of that mold named Predacon, who's also not ridden with Gold Plastic Syndrome

isn't MP Grimlock also kinda big?

looks.. interesting
>chest-head isn't painted the same as rex head
i guess they werent trying to do that this time.

when it comes to megatron repaints though, i fucking want cryoforce

the chest head was never supposed to be the dino head, it's an organic version of the predacon symbol. that was the whole deal with the transmetals, robotic beast mode, robot mode with organic bits.

er, cryotek*

huh. but the predacon symbol is waspinator's head

not specifically

>isn't MP Grimlock also kinda big?
If memory serves he's about the same size as MP-10. Maybe a smidgen taller.

Midway-cuts are easy to mend, unlike...

what do you mean? go look at it.

>Michael Bay reboots evil dead.jpg

To late, they didn't use the chance to have Pharma say "groovy".

>all that energon blood

More than meets the eye issue #19.

You like Energon all over the place? Boy do I have the panel for you, you turbofox.

Best Megatron of all time.

Not a fan of how he didn't value a single one of his lieutenants in the end, or how he wasn't valued by a single one of them in turn, save for the one completely brainwashed by his beast mode.

>lewd face windblade
>favorite transformer engourging himself
I love this

>lewd face windblade
either you dont know what a lewd face is or youre very desperate

His favourite is Waspinator, of course he's the very desperate type.

user, that's Metroplex' filtration system... he's basically drinking sewer energon.