Sup Forums General Drawthread

>Provide References and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Sup Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam
>No begging.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

NSFW deliveries/requests should be posted in
or in Last thread

Requesting Kurt taking a selfie showing off her abs

Requesting left pic with Danny, Spectra, Ember, Desiree and Valerie.

/R/ing May Zedong unzipping her hoodie while blowing a bubble of gum

Requesting Nergal smoking a cigarette, something like the reference on the left

I gonna second this just because he actually won...

Requesting Ronald McDonald being crowned Burger King. With Hamburglar being led away in handcuffs

Requesting your waifu wearing a MAGA t-shirt

Requesting Robbie and Kamala arm-wrestling

Requesting April O'Trump

Requesting this with Honey Lemon and GoGo Tomago.

Requesting shortstack Joy dressed as a cute turkey.

a what?

>MAGA = Make America Great Again

Requesting Trump eating Pizza Steve from Uncle Grandpa

Requesting Thick fanatic mom Ikra cheering on their kid at a sports competiton

Requesting Leggy, Peggy, Barbara as Lapis, Peridot and Jasper.

Requesting your waifu doing this.

Requesting Elsa and Anna as Oozarus

Lapis Lazuli

Requesting Cybil Pacha

Suggesting Sup Forumslette

Requesting Lapis and Peridot wearing MAGA hats. And being smug snakes about it too.

Requesting Betty cosplaying Nurse Witch Komugi

Requesting fissions

Requesting Hun as Nappa, Karai as Vegeta and Bebop/Rocksteady as the random aliens.


Not kidding but what the heck is a fission?

The reverse of fusion, instead of several characters becoming one new, it's when one character becomes several new ones.

Starfire raven and cyborg in this picture

Requesting BW from Long Gone Gulch with a nice hoodie

Requesting Priyanka licking a lollipop.

/r/ Connie and Steven Red Ribbon Army style

>not BW being lewd

Requesting Aang catching a frisbee with his teeth.

>Private Pink and Corporal Bhoora

>implying she's wearing anything other than the hoodie

Requesting retro style characters

R63 cheerleader Ben teasing a foe

Requesting this with Jasper and Rose.

/r/ing Bonnie wearing the lingerie of the model

Requesting Raimi's Doctor Strange.

Requesting Jasmine as a punk rocker.

Requesting a cute/sexy Kamala with a Make America Great Again hat, celebrating Trump's victory.

Maybe with Trump on her side.

Requesting Solid Lilo killing some fools.

Requesting The sisters hanging out with the loud siblings.

Requesting fusion.

Requesting Uncle Grandpa in a winter outfit while drinking some generic coffee

Requesting Psylocke doing something weird.

Requesting an older version of this Mabel

Requesting Maximum freshness.

Requesting Roshi finding other Sup Forums girls.

Requesting coloring

Requesting Disney's Frankenstein.

this is goddamn wonderful

Requesting Leslie McGroarty from Itsy Bitsy Spider in Lydia's spider outfit

Requesting Pacifica working in this clothes

Requesting these characters doing something badass.

Requesting Jinx grabbin pussy.

Requesting Yugo and Amalia huddled up together in a blanket.

Anchoring my Invader Zim/Soup to Nutz request here so the artist can link back to it when they've posted the finished artwork.

Requesting an adorable comfy Hazel in an oversized sweater and scarf.

Requesting Star and Marco dressed as Lloyd and Colette from Tales of Symphonia.

Requesting Toph sending Lin to her room, these designs

Requesting Courtney Babcock laying on her stomach sunbathing topless showing off her butt.

Requesting these two four-armed Bettys groping each other

... or just posing seductively together. Your call.

Mrs. Murawski flashing the audience like the image to the right.

I want a body pillow of Temmie from UnderTale. Make it cute, not sexy. Temmie is not for sexual.

Mrs. Loud and Mrs. Sumouski bending over towards the audience and showing off their cleavage

Why request on both boards?

Requesting Kim and Monique in nurse outfit give to kiss to camera.

Requesting the right image with Joy.

Requesting Rob, Marla Garrison and Dustin Kudlick as the convicts from Dead Rising.

Requesting Guibor and Luna from Los Pintin snuggling in bed with Guibor being happy and Luna being asleep.

Requesting Stan and Ford Pines as Hasidic Jews.

I was trying to make it look like she was taking a selfie but I kinda fuked up.

Hope you like it though

holy shit who is dat stronk cutie? I tried looking up the tag at the bottom but all I got was an empty instagram

Requesting Raven seducing Edgar Allan Poe.

A good excuse to doodle something between projects and midterms.

OR here. Amazing job, GV. Thanks!

Her name is Mari Brennan. Sadly she deleted her Instagram.


Requesting this scene to be redrawn/traced over with Oogie Boogie (from Nightmare Before Christmas) in his manor.

This request was deleted TWICE in the last drawthread. I was sure that the image was SFW on a blue board, but now I'm not even sure.

Requesting Smaug the dragon dressed like Dr Strange

Requesting a version of the top image with Marinette thinking about Adrien


Here is a better candidate.

Requesting Gumball as the President Trump And Nicole as his wife Melania

Requesting the twins meeting Jack Nicholson

Requesting Jason as an Uber driver

Requesting Montana Max as Prestident Trump.

Requesting inking.

Requesting Gogo Tomago wearing shorts with the word "Big" on them, and the words "Hero 6" are next to her.

Requesting pretty flowers growing from atop of Huntress Wizard's horns as she blushes.


Requesting Gaz getting drunk.

Requesting Jodo lifting Marl's skirt up. Whether he does it accidentally or as a prank, I'll leave it up to you.

Characters from "A Witch Named Koko"

Requesting Marl the witch going up with Lou Cipher (the little devil) on a date, with Lou looking befuddled. Characters from "A Witch Named Koko"

This with Black Cat.

Requesting Janine

Requesting either "Mutant Lives Matter" or "Black Mutants Matter".
