So is it me or Batman's Rebirth book has been extremely meh so far...

So is it me or Batman's Rebirth book has been extremely meh so far? The first arc with the Gotham siblings was alright but the crossover was nothing special and the last two issues were plain filler shit imo. I guess it comes with the territory when it's a bi-monthly series but still, Superman and Aquaman don't really have this problem

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King wanted the book to be more action oriented, but it's obvious he sucks at writing that.
The only way I can see the book redeem itself is if the "I am Bane" arc is a masterpiece, this way the two arcs before would be partially forgiven for their mediocrity

>The only way I can see the book redeem itself is if the "I am Bane" arc is a masterpiece

It's off to a bad start/ One issue of Batman walking around Arkham and another issue of Batman repeating the same incoherent shit and breaking his own back (or whatever the fuck the artist was trying to convey)

>it's just me
No. Sup Forums seems pretty disappointed in the book and Batman line in general.

And even retailers say that some fans are complaining about the writing and only buying it because it's Batman.

>The only way I can see the book redeem itself is if the "I am Bane" arc is a masterpiece, this way the two arcs before would be partially forgiven for their mediocrity
Yeah, "I am Bane" are is King last chance and if he delivers, fans will forgive him for the first two arcs mediocrity.

The current arc is "I am Suicide" and "I am Bane" will start next year.

Oops sorry I wasn't paying attention. But honestly, I think I'm dropping the title once I am Suicide concludes (just to have the complete arc in case I decide to sell it someday lol). How good can a Bane arc be anyway?

Yeah. I don't hate it and I'm not about to drop it, but as someone who liked TK's other works a lot, the magic isn't happening. I don't even think the writing is bad, but there's too much high concept shit and it's all not that interesting.
And yeah, the back-breaking thing needs to stop[/spoilers], it's like every writer wants to do their take on it, but nobody actually bothers with the consequences so it's essentially nothing.

>How good can a Bane arc be anyway?
Who knows. Some people are curious because King confirmed that Red Hood is appearing in it.

How much PTSD, daddy issues and jobbing can King cram in one issue?

He made Catwomanfags butt-flustered, that's good enough for me. I'm enjoying it.

Put Tynion on the mainbook already
I'd rather have him referencing Morrison's work than King trying to reference Snyder and Miller

>How much PTSD, daddy issues and jobbing can King cram in one issue?
If Sheriff of Babylon #12 is of any indication, then there is no limit

Why would he include any of this? Besides, King said that he really enjoyed and loved writing Jason in Robin War and Red Hood part was the best in Grayson 16.

He likes writing everyone but Batman, which shows in his current run where Batman feels more like a collections of factoids about Batman than an actual character

>here I put a Miller reference
>he cares about his parents right? here is a line about that
>oh yeah he is a detective like in the Adam West show, here something
>Bane broke his back or something, so that too

Not to mention he doesn't write Bruce's thoughts.

Nah, he didn't like Jason before he got the chance to write him. I actually remember him saying how Dick more awesome than Jason and if it was him who stole the tires, he would definitely not get caught because he is SO AWESOME!!

King's twitter during his run in Grayson was really cringe worthy.

What I don't understand is WHY Tom King is doing so badly on Batman.

We've seen him do excellent books in the past, so why is Batman the one that just isn't working?

1. He doesn't give two tuppeny fucks about the character.
2. He's trying go make his run an action blockbuster and that clashes with his style.
3. He's trying to use his experiences during his counter-terrorist stint as a way to "connect" with the character, and it just isn't working.

What was the point of the Gotham Girl arc?

i cannot fathom why people don't like his batman. it's so good

I'm honestly not surprised that he isn't doing well on Batman because Grayson was meh and I wasn't at all hyped when he was announced as Batman writer.

And it's big mistake on DC to give Batman to raising star.

I am Gotham was a good intro arc
Monster Men was mediocre
I am Suicide has been aces so far

>2. He's trying go make his run an action blockbuster

This makes sense considering he is friend with Snyder and he said he really liked his run

>He's trying go make his run an action blockbuster

Batman's the Superhero comic
Detective Comics is the detective comic


no detective comics is the book for the failed bat-related characters, there is literally no detective work in it

>Detective Comics is the detective comic
I wish. There hardly any detective work in DETECTIVE.

I would have love it a lot more if Tec was focused on GCPD and not being written by Tynion.

>He's trying go make his run an action blockbuster and that clashes with his style.
Grayson worked pretty well.

>I am Gotham was a good intro arc
For Gotham Girl, did you mean?

>Monster Men was mediocre
This is known.

>I am Suicide has been aces so far
He spent an entire issue with Bruce walking around in Arkham (and made Selina a serial killer); then crashed YET ANOTHER PLANE and got himself captured; naked Bane tosses him in a cell and he punches holes in the wall and then unbreaks his back (WTAF??) aaaaand ... then he opens a back door and lets in a few of the kids he brought along for the party.

Did I mention his Inigo Montoya routine? Where he KEEPS repeating the same fucking stupid line about breaking Bane's back?

Whatever drugs that nigger's on to keep his PTSD in check needs a dosage adjustment.

A lot of the action stuff in Grayson was Seeley, though.

Because King isn't that all that great of a writer and is overblown like crazy. According to everyone he's batting 1.000 until he's given the easiest gig in the world and then somehow mysteriously fucks everything up, when there's really a much simpler explanation.

That all the books he wrote that were good was pure luck?

That he is good at writing minor characters most people don't care about, I doubt that most of the people that read Vision here know him outside of the movies

Go home, Scott.

He's making her into Batman's love interest again, though

And that ruffles my gimmies

So it's just bad luck that the biggest and most important book of his career featuring the best-selling character with the largest wealth of classic stories to draw upon is an utter shit show?

Or maybe since it is the first big book he's been on editorial is cucking him.

I always said that he's overrated since Grayson.

Vision is the only book I read it from him that I actually felt it lived up to the hype.

He's just coasting on his laurels now. It's Batman, he doesn't really have to try at all, it's gonna sell no matter what (as it is currently doing in Rebirth).

Or maybe he wasn't all that great to begin with.

>dude lmao facts are wrong


edgy memethiest detected

>It's Batman, he doesn't really have to try at all, it's gonna sell no matter what
It will not to do him good if his run on Batman was hated though.

And just because Batman sells no matter what isn't good excuse to be meh.

King's Batman is a breath of fresh air compared to the five year dumpster fire that was Scott Synder's run. King made Batman worth reading about again.

>King made Snyder's Batman worth reading

No, not even a little bit, Synder is the Slott of DC, I'm sorry your tastes are so shit user.

The issue is that it sounds like you always disliked his writing, so you aren't answering the question (why people who enjoyed his writing in other books don't like his Batman). Saying "he was always bad!" means nothing if people enjoyed his previous work.

All Star has been better than the main Batman book, even if it has inferior art especially when compared to Janin

Snyder was the reason why reason why Batman become 100k sellers and City of Owls is definitely much better than Gotham and Gotham Girl.

King's Batman is currently doing a better Suicide Squad than the movie synergy comic DC is shoving down their fans throats.

CoO and Zero Year were great. Joker arcs sucked. Superheavy had so much potential, I think if someone like King had written It instead of Snyder it would have been amazing.

>Synder was the reason
I doubt that, anyone could have been on the freshly rebooted Batman #1 and it would have sold like hot cakes, DC just assumed it was the writing that was carrying the series and not the art.

We're just not going to agree here user, Synder was the reason why I completely dropped all Batman related books during New 52, King is the reason why Batman is currently on my pull list

I'm sure Kate Leth could have written a better Batman than Synder so long g as the art was good to look at.

King went on record saying he thinks Snyder's run was the greatest Batman run of all time.

>I am Suicide has been aces so far
I really liked issue #9, but #10 was a huge disappointment and boring if not frustrating.

And I'm sure the next guy to start writing Amazing Spider-Man will say that Slott's run was the greatest Spider-Man run of all time. What exactly is your point?

The whole time during #10 I thought Batman was actually just a Clayface clone, the repeted phrase he was saying and the way it was lettered was very misleading, I'm completely in love with Batman's team though, it feels like an old school Ostrander team.

The fact that you would unironically say that proves just how retarded snyderhaters are.

>he thinks Batman's success is all because of Synder
Wew lad

>I'm sure Kate Leth could have written a better Batman than Synder so long g as the art was good to look at.

Wow, you really fell hard for the Snyder is terrible meme, didn't ya kid?

I did not even slightly imply such a thing.

I think they confused you with

So she'll go insane and Batman can fight with Bane and do shit.

>a Dickfag is writing Batman

Well gee, no wonder is so terrible

There is a lot of sub text is the latest issue that's easy to miss:

- Selina's letter parallels his assault on the island. The action mirrors how he felt when reading the letter the first time.

- Bruce, Selina and Bane were all warped by their childhood experiences. The story about the orphanage and Bane's cell highlight this and explores what differentiates them.

I didn't find the issue very enjoyable the first time I read it so I went back and dug in to see if there was anything I missed.

This issue also has a few clever ties to the previous one:

Selina's letter references a painting of him with his parents. In the last issue he was looking at one of his just parents.

Shown Bane's cell last issue and now Bats gets locked in it to experience the same dread.

To give Bruce hope he may one day retire after all. That hope was smashed in front of him with Gotham and now he's desperately trying to save what's left of that hope with Gotham Girl.

I like the team as well, I'm even warming up to Duke who I thought was a completely pointless addition to the already large Batclan.

I'm really dreading Clayface's return to evil. Two-Face and Riddler went good before, didn't last long. If none of the villains turn good or at least stop crime then Batman really does look foolish for not finishing them off. It's a nihilistic narrative that I don't like and Gotham has too many super villains right now, might as well redeem a couple. Please, please let Clayface stay good at least until the next reboot.

same here, very meh.

my hope is that since there are multiple clayface they can keep Basil good and use another one for evil

>Grayson worked pretty well.

it had seeley, and wasn't blockbustery at all

>I always said that he's overrated since Grayson.

people fucking forget Seeley co-wrote it with him, and I really liked Seeley issues better.

He is too overhyped. saw this happening with many writers

>I'm sure Kate Leth could have written a better Batman than Synder so long g as the art was good to look at.

bollocks. Batman only started selling 100k every issue after Snyder

Seeley dragged it down.

All these things were well-constructed, but poetic references aren't everything. For example, the Selina thing is the kind of OTT backstory that's gonna get ditched by another writer at the next convenience. And Batman's entire ordeal was made ridiculous by the fact that Bane "breaks" his back and then Batman undoes it a few hours later, which is nonsensical.
Like, the fact that King knows how to lay down these beautiful parallels and references doesn't really fix those silly story beats.
FTR I do think King is a good writer, but this is not him at his strongest.

>For example, the Selina thing is the kind of OTT backstory that's gonna get ditched by another writer at the next convenience
I don't see how this is relevant. A lot of stuff gets retconed or ignore in comics. Morrison's run suffers from what you're saying too, Damian's death was powerful but now when you think about it, he came back two months later and everything's just dandy long live the status quo.
>Bane "breaks" his back and then Batman undoes it a few hours later, which is nonsensical.
He didn't break his back though. Come on man, read the text.

The repeated dialogue from Batman just didn't work though that issue though.


What dis mean?

Yeah that was how I felt. I really loved the fakeout at the end of 9 too. I knew it was Catwoman but the fact that it played on the constant Joker pushing these last few years was pretty fun, and for those going in blind was surely a nice twist. It was a very well done meta twist. Especially when he dropped TKJ reference.

I can't think of a major Batvillain who hasn't had that arc. Even Joker has gone straight to some degree in the past.

Riddler though. That one still makes me angry. Fuck them for undoing that development.

The "i will break your damn back" line was good.
It's the whole repetition of it that felt weird, at one point I thought they were going with a McBeth-robot from Gargoyles...

And is there an unwritten rule Bane needs to be naked all the time now? Simone couldn't leave the guy with any clothes either...

i think the back breaking and mantra are mysteries that will be solved later in the arc

Agreed. Well constructed but I kept wtfing at him fixing his back against the wall (?) and didn't really care for Selina's new terrorism-centric back story.

I actually wonder how much longer Tom King can hit every nail with his 'I was in the CIA' hammer.

At the end of the issue I kind of got the impression that even though he is of single-minded purpose to Save Gotham Girl, he was really thinking of Selina.

I think he may let her go at the end so she doesn't have to face the needle.

>Damian's death was powerful but now when you think about it, he came back two months later and everything's just dandy long live the status quo.

I don't think I agree with the comparison. Death is a bit of a joke in comics if you're a popular character, actions are far more likely to harm a character's longevity. Talia has yet to recover from Batman Inc, even though she's alive again.

DC never wanted Damian to die. Especially since he was just becoming loved. They had given Morrison ultimate control and regretted it right away. Especially after the massive outcry over Damian's death. I vaguely remember DiDio or someone tweeting almost right after the issues release that it wasn't going to last and that fans should just wait. And then the revival story was solicited like right away.

Morrison's Inc should have just been in the old universe. It was all they needed to do.

Damian fans showing they have always been plebs

Art is nice, but it's not the reason the book sold as well as it did. Snyder picked up huge sales because Black Mirror had fantastic word of mouth, and was instantly considered a must read Batman story.

On top of that the first arc was pretty strong until the last issue (Which wasn't THAT bad really), and then it lead into a massive batfamily crossover, and then another decent well liked arc, and then another Joker crossover, and then Superheavy had some dipped sales but most people held out for Bruce's return.

Snyder never had the chance to fail. The book was like lightning in a bottle because the timing was all right. He just came off a huge story, he got his first arc right,and then essentially multiple Joker stories in a row since he had a role in Zero Year and Superheavy.

Instant best seller.

>Death is a bit of a joke in comics
This is a "when in Rome" situation, but it doesn't make things any better, really. It's just a way of saying "well of course I'm eating shit, don't you see everyone else eating shit?"

Death is powerful, just because cape comics are too dumb to tackle it doesn't change that. Retcons happen all the time in comics, just look at Croc, a few years ago he was a misunderstood loner monster that was protecting the homeless, now he's just muscle for the Suicide Squad with no mention of that time. As for Talia she was never a good character, she has nothing to recover to. And she was never that popular anyway.

I think that the fact that it mostly focused on Batman and was more tight in doing so helped too

also people complain about it but monologues were fine, it felt Milleresque as a run

I do think that helped too. A lot of people say it was just the art but really it was more than that. It was the perfect storm of marketability.

Honestly I don't think it's a bad run, just not an amazing one. It's pretty harmless overall.

That's how I feel too. I hope the issue will be better in retrospect after the arc is finished.

I doesn't rally care that much about it so I just scroll reading it and still doesn't get why he keep reciting the same words.

Was Batman on drugs, or something?


Superman sells because of Damian Wayne.
Batman needs Damian.

Top 100 Comics: September 2016
Superman is on 20
>. withDamian Wayne Superman #10 is on 2

. I really think Peter and Patrick have the best handle on how to use Damian.

I'm not currently buying the Superman book on a regular basis, but I did order the two November issues with Damian Wayne. Seeing Superman at #2 this week, it seems maybe I'm not alone doing this.
Spoliers over batmans death!
the batboys are in Batman17.

>Spoliers over batmans death!
Again? Really?

Oh, c'mon.
It's much better than generic snydershit. And FAR better than monstershit.
It's actually GOOD Batman. Do you even remember when you've read good Batman's run last time?


Yea, but I mean, the main arc. Batman and Robin wasn't bad since 2009.