So with Aaron having pretty much recycled his God Butcher storyline wholesale in his Doctor Strange

So with Aaron having pretty much recycled his God Butcher storyline wholesale in his Doctor Strange,

How soon until he replaces Stephen with some chick who will steal his name?

'''25 issues'''

Will she call herself Stephen while Strange goes by Strangeson?

How will girls/minorities ever know that they can be doctors/sorcerer supremes unless a comic book they'll never read tells them so? Quit being such a bigot, OP.


Stephen Strange is just a title the sorcerer supreme goes by he will go by the doctor formally known as strange

Well if it sells better than the original like it currently does than not too long

Mister Doctor?

Well, maybe they can replace him with a black guy. Have they done that yet?

I mean, I'm not saying I'm for the idea, but her last name is Strange, and she could use some publicity.

It's probably going to be Aaron's OC "Zelma."

Yeah. With Doctor Voodoo.

Didn't she show up at the end of the annual but evil?

nah, deadpool will become appreciate sorcerer

Is that the only story he can right?

meant write

Southern Bastards and Scapled is nothing like. Neither was his X-Men stuff?

Do you read comics user?

So far, only the Punisher, Daredevil and Dr. Strange have escaped the gender/race swapping epidemic.
And the Moon Knight too but he's not exactly that big.

I think Dr. Strange will be the next one to fall. Once the movie fad starts wearing down.
I think it will be some Asian girl replacing him. Tumblr has been moaning about the lack of them.

Daredevil is saved by his blindness. Blind people read comics too you know, they must have someone they can related with. Ableist bigots.
But seriously, it's not easy to introduce a new Daredevil of a different race or gender. That's why he's escaped the disease.

Punisher will be the last threshold. He will probably die the death of a villain in a couple years from now, and be retired permanently.

nurse strange?

Well, Clea and Stephen are still technically married, so she'd be Clea Strange.

So yeah, Clea becoming the new Dr. Strange is both possible and not without precedent. She'd just need to get her doctorate. And it's one more thing Marvel can take from Earth-X, which has worked well enough for them so far.

No? She showed up at the beginning and was in the whole issue. Nor was she evil.

God, I miss Clea.

>And the Moon Knight too but he's not exactly that big.

There was that story arc where that crazy psychologist lady stole his Konshu role.

No he'll mislead you to think it's is OCS and then it turns out it's just Clea

Kent Nelson's wife Inza took over the mantle of Dr Fate in the 90's so it's not unlikely Marvel will nab that idea for Strange.

He could always use Sofia Strange, Clea and Stephen's secret daughter from that one comic.

>I think it will be some Asian girl replacing him.
Wong's niece or grand daughter.

Not that user, but why would I seek out the work of a writer with such a shit track record? I dropped Thor long before Jane showed up.

I dropped Strange when I realized the annoying quirky companion girl was sticking around

If I want to read Strange I want to read crazy surreal stuff, not lite Dr. Who

What was the point of deporting Strange so severely? Is it just that Aaron can't write magic? Or is the only story he knows how to write is ______ tries to exterminate all _______, because he's done it now in Ghost Rider, Thor and Strange.

She showed up to get an annulment or something

>What was the point of deporting Strange so severely?

So what are some really good Strange stories? Just watched the movie and I'm interested.

Like Spider-Man, read the early Ditko stuff, it informs the character in a way you will miss out on if you try to just pick up with later arcs

>still technically married
Not since the Annual a couple months back.

Zelma's barely in the book.

I'd read Nico Munro Sorcress Supreme

Triumph and torment

Shuma-Gorath Saga
Montesi Formula
Strange Tales by Peter Gillis
Into Shamballa
Eternity Saga

Is Thompson basically a lowkey Ewing? Just responsible for fixing the fuck ups of Slott and Aaron now

The Oath is good too.

They never actually got divorced in the annual. Clea came to the Sanctum WANTING to get divorced, but Strange basically wouldn't sign the magical papers.

Thompson takes shit concepts and improves them. Once he has his Loki: AoA, folks will praise him like Ewing. I'm rooting for him.

>What was the point of deporting Strange so severely?
His facial hair makes him look like a spic. He has to go back.

When will Aaron stop dicking around and recycle his Punisher Bullseye?
As long as he can write a villain that entertaining again, I don't care if it's a rehash.

I need Thompson to take over the whole Spider-Man line