Does Trump winning mean that the SJW age will finally join 90s edge era in the garbage heap?

Does Trump winning mean that the SJW age will finally join 90s edge era in the garbage heap?

Trump won because of sjw's.

of course not they're going to come back stronger than ever just check twitter

I think things will only continue to get worse.

Comics and Cartoons

I don't think you understand what the President does.

I love that the SJW's are getting so rustled.

Sorry sweethearts papa Obama is gone and now no one takes you hoo.

>white trash is glad to have caused damage to their country


>democratic election
>textbook fascism
Man, I don't know when Dems are going to wise up that castigating a substantial voting demographic means they don't vote for you. I mean, the Republicans have.

Yeeeeeeah, because white people are all bad.

I don't know, did Bush winning do that? Did Obama winning make Sup Forums die, or even the right? Or did they get more momentum, and become stronger, and become more willing to accept those who aren't part of their group, into their fold?

Seriously kids, everytime this happens, the idea of whatever the other side is, becomes broader to include a lot of people. Conservatism went from conservatism, to...Trump, who's like 2 inches to the right.

I didn't particularly want him to win but the SJWs getting riled up is a glorious consolation prize

No, thanks. I'm middle class and I can survive Drumpf; you, on the other hand...

>white trash
>it's not racism when we do it

Does trump being elected mean all you racist fedora wearing neo reactionary scum will finally leave this board and go back to Sup Forums?

Lena what's-her-face agreed to move to Canada if we got Trump elected, so that's a start.

Is she a pornstar? She's really nailing that "this year's newest pornstar" look. Even the name fits.

I wouldn't count on it, but thanks for asking.


Stay salty my friend. You already lost.

>the SJW age will finally join 90s edge era in the garbage heap?

oh god we can only hope.

Yes, we are discussing the effect the election will have on comics


>All my Tumblr friends discussing moving to Canada

Am I the only one who thinks Trump is gonna be kept on a short leash for his presidency, such that calls of "America doomed, run for you life!" are almost completely unfounded?

It's really amazing Sup Forums, even when it's obviously Sup Forums isn't on full dicksucking mode for Trump, now that the election is over. It's also amazing, that anti-Sup Forums isn't as obnoxious. Thank god, this election is over.

I hope we will witness "the great pruge of Sup Forums" when all the tumblrfaggots will get banned.

Sup Forumsmblr needs to die, and the time has come.

Rednecks are a race now? Ho ho ho

nah, it'll just give them something extra to bitch about, as they'll vastly exaggerate how bad the situation is for a pity-party, and because they'll think making comics where the characters live under some oppressive regime is some sort of meaningful commentary.

The only way I can see it ending the SJW age is if the publishers see it as a sign of changing attitudes in the US, and try to court an audience accordingly

Spoken like a true ablebodied white oppressor. How can you sleep at night, you fascist?

Shut up Sup Forumsmblr, we've been here much longer than you and will continue on after you've bandwagon'd off elsewhere

meh. probably not, diversity is more about targeting certain demographics.

This. It dosen't help, that he almost lost the popular vote to Shillary, and you could make the slogan of this entire election. "I know I'm bad, but the other guy is worse."

They wil be even more angrier and louder