why does the UK flaunt it love for black cock and throw money at shitty ideas like this?

there are lots of black people in britain

did you watch the trailer? they go back in time and the only reason is OMG BLACK PEOPLE IN AN OLD ERA FUCKING ALL DA WHITE WOMENZ!

>ITV 2

Wouldn't worry, its incredibly unlikely anyone will see this.

yes, i know

doing these kinds of shows make blacks more comfortable, they feel included.

same with dr who and those shakespeare stories.

I'm black and wouldn't know about half this shit if you retards didn't spaz about it all the time. I'm sure its the same for most white people are equally oblivious to these movies and shows you find to moan and whine about.

Anyways, I think white women are boring and most unattractive and actually agree with you, that the push of interracial couples is annoying because I rather see black people dating black people and becoming a stronger collective by keeping community inside, instead of thinking sex access to white vagina or penis is some sign of acceptance by a white racist majority. Its sad really.

Still, despite this, I don't go around looking for this crap to get pissed off. Get a life dude.

>sorry for the typos. I haven't gotten much sleep over the past 48 hours.

>niggers everywhere
>rest of england
>muslims everywhere
>bombs everywhere
>wales and scotland
>alright probably

please FUCK my wife


No, only like 3%. You wouldn't know this because you've been brainwashed by the media.

Niggers are so fucking hideous. Breeding with them is literally bestiality.

You don't have to promote race mixing with Asian, Arabs, or Latinas. The BBC knows this and is pushing this shit the same way a used car salesman sells a lemon.

The second trailer is most black men on white women and we all know the reason this shit got greenlit was because OMG WE LOVE BLACK MEN THEY ARE KANGZ! Thats what we are complaining about not your imaginary "omg whitey hate me i gotta fuck all the white womenz! like the greedy cunts you are.

also wtf do you hate your own women so much? i feel sorry for them.

Is there a way around the country restriction to view the trailer?

Look dude, I admitted I made a few typos in my post but how the FUCK did you draw the conclusion you just drew from my post? Particularly "hating my own women"?

What the fuck is wrong with your comprehension skills?

try hooktube

yes if you remove your country of origin from yt account

nvm it doesnt work

yeah this never happens in US shows


That wasnt me you silly nigger. There is more than one of replying to your autism.

>mfw a 53%er calls someone else cucked

Who said I thought it was you dumb cracker faggot?

The fact you replied to my posting whining like a little bitch. Like kek you really are a dumb nigger.

wtf do people care who procreates with who, you are all gunna be dead soon

>you are all gunna be dead soon

>yeahh well ur country sucks too! so we're both cucks!

wow epic

Look, let's just agree white """men""" are pathetic and split the difference.

and black men arn't?