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Television and Film #876
Television and Film
Predict their careers once the show ends
She's 13. Is he a pedobear?
Riverdale Torture
Real sets, practical effects
ITT: physiquekino
Go to cinema last weekend
Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student...
What would he have to say, Sup Forums?
ITT we make shitty drawings of movies and guess what they are
What's the general consensus on this show?
*plays the flute behind you*
So, uuh. Riverdale. y'all like this show? it's got rape. it's got murder. it's got incest. it's got torture...
Why do women have to ruin everything?
Haven't seen this film yet but everyone who mentions it calls it the best cowboy film of all time...
Well are you going to waste more of your life watching this shit? What are the expectations tonight about this?
ITT Characters that are literally you
What does Sup Forums thinks of this
Is Finn Wolfhard is James Dean of our generation?
Why do we have nazis in Starship Troopers?
Anyone on here watch this...
What the fuck even is this?
Now this is kino!
What went wrong?
Did The Neon Demon kill his career?
Do you think Kat Dennings will get work after packing on all these pounds after two broke girls got shitcanned?
The greatest comedy character ever created
You're asked to come up with a movie vehicle for the Kardashian sisters. What's the plot?
/got/ general
IT ending
Criticise the gays
Stephen King sucks. I have no idea why he's hailed as such a god. His books are always tedious and dumb. But his movies...
ITT: It's 1999
What the FUCK was his problem?
Twitter is Shipping Pennywise & The Babadook
I'm one hour in and this is without a shadow of a doubt the most jumbled and incoherent piece of absolute FUCKING shit...
This y'alls favorite movie? LOL
Are we going to talk about this?
The Shah of Iran has died. Get your shineboxes out in tribute. RIP
RIP Frank Vincent
That's a cute outfit! Did your husband make it for you?
The show was good. Stop denying it. If (((they))) didn't control the entertainment industry my show would still be on
New Hellboy image with David Harbour. Is anybody actually looking forward to a new Hellboy without Based Ron?
Is he right?
Do american people actually do this?
Hey guys.Tarantino here.AMA
"""Villains"" that did nothing wrong: Stephen King edition
Why does he hate americans so much?
Xavier: Renegade Angel
Recommend something from this platform
Who was the absolute madman who thought it was a good idea to finance a romantic drama about a man with scissors for...
Why is there no proper biopic about nicola tesla
What the fuck were they thinking with this scene?
What are some essential watercore movies?
Get Out
Muhammad: The Messenger of God
Kino music videos
ITT actors that automatically improve any movie they're in
Is there a more pure woman in the Seven Kingdoms?
Do people actually think this movie was good? Da fuq?
Predict what happens next
Could Max Landis be any more of a colossal faggot?
IT continuing to break records:
ITT: Characters that DID wrong
What does Sup Forums thinks about Welcome to Night Vale?
What does Sup Forums think of AvED?
What's your interpretation of 2001's ending?
Time to choose Sup Forums. Left or right? You can only have one
How would you rate this film?
This is the worst movie ever made
/got/ general
Netflix child porn cartoon
You can see the misery in her eyes
Would you have fucked Debbie?
Serious question
What's wrong with going to secret sex parties?
"critics aren't out of touch with reali-"
Every time they open this park it goes to absolute shit
Why is drivekino so good?
This is the only TV drama I have ever been able to watch...
What did he mean by this?
What are some movies about ruthless psychopaths who completely lack any sense of self-awareness?
Flashback scene
/bb/ Big Brother 19
What're your thoughts on Lena Dunham's body of work?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
White teens noose an 8 year old mutt
Star Trek the federatin sucks
What's the next freak muppet to be introduced?
Wilhelm scream
Is it me or it wasn't scary at ALL?
Disaster artist
Why didn't Robert trap the Boar?
Current state of Sup Forums
JJ Abrams nepotism
1192 days until Avatar 2
Live in England
/got/- Danyposters are pedophiles edition
What does Sup Forums think of This Morning?
Today is Jay's birthday
Why are businessmen almost always portrayed as the villain in movies and TV shows?
ITT: Movies non-spiritual people will never understand
He was never funny in the first place
How can truTV have the funniest show on TV
How the F*CK do i become a director lads?
British tv shows
If you didn't laugh your ASS OFF from the Pickle Rick episode you're just delusional and jealous
Loved this and Shaun of the Dead
Favorite episode?
Recommend Drive to people in my Uni class
Post things made possible by nightmareworld
How fat will Veronica get on then new season of Riverdale?
Do you remember this?
Lovecraftian films
/tog/ - The Orville General
*watches eva once*
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Woke up this morning
Watch Red Letter Media's review of IT
Charlie in Charlie & Chocolate Factory "supposed to be black"
TV series
What's up with his faggot face and faggot voice? He's also a small guy
Bryan Cranston went on to have a successful career after Breaking Bad
Why do some people admire this character?
Can we have an infographics thread? both meme and non-meme ones are ok
Are the rumours true?
Let me just PIRATE this chocolate bar
" I shadowed her with all my might, kept her in my sights like rights on whites, biding my time...
Remakes better than the original
Can you imagine the backlash if they aired this episode in 2017?
The Coen Brothers used to alternate director credit instead of sharing it because the directors guild says that only...
ITT we pretend that /tv existed in 1987. I'll start
hosts so annoying that they're completely unwatchable
Nostalgia Critic: The Dork Ages Thread 3.5
Would you watch a movie about Mike Tyson?
I work out 7 times a week
Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student...
Would you watch an Alien reboot with Felicity as Ripley?
Is Jenna doing okay guys?
With rape, murder, fraud, animal cruelty, corporate espionage, torture of a black man...
This is the La La Land producer who announced "Moonlight, you won Best Picture" at the Oscars. Surprised?
Set is the Egyptian god of death
I thought this was supposed to be a world without pain and without uncertainty
I better risk my life to save these millionaire globalists from thieves...
ITT: Blacklisted actors
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
ARBA'IN? I'm Ithnaasharaya
What will his sith name be?
What the fuck was his problem?
It's a Thorax names the jew episode
So who was the true Neon Demon in the end?
Daww, that's so sweet :)
How did the asiatic slavs infiltrate the Wehrmacht?
What's his endgame? Can I get a quick rundown?
Almost October my fellows
What does Sup Forums think of Wonder Showzen?
Are we still an effective team, tv?
Is he gonna be ok?
Thoughts on Timeless?
/got/ general
I rewatched this, because I am juggling two girlfriends, and they both wanted to see it. (long story)
Why didn't he just forcibly disarm the world's nuclear warheads?
Why was this ignored by the Emmys?
Essential grandma-core?
You resposted in the wrong sewer
They could have scrapped some of the special effect budget and just cast Robert downey jr. instead
Who is the most realistic female operator character?
Which autist were you?
Webm Thread
Are there any shows like vikings but pro-Christian? Like instead of being fedora...
Who was in the wrong here?
Ally and Ivy are a married lesbian couple who have a son named Oz. Ally suffers from several phobias...
Is this show just for women?
Apple Keynote
ITT: scenes that made you sob uncontrollably
Characters that are literally you
Rick n' Morty
What was his problem?
ITT Fuck you I liked it
Supernatural: Michael is returning. This is not a drill
This is just simply too THICC for Disney
What was your favorite timeline in Cloud Atlas?
So, if he needs the kids to be scared to eat them why didn't he scare Georgie...
Is this show criticism of jewish incest?
Rank them from best to worst
Left or Right, Sup Forums?
Im coming with you
Either of these two countries produced any notable films other than Mad Max and LOTR...
What are Tom Cruise's best kinos?
Has there been a comparable "holy shit" moment since?
Qatar tour AGAIN, mr Weinstein?
Is this literally the perfect cast for any film ever?
Has Sup Forums experienced the kino film making goodness that is Neil Breen
Why did this got so bad after the biker gang?
Has Sup Forums met a famous person?
Why haven't you watched one of the greatest shows of all time yet?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Cazzie David was born in 1994. She is a writer and actress, known for Eighty-Sixed (2017)...
This was fucking great
Who would have thought best movie of 2017 would be Pirates of the Caribbean
What's this guy's problem?
Thoughts on her body of work?
How many do you like?
She pulls Kino after Kino
Villeneuve directing
Who /hyped/ for their tv show?
Frasier general
/got/ general
Why is he taking so long to finish the books?
4 days left until documentary KINO is back on the menue, boys
All inteligent people are atheists
What's wrong with me?
ITT: actors you could take in a fight
Why was the first season so good compared to the rest?
ITT: Dead careers
David lynch
God help us
Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door...
What did they mean by this scene?
How does this webm make you feel?
Power Rangers In Space
Ywn blow a load on Jazz's manboobs
Name actors who, despite their ugly appearance and extremely low IQ (lower than pygmy average), made it in showbiz
Is Kong Skull Island worth a watch? Also, why did everyone already forget about her?
Is this the most intelligent film of all time?
Post your country's most notable director
Check trap
Ash vs Evil Dead
Here. . .Take it
Why do Americans care about this movie about a fucking clown so much
Is this worth a watch?
Why was the devil in Star Wars?
What the fuck is happening to this country?
Fucking dropped
Louis CK
Apparently Tom lost it when he heard Katie Holmes is getting BLACKED and used his influence over directors and...
What's the weirdest movie you have seen that wasn't directed by Lynch?
LOST general
Who is this for?
Was it kino?
That one user that couldn't get dubs
ITT: films where the critics were right
Really makes me think
DC vs Marvel
Are asians really capable of human emotions?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Will Sup Forums ever stop getting BTFO?
Taxi driver
Do Americans really do this?
ITT: We make fun of frogposters
>When I meet Christina Hendricks, she is spending the daylight hours heavily pregnant
Racial Minorities in Film/TV
Meh, it was okay
You don't get to bring no homies
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks
Is this show any good?
17 MCU movies later, is the genre in better or worse shape after them?
Cary Fukunaga's Original IT Script
What tv shows do you watch with your girlfriend?
Who won the Emma Wars?
Our guy?
/got/ general How has it all begun edition
What are some kinos about older women coming of age?
Losing an argument
I really liked it but we have to be honest: this in no way is an R Rating movie. It feels so much like PG 13...
Watching Seinfeld
Carrie Fisher's Daughter Billie Lourd Almost Played Rey in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
We shall double our digits
Coming from Sup Forums and /lit/ so im not sure how much this has been discussed here...
Movies that are better than their books
Who green lighted this shit?
My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for...
How hard do you think Will Graham shit himself when Hannibal escaped?
Can we all agree that the Super Mario Bros. movie was kino?
Is he the greatest living director?
ITT: Actors who murdered people
This is the La La Land producer who announced "Moonlight, you won Best Picture" at the Oscars. Surprised?
Will it be kino???
What the heck is hollywoods problem with nonliberals?
Woodland Critter Christmas isn't his favorite South Park episode
Who was in the wrong here?
Were her actions justified?
"It-its s-symbolic... it r-represents coming together.."
Why is diversity so important in cinema? Is it more important than engaging characters...
Do you reckon it is going to be revealed that Snoke is actually a character who we already have come across in the OT...
Is this good?
What are some jokes in comedies that you saw when you were younger and didn't really understand until you were older?
What is the most highbrow season? Which one has the most references to literature, art, classical music, psychology etc...
What did you honestly think of "It"?
Star Trek: Discovery's theme song pays tribute to Star Treks past
If you could kill one celebrity who would it be
Kids get lost in the sewers
/dlg/ - David Lynch General
Guess who this guy is?
What are some kinos (movies) about females dominating men?
/who/ - Faction Who General
American Horror Story watch Thread
This is by far the scariest image I have ever seen
How accurate is this show's representation of British teens?
Who would win, Sup Forums?
What do we think - hottest chick on TV?
Where's she nowadays?
Twin Peaks
Spider-Man 1: With great power comes great responsibilty
"North Dakota, por favor"
JJ Abrams to direct again, Star Wars episode IX
Characters that are literally you
I don't get it?
I can do up to a thousand now
Only 55 but looks like hes 85
Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Don't let muh laygs drop owwwwwwwwww
Did he kill the Horse?
Is Star Wars finally ruined?
Why did Tarantino partially narrative this in places?
Emma Stone is one of the best actresses in Hollywood at the moment
Spend the entire movie waiting for the best part to appear at the end
Why isn't Natalie Portman in more films?
Red Letter Media
In all honesty when would you say things got pathetic
Movie trailer
Is he going to be okay, bros?
Librarian staredown IT
What the fuck
Netflix has Narcos stars threaten to kill pirates and their families for downloading Netflix shows
Greatest Directors of All Time
Best director of all time? If not him then who? Kubrick? Scorsese?
Will you watch it, Sup Forums?
ITT: moments when shows jumped the shark
/got/ General: Reddit Edition
What is your biggest "nope"?
How old were you when the Simpsons Movie came out?
ITT: pleb red flags
FBI. We'll take it from here
Is he a good director ?
Did you do your best today, Sup Forums?
Be Water My Friend
No sex, swearing, drugs or nudity in my biopic
Power Kino
Uhh fellas
Ywn go back to the times when he was just a random as fuck voice actor on Newgrounds
/moviepass/ general
The incompetence of the American military
I'm really surprised that Anthony's little network has lasted as long as it has
What a pile of shit
Was this the most kino ending for a movie ever?
How do you feel about having children?
Childhood is idolizing Xavier: Renegade Angel
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never going to SeaWorld again
Read/watch almost a dozen reviews for IT
Was she supposed to be considered hot?
Could a 27 year old enjoy this shit
Let's place bets on when the best actor of all time is going to die
Morty Trump
What was his endgame?
I wish incest porn had a more mainstream appeal... for a friend of mine
Is Andy Milonakis /ourguy/?
Damn... Rich people are fucking evil
Hitler replaces the antagonist of the last movie you watched. How does the plot change?
Was Nu-Wars a mistake?
Who is unironically the best actor working right now? Serious question
I'm halfway through season 2, not enjoying it as much as the 1st but its still good, does this show get better or worse?
It Comes at Night unanswered questions
Pure Baby-kino
How is nobody talking about David Simon's new show?
Remake a film in the worst possible way
Are we looking forward to Series of Unfortunate Events Season 2?
Why do people say this is the softest time to be a rapper when I can't go 2 weeks without hearing about a rapper being...
What are some kino music videos?
Just watched "A Field in England", does anybody here saw it...
Film Vs. Digital
ITT: good movies set in one room/location
ITT things that automatically make you drop a movie
If Niels Bohr was so boring, how did he get his own TV show?
Admit it. The only reason you fags circlejerk these movies is out of nostalgia...
It was shit
What films do gun fights, shooting, use of guns etc. realistically and/or well ?
What happened to McKayla?
So how come he left the business?
Post-apocalyptic world
IT sequel to be darker, will feature child actors
What did Sup Forums think of Sasha Grey's new art project about... art?
The infinite Jerry
Thoughts on this show?
Tfw you will never be blown by Amanda Seyfried while you're out on a canoe in the middle of the ocean during a...
Netflix show Big Mouth Official Trailer
I wanna cum on Beverly from 'It'
IT adult versions
You big guy
ITT: Cast the IT sequel
/GoT/ General
What are some interview kino?
2001: A Space Odyssey
In your opinion, what is his most creative use of the word "nigger" in his movies?
Post hottest webms from movies
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
How would you have written his fall to the dark side?
How do people like Woody Allen, Bryan Singer and Polanski all get away with it?
Hope you're happy Sup Forums, you ruined him
One heartwarming movie to go please
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Inevitable bio-pic when?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
123 million American dollars
SPIDER 30192 obviously
Does our queen have any upcoming movies or projects?
Today is the Birthday of the talented and beautiful young actress Emmy Rossum (born Emmanuelle Grey Rossum)...
Can someone explain to me why this is considered a good performance...
How will they re-shoot this scene in Chapter 2?
So now that IT flopped in every possible way, can we all agree that the 1990's version was the better movie?
Rank them from best to worst
It's a long story
Are "It" and "Stranger Things" set in the same universe?
Bread week edition
Ok, good, or great "nudecore"/"softcorecore" films thread
That's where "It" lives
/got/ general: One true king edition
Sup Forums's five favorite movies
Have you ever walked out of movie? Did anyone follow? Have you ever seen multiple people walk out of movie at once?
Interrupts the guest
No NML thread?
Did IT save the horror genre?
Is Snake Plissken the best name for a fictional character?
Did anyone else here really like this
Last Jedi Character Is LGBT
What is the best Three Musketeers adaptation?
Now why would you do that? What's so funny about that? That's ridiculous. Do you like thinking less of people...
I think it's time to face the facts. The cunt won. There's nothing he could have said to save face...
This is gonna be the new Nicholson vs Ledger isn't it?
David Yates
Tomorrow is Jay's birthday
Nostalgia Critic: The Dork Ages Thread 3
Class mates start talking about movies
So you wanna be a playa, but your wheels ain't fly
Is "too dark/pessimistic" a valid criticism?
Why didn't you save her Sup Forums?
So let me get this straight, antifa has been fucking up America and vandalising for a year now...
You're pitching the policeman's ball to a black teenager
Leaked images of Malcolm in the MIddle S8
South Park jumped the shark with season 20
Any good documentaries on Big Foot?
Are you ready for some Quenn: Live AIDs kino?
Instant movie turn-offs
What did she mean by this?
Post yours
Hey user
It (2017)
Was Stephen King on drugs?
Show me a more punchable face
"You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water."
Whats Tom's secret?
Am I the only one who actually thought he was tony's uncle at first...
ITT: Times you acted like Pennywise
How the fuck does Heat still looks so good, even by todays standard?
Season 4
What the fuck is wrong with her forehead?
ITT actors everybody likes
Ahahaha nah, i think they would enjoy more the ménage à trois with me, you can record us though!
What does Sup Forums think of No Country for Old Men?
Why is this better than all american capeshit
Can we have one of these threads?
"Why is he having sex with her bellybutton?
/got/ general: What Renly and Loars should look like
Which director would you most trust with handling the inevitable biopic?
/bb/ Big Brother 19
/trek/ Beardless Riker Edition
New trailer for Disaster Artist
Star Wars
Tfw Avatarposter is kill
What is the best movie of the decade so far?
The absolute state of capeshit
Where is the appreciation for the best actor of our times?
Pitch me your lovecraftian kino, Sup Forums
Why did no one tell me this was kino?
Movie follows a believable timeline
Healthy reminder Justin Roilland makes rick&morty hate threads
Alison Brie
Last Jedi Stormtrooper
Why did the people who appeared on To Catch a Predator sign the release to allow their faces and names to be broadcast?
Who would be your election as director of Star Wars IX?
"Upon hearing of the defeat, the Emperor Augustus...
Imogen Poots
Post characters that are literally you
Sci-fi flick
/tog/ - The Orville General
Why did this have to go from strigoi city horror kino to just another falling skies/revolution/the last ship/TWD/The...
UNIRONIC Based Jim appreciation/worship thread
IT will be the most culturally impactful horror film of the past 20 years. When your kids think of horror...
Uh, aren't you married?
IT torrent
OZ general
Why are actors so out of touch with reality?
Gandalf The Grey is capable of defeating a balrog of Morgoth
Kek franco got the laugh on point
Post your favorite movie unironically
The Bachelorette 2017 australia is a 37 year old post-wall roastie whore with extensive plastic surgery
Film Criticism should be at least 50% Conservative
ITT scenes that make you cry everytime
/got/ general
Qatar tour AGAIN, mr Weinstein?
Disney buys Games Workshop Plans R-Rated Warhammer-verse Films
What the fuck i hate germany!
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Since everyone here is an arm chair critic
What would you do in her situation?
Teaser Trailer for Zack Snyder's Short Film
Ancient Egyptians aren't bla-
How much does an actress' height limit the amount of roles she lands?
The kino that will save 2017
Get tricked into watching DS9 because TNG was alright
What rhymes with orange?
Real or fake 4k
Movie trailer
What went so right?
Will Peter Jackson Mortal Engines movie this be kino or The Hobbit level shit?
It used to be good
Is the female orgasm really a myth?
Pickle Rick
Forgotten tvkino only you watched
Is Jim Carrey the most redpilled actor atm?
Did harry potter have yellow fever?
Ryan is dead and gone
We n-
Shut up, bitch
The Wheel of Time is becoming a television series! Produced by SONY!
Xavier: Renegade Angel
Rank them from best to worst
/who/ - Doctor Who General
__ ___ __, I got an 8:30 res at Dorsia
Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing
Movies similar to In Bruges and Snatch, Lock Stock pls
What did you guys think of Death Note: A Netflix Film?
Hell be fine
WebM thread
What does Sup Forums think of watching movies in your tablets/phones?
ITT shows that everyone has already forgot about
Can Anyone Explain WTF I Just Watched?
Cazzie David thread
Sup Forums is incapable of citing a greater ending credits sequence than Dune (1984)...
How is this possible.... Rick and Morty last episode was actually... good
Name a better villain than Elijah Wood in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
What's the best porn you've ever seen (from a cinematic perspective)?
Reminder if you don't go and see american made, you're a capeshit reddit loving faggot
Tfw surreal comedy isn't more popular
Beep beep Richie
How long till she becomes the next big """actress"""?
What other series, that is accessible to children, is as smart as this one?
This guy's last role was Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Ya hangin' in there Sup Forums?
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion on Kristen Stewart?
Aw jeez, Morty. Suddenly Sup Forums likes Rick and Morty
Damn. Shade thrown at John and Max Landis on Hulu's Difficult People. And the writer is bragging about t on Twitter
Why can't Hollywood make a half assed decent video game movie?
I'm commissioning a porn video from a talented amateur...
'IT' Producers: Horror hit is healing a divided nation
This is what 60 million dollars + A-list Hollywood status gets you
I miss the times when they weren't mainstream
It's a Truman is starving in his room because his mom has guests in the kitchen episode
Black Sails. Is this getting into? I have season1 and watched the first episode but it hasn't really hooked me...
/got/ general
Giant drider
It is time, Frodo
Are you guys not talking about this because it actually looks good and you can't shitpost about it?
What are some recent movies about disappointments?
Is she mentally ill?
Why does jerry bauman keep tricking me in to watching his boring horror flicks?
You can see in the backround the meteorite collision and trees from millions of years ago when IT came to earth
/Our Guys/
The Man Who Would Never Be... What They Made Him To Be
Why do you guys have problems with method acting?
What does Sup Forums think of her body of work?
Was he a beta?
Sheldon, can I see your paper?
Find a flaw
Screenwriting General: Informal Hack Edition
What was her fucking problem?
For all you pirating faggots, you RUINED the industry, fuckin plebs
Does hollywood really think that adding in asain characters will make it sell in china?
Movies where the new generation saves the old?
This Season of American Horror Story
That post-mortem depression you get after finishing a show you enjoyed immensely
All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers...
Why is she famous
What did you think of IT, Sup Forums?
Anyone know any good movies about cosmic horror?
Perfect women don't exi-
Was it kino?
Heath Ledger becoming The Joker
What are some legitimately scary horror movies?
Lovecraftian films
Did the simpsons take it too far with this gag?
User why are you looking at me like that?
What is the password?
Just watched the first new episode. Should I bother watching the rest or is this whole season "LOL DRUMPF"
Literally the most ambitious film a major studio has put out since Kubrick...
This guy has fucking problems
Is respecting women just a meme, Sup Forums?
Is the massive misreading of this film by the movie critic establishment solid proof most critics are fucking retards?
But Sup Forums said the Hollywood jews would be pushing incest after the gay and trans illness not pedo acceptance
I hated Alien Covenant. Why couldn't I get Alien 5? Ripley deserves to have her character arc completed...
What are some Korean and Japanese kinos?
What is next for her career?
What went wrong?
Should PewDiePie be demonetized for his transgressions?
What is the point of having all these awkwardly arranged teeth if they don't even sink into what you're biting...
Why are there no right-wing comedians?
The place beyond the pines
Are the rumors true?
Game of Thrones / Skyrim
The matrix Reloaded
Do you think he did it on purpose Sup Forums?
How're you holding up, bros?
Get me the President
The only reason Tarantino is doing a Manson movie is to create another 70s soul/funk soundtrack
Recommend me good arab films
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn
/tog/ The Orville General
I won
Was Jack Reacher any good? What are some other similar movies
I really liked the music in this episode
Where do I meet girls who are as autistic as me and share the same passion for films?
Now that the dust has settled, was it a good show?
How come Karen Fukuhara isn't a bigger actress? She starred in summer 2016's biggest hit
Was he the most inspirational character on Cops?
Do you think Ornella regrets making fun of him now?
This is embarrassing
Stuff that happens in movies/tv that never happens in real life
Who's the worst character in your favorite show?
Damn... I fucked my aunt
Frasier thread
Relax, will ya? For crying out, what's got into you? I'mma breaking your balls a little bit, that's all...
This was my first exposure to David Lynch. What the fuck did I just watch? Are the cowboy, and homeless man God figures...
Villains who objectively did nothing wrong
What does Sup Forums think about Katheryn Winnick? Does she have a promising career ahead of her after Vikings?
What is the best body type for getting roles in Hollywood?
No thread about the Preacher season finale
Underrated bit from Star Wars (the original): Not once does Luke use his lightsaber in a fight...
Why do girls pretend to like twin peaks?
This is sad
Why do people obsess over this movie so much?
Tomb Raider and the Absolute State of Modern Hollywood
If there is an American equivalent of the Kingsman why weren't they in the first movie????
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's his master plan?
Will they ever come out of the closet publicly, Sup Forums?
What should Sup Forums's next meme be?
Why hasn't there been a major Veggietales movie?
Am I a pedo for being into her? or was it the director's fault?
How would you feel about your wife or girlfriend (if you have/had one) doing a love scene in a TV show or movie?
The Orville
This is the greatest movie I've ever seen, nothing can top it
Sorry, my earpiece isn't working...What was that? Oh, I still can't hear
/tvtg/ Titties General
Not funny
Things so bad, nobody can watch them in the first place in order to make fun of it
Binged through the first 45 minutes of this, its pretty good so far!
Now that the dust has literally settled
The witch has returned!
It's over, Stephen King is finished
I've been watching a lot of Christopher Nolan movies recently...
Uh is she getting "healthy" again?
The best actor of our generation
/got/ general: Lesbians edition
So why does it need to feed on specifically human children from earth in that particular tiny town...
Can someone explain why people find Monty Python funny? Why is it considered "intellectual" humor?
Difficult to work with
Is this actually good or what?
What does Sup Forums think of Betty Gilpin's body of work?
Jim Carrey's existential crisis
Will /areguy/ ever recover?
Verne, go easy on the chicken!
If a black actor plays a white character it's good
Just finished season 1 of a series of unfortunate events and it was alright
Hairkino part 2
Are you guys excited to see The Last Jedi...
How would you rate this movie?
Why did you forget about me, Sup Forums?
*scratches head* m'ask u summit rick
When will Hollywood stop it with bodyshaming?
Remember when Penn & Teller's Bullshit BTFO of liberals about Wal-Mart?
Its another Sup Forums hates a great film because it defied their expectations
Okay, serious question. Was this ending SUPPOSED to be funny? Or is Darabont really that tone deaf?
DCucks still don't have a response to this
Best of the news thread
"I wish Incest porn had more of a mainstream appeal"
Will Sony's Wheel of Time show be any good?
David Duke
Why didn't it work out?
You can abuse anything, you can abuse cheeseburgers
Sir! Sir! You forgot your usual XXXXL bucket of popcorn...
How much hard liquor do you bring with you to the movie theatre?
What went wrong?
Rick and Morty is juast about the most overrated piece of shit I have ever seen
Do you think Dave Chapelle quit because he was tired of making racist comments about white people?
What are some other examples of actors getting too big for their britches?
ITT: Movies only men can understand
Will justice league be the end of DC's cinematic universe or will it do well ?
This isn't healthy... she needs help
Rank them from best to worst
/got/ general
Kong director Jordan Vogt-Roberts hospitalized after alleged bar fight in Saigon
Shows with Highest IQ Audiences
Subtle Futurama jokes you didn't get at first
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the Eric Andre Show!
Did Japan just cross the uncanny valley?
This is CIA to Ground Control
Rank them from best to worst
What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
They each have a week to kill the same small group of kids with attitude
It's a Sawyer episode
"Villains" that did nothing wrong
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...