How will they re-shoot this scene in Chapter 2?

How will they re-shoot this scene in Chapter 2?

I love how the entirety of the adult part was just Pennywise trolling them with goofy gags and making fun of them for living shitty lives.


What does it spell?

>the best scene of the tv series
>it's worse than anything in the movie

They won't. It's not a remake of the miniseries.

They will. It's in the book.

You just got blown the fuck out! How does it feel, son?

Imma kill myself now thanks a lot

Nevermind than.

>One of the most famous scenes in the movie, a horror movie
>Not scary
What did they mean by this?

*better than anything in the CG-i garbage fest that was the movie

I'm more curious about the "Kiss me fatboy" scene.

>tfw when he trolls richie for being a virgin

All the adult stuff isn't scary at all, which is why psycho Henry has to be brought back to cause some fear. After all, It only eats kids - it poses no threat at all to adult except fucking with their heads.

It's going to be a terrible sequel.

The decision to make a kids and an adult film was both good and bad. Good because the first movie is really strong, has the best scenes and will be a success, making people go see the sequel... and bad because the sequel will be boring as fuck. The story worked because both parts were interweaved. The adult part alone is really dull and not that entertaining.

>It only eats kids - it poses no threat at all to adult except fucking with their heads.
It can eat adults. Remember that fag who got gay-bashed?
Children just taste better.

>Horror movie
>Most of it isn't even scary
What exactly did they mean by this?

When you think about it, that's more scary than if he just keeps showing up and wanting to kill you.

Imagine a clown showing up that only you can see. He keeps making loud noises so you can't hear people talking to you, and covering stuff with blood. You can't react because people will think you are insane.

Contrast with a monster showing up and you have to run.

This movie made me afraid of clowns as a child. Scenes like this remind me that clowns are actually hilarious.

that's a pretty good description of what it's like living with schizophrenia

Yeah, they're never goig to include this, just like they didn't touch Patrick's actual death because of the homosexuality stuff.

If you read a lot of King, most of his gay characters die, mostly in horrible ways after doing some gay shit.

What about this scene?

it's more unsettling and disturbing.


they'll try to make it scary by having Pennywise be all creepy, instead of the original which was just pennywise cracking jokes and being a massive troll.

>waHAH! waHAH! waHAH!

it's what the new movie doesn't get. Curry Pennywise was scary because he looked normal. It was what he DID that was scary. (bend reality, do shit only they can see, etc) him showing his teeth and red eyes wasn't scary in itself, it was a sort of reminder that he's NOT just a dumb clown, and that underneath the generic exterior he IS a monster.

Hell, the trailer for the miniseries starts out with, sure enough, the initial scene, of the little girl and the clothesline. because that's way more insiduous. He's just a normal clown, and they even play whimsical music as he waves to the little girl and she smiles. Until the sheets wave back and he's suddenly angry and the camera pans towards the little girl as she screams.

But thats not how the book went. And since this movie is based around the book, not the series... IT was literally a violent edgy creep who could turn into the Creature from the Black Lagoon and rip your head clean off, not some wacky clown.

>Curry Pennywise was scary because he looked normal. It was what he DID that was scary.

Wrong. Either youre a retarded nostalgiafag or even worse, a retarded contrarian that thinks old=better, but its completely obvious that you neither know anything about the source material, have no say in what constitutes a good movie/performance and probably havent even seen the new one

>Curry Pennywise was scary because he looked normal.

No, firstly it was scary because you were a kid. Also literally every description of the clown by King was that at first glance he appeared to be a clown and then suddenly he started describing how fucked up he actually looked. There were no jokes, yes IT was taunting the kids constantly but it was nowhere close to being as over-the-top as the miniseries portrayed him.

it's more unsettling and disturbing.

If we've learned anything by now, it's that Stephen King's books work best as adaptations when they are edited and changed around.

Case in point, the Shining. Nobody gave a shit about the book, nobody saw the miniseries. But the movie? we still talk about it today.

Sure, part of it was Jack Nicholson doing what he does best, and part of it was just Kubrick's mad genius, but the fact is, it's the only version of The shining anyone remembers. Just like IT. The only thing people remember is Tim Curry as the clown scaring kids and trolling adults.

In a different example- Jurassic Park. The movie differs a fair bit from the book as far as characters go. But nobody cared about the book, (or remembers it) While the movie has been referenced to hell and heaven. And when Crichton wrote the sequel to it, he based it off the movie, and not his original book, because he realized that.

>stanley kills himself because he doesnt want to deal with IT again
>even though he overcame his fear of him as a kid

a horror movie doesn't have to be in your face scary to be scary. understated horror, such as psychological horror and implied horror, are often way more effective. A good creepy atmosphere can do wonders.

Something like Freddy Krueger isn't scary just because he looks scary and because of specific murders he commits, it's the atmosphere of the movie- the lighting, the set, costume, etc design, the music, the sound, all of that. The concept behind how he does things as well, is scary in it's own right, because our dreams are a sacred space where we are basically defenseless.

And the reboot of Freddy sucked because it didn't really get any of that.

You're forgetting that Stanley was the first one to see it's dead lights and also had a second encounter with IT after They supposedly defeated him. It fucked him up and he was always the weakest of the losers. Stop pretendjng you're smarter than you are. It's embarrassing to watch.

Part 2 will have more flashbacks involving the young losers.

He also knew that the power of childish belief could defeat It.
He, and It, both doubted that as adults they could repeat the trick.