Is Andy Milonakis /ourguy/?

Is Andy Milonakis /ourguy/?

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Why do they look like such niggers?

By copying you, stupid faggot.

literally yes

I wonder how much underage pussy he swings

andy said it first

hes a pretentious and obnoxious faggot
you might remember him from his tv show, but thats about the only thing positive anyone that actually knows him can say about him
hes extremely annoying, leeches off other internet celebrities to try and revive his dead career
>speaking to a 14 year old
>speaking to a 40 year old 14 year old
i would rather hang out with someone that actually has autism, than someone who just looks the part

Is there some sort of issue between the two of them?

Pews was our guy since he got redpilled

what did he mean by this?

Racism is for morons. I should know better. I'm sorry.

What the fuck does Andy even do now? How is he still relevant?

Does Andy put on his whole 12 year old act or is his brain constantly stuck that way


Tell me one bad thing about it without muh feelings

How does he have any money left? Does he service those melanin enriched gentlemen?

>posts a video about livestream fuckups
>proceeds to have a livestream fuckup a few hours later

codeine/hydro syrup is such a shit drug. it must be such a hassle to try and find a supply of that shit.

is some dude just searching out people with bad coughs and ask for their syrup?

I saw this in the IT pedophile thread

Mad virgin is mad

> I know I will be on this video sooner or later

What does some pedophile sub human have to do with this now?
Answer the question.

Who was this kid again?

Isnt he like 50 now?

Never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing to the thread.

Pewdiepie called somebody a nigger on livestream and the mainstream media's still mad at him calling out their dwindling sales and influence, so they jumped at the opportunity.

Meanwhile based JonTron is back and as big as ever despite offering no apology for his justified statements.

>dodging the question

Ill reply if I want bitch


nice trips