ITT: Blacklisted actors

ITT: Blacklisted actors

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He's not blacklisted, just a cunt apparently

thats how you get blacklisted cunt

>acting credit for appearing on a talk show

Touche. Still I think just being hard to work with is less damning than losing your shit and naming names like Gibson did.

His net worth is 80M. Why doesn't he just make his own movies?

naming the jew more like

People are responsible for their own behavior? Umm no sweeitie it's le jews.

Shhhhhh I was trying to be subtle

Do you guys think it's because he kept the swastika tattoo from AHX?
(Not a lot of people know this)

Sauce on dat homeboy.

How do I get a tattoo parlor to give me one of these?

Be Indian, say it's for religion.

>Star in a neonazi movie
>BEG the director to change the ending because youre scared of upsetting the powers that be
>Ending changed. Didnt help.

Poor little white goi

>le jews
This is the part where anons post the same bunch of lists with kikes in charge of media corporations, and you click none of them because you're afraid that examining the facts might make you an evil racist. And then the same few resident kikes of this board argue with the same dozen or so Sup Forumstards for 300+ replies.

tell them you're a buddhist, also don't have a shaved head when you go for it

He's a notorious pain in the ass and a control freak apparently.

Can understand it

Isle of Dogs is going to be great

t. reddit

LMAO now he's gotta voice characters in shitty animated flicks

I can never tell if he wants to be seen as a serious actor or not, like on one side hes so far up his own ass, and then the next day hes doing, Hulk and Sausage Party

the irony

He's just hard to work with because he's a bossy cunt.

>starred in a russian tv short
Holy shit how can your career be this dead?

I think Collateral Beauty ruined everyone

well isle of dogs is a wes anderson film. Not like he's doing something like sir billi

Has anybody ever been blacklisted as hard as Cosby? Was it his fault for taking a stand against (((them)))?

he's in his 40's, has a 3 year old son, and is a millionaire. it's not exactly like he needs work but no one will take a chance on him.

he's probably doing some writing on the side. he's not quite leading man material anymore, probably just waiting for the interesting scripts to come through.

Katherine Heigl

this, hes not blacklisted

ok Norton

she's a fucking diva, right?

she led her own movie last year I think. Some shitty thriller that made no money

Gotta know a guy who knows a guy.

I don't understand. Why would they do that and not credit the actors or writers who play on that one multi-network TV series that everyone is always mad about? You know, the one with the guy with the funny hair who goes golfing and eats ice cream and the funny lady who kept falling down, oops!

It's really something that a show that everyone talks about doesn't show up on imdb.

Go to any tattoo place in the southern United States. Or go to prison and join a white gang.

Why would one group of people owning and controlling their property make you hate them? Never understood this part. Seems like an excuse to be racist. I thought Sup Forums was all for capitalism and being libertarian? But when it comes to the Jews legally owning Hollywood and controlling media they suddenly 180. It's not a conspiracy, its business. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, quit being lazy and maybe you all can get a slice of the pie.

"them" as in 30+ different women? Yeah that's probably why.

I'm going to blame it on INCREDIBLE HULK

Just say you're gay and they have to do whatever you say.

>I don't get why nepotism is bad though???
Maybe if it weren't illegal for everyone else there wouldn't be a problem.

He voiced a Jew in that Seth Rogan food movie that came out last year

method acting

What was the original ending?



>30+ different women
So the number of women complaining makes it more credible? A sorority could just go "like oh my god (x celebrity) like totally raped us" and you'd be forced to believe them? That's retarded.


They deserve it for starring in such a retarded bad movie

BTW collateral beauty was funded by the Saudis to have a Hollywood movie with big names that's also Sharia friendly. That's why it's so fucking boring and there's no sex scenes

You're the dumbest piece of shit I've seen on here in years.

While I do want to believe that, I'm not fully convinced.

too white

What part of blacklist do you not understand

say you're an actor and it's for a gig

oh, i was wondering why we dont get to see him anymore, he seemed to be on the road to superstardom back then.


just wear a MAGA hat and give them the ol' Trump salute, they'll know exactly what you want

If he's so passionate about writing and editing why not make your own fucking movie?

him shaving his head again after his lil bro gets shot

But nepotism is part of capitalism you filthy socialist.

Was your dad a failure or something? Everyone I know got their first job working in their father's company or alongside their father in a company he is respected in. I'd say nepotism is the standard.

shit, that would have been a lot better

Not sure if he's blacklisted, but he hasn't had an acting role in a good film in 5 years.

lol nepotism is the only way you're gonna move up in a socialist society. In a capitalist society, a efficient free market would make businesses hire on ability, not race, gender or family.

the scifi flick with replicants and Rosamund Pike wasn't that bad for a b-movie

he is an old action-star

you either make your own passion projects like Stallone, live of the old franchises like Arnold or fade away like Willis.


Willis is also a big time pot head maybe he just dont give a shit no more

Looks like my dad tbqhwy

He literally played a main role in the Oscar winner from 2014 (a shit film imo, but still). Hes not blacklisted, just an asshole with a bad rep that makes people wary about hiring him.

I was gonna say him but it looks like he's making kinos under the radar.

I was really surprised to see him in Hacksaw Ridge. Just a complete
>What the fuck it's Sam Worthington.
And I still think he was miscast in that as much as I dig him.

East coast best coast bay-be

You're getting confused with Michael Keaton.

i think you meant to reply to op

>that huge drop in acting after he directed The Passion in 2004

guy looks like a wood

remember when people like klaus kinski were all over the acting scene? and warren bait-y? those were good times, hearing the stories of how fucking bananas they acting behind the scenes.

Reminder, anti-Sup Forums dudes are 14-26 year old "anarchists" and communists from reddit.

making a film about the jews greatest crime, of course he wouldnt get a role in a movie ever again. better to start directing his own instead


Why doesn't he just do what Quentin does and talk about how much he loves films? Almost every interview with other people about Mel talks about how he loves film so much, but we rarely hear that from Mel himself. Guarantee if he pulled Quentin shit we'd see more of him.

Mel is so fucking talented.

It wouldn't be enough if his net worth were 200M.
What matters is if your 'friends' and people you know in the business will risk X amount of millions for your movie.

He even stood his ground and refused to change his story which put salt on the wounds.

he`s just warming up to the Unbreakable sequal which should be an action kino
M. Night wil save Bruce just you wait

it's for a movie i swear !

Nepotism is communist gibs for people genetically related to you. Its literally fascist.

>we are doing American History XX, the prequel to Triple X ya know bro, vin diesel n´ sheet

act like a white supremacist and ask for something else, making them tattoo the swastika out of spite to brand you

top pleb b8 m8

I honestly don't know which show you are talking about. Please tel me the name of it. Not even memeing

The News, known internationally as America.

Oh yeah, that one. The last couple of seasons have been off the wall. The writers are really doing anything for the ratings it seems. I'm giving it two seasons before its gone

Or do it "ironically" like Mr. Two Scoops.


I feel bad for him. He was clearly being groomed to be the next big action star but his movies just sucked.

I thought last season was pretty funny and that finale I was not expecting. This season's getting pretty trite and predictable though, made me stop watching.


That was like last year, you retard. His career was supposd to explode after LoTR, which was more than 10 years ago.