someone shoop his eyes real big

heh, nothing personnel small guy

What I don't understand is why Littlefinger didn't at least demand a trial by combat. It seems so incredibly out of character for him to just break down crying like that. I'm just spitballing here, but something like

>I demand a trial by combat, who will fight for the Lord of the Vale?
>*nobody answers*
>I will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams
>*still, nobody answers*

Then he uncertainly and uncomfortably takes a sword for himself, and then Brienne or Arya kill him.

What I don't understand is the guy who said "I THINK NOT" when Littlefinger asked him for help also heard Sansa tell her story of how Littlefinger saved her from her aunt almost killing her.

Now all of a sudden that guy believes her magical brother who can see into the past and future which makes no sense considering almost everyone in the show not part of the Night's Watch doesn't believe in the white walkers so how do people go from not believing in white walkers to believing in time travel from a crippled kid?

...realistically Littlefinger would have gotten a trial and his men would have demanded Sansa and Bran actually give facts showing that Sansa was not threatened by her aunt.

King Tommon banned it and the north don't beilive in trial by combat.

>the north don't beilive in trial by combat.
>King Tommen
Who cares, the North follows King Jon

>a king

It's not just some random guy though. That's Bronze Yohn Royce, he's constantly been Littlefinger's biggest enemy in the Vale and Littlefinger kept him in check by displaying how he could have Sweetrobin execute him. Yohn Royce knows LF for the conniving little shit he has always been. And I think it's a little ridiculous to not think that lord Royce would have been informed beforehand that the trial was for LF.

Indanorf, yes

King Aegon* excuse you

I mean the north also believed that the one giving the sentence should swing the sword but lady Sansa didn't want to get rat blood on her pretty coat

why didn't he fuck off when deus ex twink machina said chaosh is a ladduh?

Because D&D didn't write it that way

Imagine old Game of Thrones doing The Trial of Littlefinger. It would have been full of conspiracy and intrigue and been rich with plot relevance and character development. Instead we got that contrived Arya/Sansa "storyline" and a nonsensical execution done solely for shock value.

because D&D wanted the scene to end a certain way. They didn't want Littlefinger to die a more noble death, and a trial by combat would only have delayed the inevitable outcome that they preordained.

Shut the fuck up this board is exclusively for Rick and Morty and scary clowns now

Where would he go?

hmm it's almost like he's a noble that owns land, i wonder where he could go if he needed to

you're retarded. littlefinger's entire existence was fucking people over, it was a fitting way for him to go

Isn't he hated like, everywhere by now with all his burned bridges



*walks up to you*
*unsheathes needle*
*does a 360 spin cutting your throat*
pssshhh, nothing personnel...


>doesn't clean the blade before resheathing it.

>Owns land
Harrenhall is off the table.

>It seems so incredibly out of character
Welcome to every character for the past 4 seasons bro. Expect even more of it.