is this batman or trent? hard to tell just got outta jail
Where did his eyebrows go?
except Dubsman can get still get work and turns down roles left right and center.
nice dubs by the way.
wew lads
Bale..easy on the doubles
>just got outta jail
greentext it
He's purposefully cultivating this look to prepare for his Dick Cheney role. After what he did for the Machinist this isn't a huge jump.
Obviously he ate them.
G-guys, will he be ok ?
>le JUST
>muh memes because let's pretend that he hasn't gotten super fat and super skinny for a movie role because this is for a fucking movie role
defend urselves
>My 600lb life: The movie
What the fuck is going on here?
doublermans you
check those
This is beyond him just getting fat. Look at his wrinkly old face and like...his eyebrows are weird and his eyes look all sunken in
he's playing dick cheney you memeing fucking retards
this cant be happening
it's almost like people get old and his eyes look sinked in BECAUSE HIS FACE IS FUCKING FATTER YOU FUCKING RETARD
He's gonna keel over at age 50 isn't he? It isn't healthy to go from skinny to buff to fat over and over in various orders
if i get the 99 dubs i will die as billionaire
gonna end killing hinself like that
wow that guy from Sleaford Mods really let himself go
>all these faggots that don't know he's getting ready to play dick Cheney
Please leave.
He's a big guy
He's a big guy
Christian why are you getting so mad, it's just bant
For you. Checked.
looking good
and women complain when an actress is told to get on a treadmill
check these quints
> It isn't healthy to go from skinny to buff to fat over and over in various orders
No, it's good. You have to shock the body to make it stronger.
I thought it was Michael Madsen from the thumb
Oh wow the dedication... wow like he eats more or less and works out such an amazing feat. Greatest actor!!!
Is this the designated dubs thread?
Salty fatass detected.
Yo he's getting huge (in the muscle way) it's just a dirty bulk he's gonna be big muscle man
the biggest red flag is shaving the star to make him look bald. it works the other way around though, putting hair on someone who's going bald
has there ever been a good serious movie where the guy is shaven to look bald
Hory shiet that hive mind
He lost so much weight for the machinist his ass muscles lose their elasticity and fell out of place he showed it to one of his costars and the guy said it was pretty disturbing.
can you eat these numbers?
And womem complain about getting less paid; you didn't have to gain or lose weight in just a couple of months, you bitches!
daaaaaamn... dubs look like THAT?
Knight of DD Cups
Exodus: Gods and Burger Kings
Batman Begins (his diet on Monday)
American Lack of Hustle
Terminator Salivation
Howl's Slowly Moving Castle
Shhhh. The kids just want to shitpost.
Doesn't the constant weight flunctuations put strain on his body?
I think the Mans been a vegan since he's was a kid he'll live till he gets trips for sure
No he was vegetarian for a period but then said he loved meat and changed his diet.
You think all the roids he's been on throughout the years messed with his testosterone production, or did he have doctors to keep his shit in check?
No dubs looks like this
>dick cheney
why doesn't dick cheney just play himself?
the dude is a wanker. American Psycho was the only good thing he's done.
liberal propaganda to make conservatives look bad and evil white men?