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Frasier thread
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Frasier is the best sitcom of the 90's
People here wil say Roz was a slut - and that's obviously true - but that doesn't make Roz a bad character.
On the contrary, I love those freewheeling, carefree (or even jaded) slut characters. Like Christine "Maryann" Baranski in Cybil, or Joanna "Patsy" Lumley in Absolutely Fabulous.
did anybody else here not like Ronee?
>People here wil say Roz was a slut
because she was
Ronee was pure cringe.
I liked her better in just shoot me.
It's almost as if you didn't bother to read more than the first 20 letters of my message...
there's one thing better than a perfect meal
a perfect meal with one flaw that you can pick at for the rest of the evening
we get it women who fuck multiple men turns you on but for most of us it's degenerate behavior
>tfw a pleb folds your cashmere and misdirects the nap
Again, it's not about real life - it's about the CHARACTERS and how funny they are.
FFS, can't you read?
But I'm going to bed now, so whatevers.
Frasier had some great acting
irl people would be concerned for a woman like Roz. There would be an intervention of sorts.
>But I'm going to bed now, so whatevers.
please don't wake up
I miss it, I miss it so much
I finished the whole series a few weeks ago, I don't know what to do, do I live my life now?
I spent over a month watching it and I enjoyed that time, but what do I do now?
I miss it so much
Sluts are a dime a dozen you dumb fuck.
watch Cheers
it's not as good but you get to see Frasier's early life starting in season 3 but don't worry about seasons 1-2 based Coach makes it great
You need to see every episode at least a dozen times before you're a real Fraiserphile.
Yea, I started watching Cheers since I kind of missed Frasier so much.. I fucking love that show
Why did only Seasons 1- 3 and 11 of DVD releases have any special features?
I wish I could re-watch it
Maybe next year I will
Because NBC fucked around and didn't start releasing the seasons on DVD until a year before the show ended. So they only put out Seasons 1 in 2003 and 2 and 3 in 2004 right around the time of the final season. And then put the final season out on DVD that fall to capitalize on the ending. So all of those seasons were produced around the time the show was still in production.
By the time they did Seasons 5 through 10, the show had been wrapped for a year at this point and nobody good be bothered with special features so each season's DVD slowly trickled out over the course of nearly 3 years, not even making it to Regions 2 or 4 until 2008 and 2009. And the complete series boxset not until 2015. DVDs were on their way out by that point.
Of course fucking Friends they had been putting out the series at a rapid pace since 2002 and had only the 9th and 10th seasons left after the show ended. And those were pumped out in less than a year and had the complete series boxset reissued alongside Season 10. And then reissued a year later. And then again 8 years later right before streaming became huge.
Seinfeld too, missed out on the home release during it's run and was only available on syndication for a while (though it was on like 5 times a day so you couldn't miss it). But what they did was put the first 3 seasons out in November '04, Season 4 in May '05, Seasons 5 and 6 in November '05, and then slowed down a bit to let sales keep going strong with Season 7 in November '06, Season 8 in May '07, and Season 9 in November '07. All chock-full of commentaries, deleted scenes, vignettes, and other special features.
I don't know why Frasier dropped the ball so hard.
>tfw I'm becoming Frasier
>move from East Coast to Pacific Northwest
>have one younger brother whom I fight with
>work a comfy, occasionally banterous job
>severely balding
>haven't slept with a women in over a month
>reading Jung and Freud all the time
>listening to BBC Radio 4 all the time in the kitchen or in the car
>listening to classical music I get from the record store
>going to the opera and the theatre
>developing a taste for sherry
>burgeoning fascination with art history
>spent $1000 on interior design for my apartment in last month
What should I do lads?
>spent $1000 on interior design for my apartment in last month
The madman. Did you buy like a coffee table?
Already had a coffee table, but I bought a new bookshelf and two paintings.
I feel bad though because $1000 is literally half of all I have leftover after paying rent, utilities, fine food etc. each month (about $3,000 for this alone).
I was just razzing you. You're probably young and taking some pride in your life, which is cool.
Yeah. I'm in a much better place than 3 years ago.
Running Jokes ranking
>God Tier
Niles's offhand remarks about Maris
>High Tier
Frasier's terrible puns
Niles insults toward Roz
>Good Tier
Call-in guests
Daphne's cooking
>Pleb tier
>High Tier
Bulldog pranks Frasier/hits on Roz
Frasier and Niles competing against each other
>Good Tier
Roz is promiscuous
Noel is a weird nerd/Trekkie
Gill's wife
What the most highbrow season of the show?
season 2
So settle a disagreement for me fellows, the theme tune is about eating ass, right?
fuck you
getting your ass eaten out I think
Living the dream my friend
Was Roz a slut?