Why do women have to ruin everything?

Why do women have to ruin everything?

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Reminder in the novel it's established that Pennywise is female so this pairing isn't gay. Gay shippers BTFO.

I've come to the conclusion that they shouldn't be allowed to watch TV

>cancer x cancer

>Both scary monsters that prey on children
Kek, can't wait for pic related to become a gay icon

This makes no fucking sense, Pennywise is a fucking GIRL

Holy fuck I thought this was just some meme between white girls on Twitter. How can these LGBT organisations lack so much awareness?

>manifestations of pure evil are considered gay icons
So how long until Michael Myers is a gay icon?

You see, women are incapable of understanding friendship. They may think they form close bonds with other people that can be called "friends" but this is simply not the case. Hence, they simply can't grasp the concept of two men spending time with each and liking each other without any romantic attachment. It's because of this we get terms like "bromance" and, of course "shipping" (a term almost exclusively used to apply to gay male/male pairings).

That's just speculation. We don't know the gender of IT or if IT even has a gender. Also, Pennywise is a man named Bob Gray.

But none of that shit applies here. Pennywise and the Babadook are evil monsters.

Didn't in the book he actually kill a gay man?

>a sickness of the mind

Pennywise murdered a gay man and a gay teenager. Don't forget that Patrick jerked Henry off and offered to give him a blowjob.

It's the mantility which led to this ridiculousness

Kek, forgot about that



Pennywise is a literal child predator and in the book he murders a gay couple

>Two demons that feed on negative emotions and children

Sounds about right

there is no god after all

how did they make that reach with The Babadook?

Tfw I work with a bob gray

>someone came up with a dumb idea on the internet and now I'm mad about it
There is no snowflake more delicate than an alt-right snowflake.

lefties get more offended about dumber things though, why else would they push so hard to coopt this term to cover that up

Fags, Jews , liberals, niggers all turning shit into snowflake bullshit .... that's an ideal plague it's worth saying it's bullshit


nice self portrait there pal.

I think this is pretty cute

Expect nothing less of an idiotic non dioxied nucleotide asshat

>somehow teenage girls on tumblr writing slash fiction != EMPOWERING GAY ICONS
>tfw faggot

I miss when there were no women on the internet.

>everything is Sup Forums
What the fuck is wrong with this board?

>be faggot
>see shipping as something harmless and silly
>indulge in it a little myself
>not be a giant retard about it

it's easy you just don't act like a 16 year old cockmongler

>Psycho child raping demons
Is it just me or is that a really bad PR move

>There's a gay monster that terrorizes kids because it feeds off their energy

is that really the message people want to send?

>Reminder in the novel it's established that Pennywise is female so this pairing isn't gay. Gay shippers BTFO.
wtf i hate the pairing now

>Tfw I work with a bob gray
mate be careful who you float with

Absolutely no one is "shipping" this seriously, you autistic faggots.