How hard do you think Will Graham shit himself when Hannibal escaped?

How hard do you think Will Graham shit himself when Hannibal escaped?

also was Red Dragon underrated?

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No, Red Dragon isn't that good a movie.

Watch Manhunter instead. It has a good story, and potrays Hannibal in a more realistic manner instead of mysterious in a cool way.

Now I suppose you could fault the Hannibal TV series for doing that a bit too, but Mads performance as him was just too fucking good.

Both are good you contrain faggot


Red Dragon is the best book, Hannibal is the worse. I mean, unless you count the shitfest that was Hannibal Rising, but even then Hannibal seems worse to me.

Manhunt is a shitty Miami vice retelling of it all, with the mystical aspects of the Red Dragon story stripped away in lieau of "cool" 80's aesthetics. It's not good.

Red Dragon is a bit better, but it suffers from the same thing the Hannibal book suffered: Lecter cocksucking. He was a supporting character in the book and works at its best when he's in the shadows, but the movie focuses too much on him (for marketing reasons) and that, plus the ending that was changed from an awesome twist into some shitty pysch 101 bullshit for god knows what reason, are two very big faults I can't gloss over. So, underrated? Not really. It's rated just fine.

And Manhunter is overrated by hipsters.

this manhunter is best pure kino

You are 100% correct!!!FACT!!!

How does he stop the toothfairy in the book? Does he still break into Grahams house?

I have no fucking clue how someone could rec the Ratner Red Dragon movie. It's diarrhea.

Kys fgt

Red Dragon is an awful movie.

>also was Red Dragon underrated
Can't you form an opinion faggot?

You think I started this thread without already thinking Red dragon was underrated?

I wanted to discuss this with other people who also liked it and get some reasoning from people who didn't.
wasn't expecting all the manhunter fags

He doesn't. He's walking on the beach with his wife and stepkid and then he sees Dolarhydes standing in front of him. Will runs away and leaves his wife to her own devices, and she tries to protect her child. Dolarhyde goes after Will, overpowers him, and slashes his face open. Will's wife ends up shooting him dead, but the damage's already done.

The novel ends with Will getting the detils as to how Dolarhyde was still alive from Crawford. He receives a letter from Lecter (if I remember correctly, it goes through Crawford, who orders the police to burn it). Will's relationship with his wife is obviously fucked due to how he behaved during the confrontation, as well as to how disfigured he is. The novel ends with him in bed, musing about how people are shit, himself included.

He remains disfigured for the rest of his life and his relationship with his wife is strained forever. Silence of the Lambs has a throwaway line about how now he's an alcoholic who spends his time at dive bars looking like a Picasso painting.

Way better than some shitty reverse psychology crap. It also explains, in a way, why Will doesn't care anymore when Lecter breaks out.

He's only contrary to you, though. Most people who follow the series can see how weak it was after Silence.

Yes. He stabs will in the face and will flees the house abandoning his wife and his wife's son, leaving Molly to kill the red dragon by herself. After will recovers he becomes a drunk with a fucked up face dying from alcohol poisoning and divorced. If he had learned that Hannibal escaped he'd probably be begging for death by that point anyway. He's just a throwaway mention in silence of the lambs and that's it.

Who was smarter? Buffalo Bill or The Toothfairy?

Dollarhyde. He knew he wasn't a tranny.

Perhaps you should have stated that instead of asking the question. You fucked your own thread.
>wasn't expecting all the manhunter fags
How new are you?

will and molly and her kid are out on the beach when all of a sudden will spots dolerhyde coming at them and he attacks will beating him and them driving a knife into his face. molly wacks him with a fishing poll and runs to the house with dolerhyde after her where she kills him with the gun will gave her with those special bullets he had giving her

p sure graham was passed out drunk in the swamp when that happened, he dgaf. also red dragon was dogshit, manhunter is patrician's choice tho the tv series is my fav hannibal ip

Sup Forumstard for years

I just came to Sup Forums recently to talk about GoT and some movies

The Red Dragon/Tooth Fairy was a lot smarter. In the novel at least, we get insights into his musings of history, the arts, and astrology. He's fucking insane if he thinks he's going to literally become the character from Blake painting, but even then he's extremely knowledgeable about all sorts of things in order to give grounds to his delusion.

Whereas Buffalo Bill/Jame Gumb just wants to become a woman. He does have knowledge of how to sew and cure leather and things related to that field, but that's nothing too special (Dolarhyde also had extensive knowledge of military combat and photograph processing since he worked on both fields).

It really is no contest, in my opinion.

did he run away? i thought he didnt? this was my response here

>instantly feels the need to reference manhunter
>didn't like red dragon
>liked the hannibal tv series

jesus fucking christ user

Anyone excited for Mindhunter? True story of the guy Jack Crawford is based on from David "Zodiac" Fincher.

>I just came to Sup Forums recently to talk about GoT
Kill yourself pleb

"Graham on his back, something burning in the left side of his chest, slid headfirst down the dune onto the beach [...] The rod whistled as Molly swung it hard at Dolarhyde's face. [...] Graham rolled over, got to his knees, then his feet, eyes wild and choking blood he ran, ran from Dolarhyde, ran until he collapsed.
Molly ran for the dunes, Willy ahead of her. Dolarhyde was coming..."

So Will sees Dolarhyde, he runs away, Dolarhyde overpowers him and stabs him in the face, Molly goes after them and strikes Dolarhyde with the pole, Will gtfos until he collapses, Dolarhyde follows Molly, Molly shoots him.

So he runs away TWICE. That's why things are so tense between them during the epilogue.

yess i had forgotten about this, will watch. based fincher


Dolarhyde was probably the most dangerous person in the books. He's extremely muscular and strong, has military training, and is implied to have been killing decades before he became the Red Dragon.

hmm i have to read the book again but my brother has it but i always assumed dolarhyde came out of no where and overpowered will stabbing him and then delivering that bone crushing stab to his face. i mean do you not blame him for trying to escape after that ordeal. dude got severly fucked up

>that scene in the books where Jame Gumb is crying on the bed after his dog was stolen, so he's petting a heating pad Instead while watching films of his mother in swimsuit contests

YES THIS i was about to ask if anyone who read the book picked up that tidbit of earlier possible killings. kids perhaps or hookers in the filipeans or tiland

Hannibal series is horrible.

He has superpowers or somehting to do what he does.

Actually it's another fictional story based on the guy whom Jack Crawford was based on from based Fincher.

cant spell sorry

I don't think he does anything superpowered apart from how he got that cops body hanging so high in silence of the lambs

everything else is supposed intelligence and a little bit of luck

Before I read the books or seen the movies, I had known about the "having an old friend for dinner" line, so up until the end of Silence of the Lambs I thought Graham was going to be eaten at some point.

both are great but Red Dragon still better to me, Hopkins is just hipnotic


What a great story user. How did you get so interesting?

Will sees Dolarhyde and slides through the dunes, THEN Dolarhyde stabs him, then Molly hits Dolarhyde, then Will keeps running away and collapses, and then Dolarhyde goes after Molly.

I don't blame Will for running away, but he didn't seem to give two shits about Molly or Willy's safety throughout the entire ordeal, and I think that's what breaks him the most, even more than his disfigurement.

>Red Dragon is the best book

idk m8, the Amazon reviews call it dog shit.

>idk m8
>the Amazon reviews
Try forming your own opinions youngfag.

Mmmm, I wonder what those reviewers think about Hannibal then, a book where the antihero can control animals at will (despite previous canon being that he tortured them as a kid), is scientifically unable to feel fear, has superhuman strength, comes from a noble lineage, and has a tragic backstory justifying his crimes. Said antihero is pitted against a nuveau-riche reneck heir to a meat slaughtering industry who crucifies innocents alongside Idi Amin, rapes children, including his own sister, and drinks children's tears once he's no longer able to rape them.

Bear in mind Stephen King called that Hannibal shitfest one of the best books he's ever read.

Red Dragon won't earn a Nobel prize anytime soon, but the fluctuating contrast between past, present, the mystical and the real, tied together with murder and gore is very effective. It's as good as a pulp serial killer novel can get.

You know what you look like to me, OP? You look like a rube.

I don't know shit about kino. Can somebody explain to me why people always post pics like this when they claim a movie is good?
Like, I get it that they are beautufully shot and all but is there something I'm not seeing? Because I fail to see how shit like this would be so important for anyone who wants to judge if a movie is good or not.

Lurk more faggot.