What are some legitimately scary horror movies?

what are some legitimately scary horror movies?

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The Emoji Movie

Little Shop of Horrors

What are you afraid of? Is it beds that eat people?

Sinister scared me when I saw it.

Thanks I didn't need to sleep tonight

This, I'm still scared of Sinister purely because of the "family home movies". When it gets into >le ancient demon stuff it just becomes goofy.

It 2017

>Serious to god almost threw my popcorn


>What are you afraid of?
Living like this forever, miserable and alone, with not a single person on earth caring about me, and alcohol only providing a temporary escape while ironically making me uglier/less functional, worsening my situation

Really? I thought it was more of a thriller than horror. What parts stuck out to you as really scary?

>A Dark Song

which one should I watch tonight Sup Forums?

Baskin is scarier, a dark song doesn't go batshit insane as much as baskin. Both are probably like a 3.5/5, ie as good or better than It (2017)

I unironically agree. Except for the motivation/ logic of the aliens, and some human actions, where it's kinda retarded. Otherwise great film.

The hunt

Sinisters home movies scenes freaked me the fuck out but all my friends thought it was corny and predictable

It follows. Call me a pleb but the idea of being stalked is terrifying.


Mothman Prophesies
Kill List
Jacob's Ladder

Fuck the meme clown.

"IT" the HIGHEST grossing horror film of ALL TIME. See what has the critics buzzing... "IT" in theaters NOW.

Call me a faggot, but I found "As Above, So Below" to be a bit scary.


The Shining
Black Christmas
The first half of The Descent

>Jacob's Ladder
this. the hospital part was easily the most menacing and terrifying movie scene ever.

I knew that it would be a great horror film when I saw it's tagline

Funny half the time, complex as fuck, but ultimately has quite a few good scary scenes.

Just an excellent movie all around.

Fuck you I was expecting the man behind the wall from Mulholland Drive and got Memewise the Memeing Reddit.

This is much better.

but is it LITTY?

Your stupid thread is scary.

>"What is a good scary movie?'

That's like going into Sup Forums and asking for a good album without specifying a genre. Delete this piece of shit thread and start all over again, honky.

Not Terrorvision since it's really a comedy.
Underage and a shitty movie.
Hack director. Shitty movie.
>People slowly walking towards me is sooo scary.
Fuck that piece of garbage. Never got mad over wasting my time until I saw that hunk of shit.
2/5 is good.
Decent taste.
It was okay. The overuse of CGI and the cringe acting from the tard who played Pennywise ruined elements of it.

>That's like going into Sup Forums and asking for a good album without specifying a genre.
>TV/Movie board
>specifically states scary
>obviously meaning horror
how much more of an autist do you have to be? The rest of us clearly understood what he was saying.

Sub genres of horror exist.

Good choices

Also The Fly and The Thing, which aren't really scary but made me mentally recoil in disgust at times, and Session 9

i also recommend Noroi: The Curse if you're sick of jump scares

The Thing is very scary when you put a lot of thought into what went on but The Fly (assuming you're referring to Cronenberg's version and not the slightly superior Vincent Price version) isn't that scary. It's more of a drama with some gross out effects.

this was pretty spooky, rainy kino too

We're not going to have a entire thread talking about zombie films or vampire films. It's best to just lump them all together for the sake of variety

It's not like Sup Forums where you need specific genres for each thread. Sup Forums is a board for all things related to film and television which could mean adventure, action, drama, comedy ect.. The only thing the person needs to say to start a thread is "horror" and then let it go from there. You're not going to start a thread specifically asking for psychological horror, or body horror. That would be retarded.


Mothman Prophesies fucked me up when I was little god damn
Fuck you, I had forgotten about it too...

the lady gaga netflix movie

>Mothman Prophesies fucked me up when I was little god damn
same. Not because it was scary but because it was a terrible movie. I don't get how anyone over the age of 13 can not laugh at it.

Mama was unironically spooky up until the ending where they just showed her fully with no suspense

I was terrified of looking out of my window at night for a week or two because of that one scene

>unironically shitting on a movie that scared an eight year old on a Tibetan sculpture website

These are ones which fucked with me:
Exorcist 3
The Ring (not Ringu)
Session 9 if you want make it to the end
Ju-On (not The Grudge)
Rosemary's Baby
The Mist
The Thing
Hellraiser 1/2
The Others
The Haunting (1969)
Ouija 2. Serioiusly.
The Shining
The Witch

You guys need chapstick

Well, aren't you a bundle of joy.

Unironically this.

I wonder if he knows this is a sign of someone having aspergers

Yeah it's more of a thriller. Not that guy though

being this butthurt over some user shitting on a bunch of shitty movies
> know. I'll say it's a sign of having aspergers
>Yeah that showed the user who made that post 2 hours ago

"It"s problem is being based on a book there's so much that's impossible to translate onto film. King's ending didn't have a spider, it had an eldritch horror that human minds struggled to comprehend and gave it a shape their mind would accept, and THAT was the spider.

Also the CGI was fine, stop being contrarian. Even if saying that on Sup Forums is like pissing in the wind.

>"It"s problem is being based on a book there's so much that's impossible to translate onto film. King's ending didn't have a spider, it had an eldritch horror that human minds struggled to comprehend and gave it a shape their mind would accept, and THAT was the spider.
No the problem is they didn't have the girl fuck all the boys after destroying Pennywise. It's bullshit.

>Also the CGI was fine, stop being contrarian
Not liking the incredibly noticeable CGI does not make someone a contrarian. It's laziness and pathetic. The whole point of a horror film is to scare the audience yet how do you expect them to be frightened by a fucking cartoon? It's not even like most of the things they were doing even needed CGI. They could of easily have used makeup, molds, and animatronics which not only would have looked much better, but it also would have been 5x less expensive. It's not even like anyone is saying all CGI is bad but it should only be used when necessary, and not cover up the entire fucking movie.

It's people who defend this shit that are to blame for the lack of quality of horror films for the past 20 years.

Is the an official poster?

Christ that's bad.

sell me noroi, anons.

You should see the Pennywise acting. Absolutely corny and atrocious. The guy does not have the voice to play the character. The only thing he has going for him is the fact he naturally looks like a child molester.

>makeup, molds, and animatronics
Stop being a hipster, join us in the 21st century.

nightmare on the elm street is one of the worst horrors ever.

>join us in the 21st century.
Yeah man who needs all that real shit when we got fake as hell looking computer graphics. It's so much more practical than actually putting in effort.

>implying anything made in the 21st century could ever compare to the art that is An American Werewolf in London or John Carpenter's The Thing.

The Grifter

The older you get the slimmer the chance of being legitimately scared by a movie. Watch as much as you can when you're young because the effect wears off. Only speaking for men, can't speak for women.

>tfw was fucked up by IT, Candyman and Fire in the Sky as a kid
>rewatch them all while older and they're all such turbo trash

What's even the point?

I don't think it has anything to do with age rather than how much horror you do watch. I rarely watched horror films up until I was about 21. By the time I was an adult, they still effected me. It wasn't until I grew a love for them and began watching them on a daily basis is when it completely wore off and now I watch them as if they're just regular movies. Every now and then I'll find a really good horror film that makes me tense or jumpy for a scene or two but it won't carry throughout the entire film anymore.


>turbo trash
Are you kidding? That film is legit tough to watch knowing the horrors that the main character goes through. Everything from the acting. music, and setting are superb. It's a high tier horror film and shouldn't be lumped in with a TV miniseries and a shitty movie.


easily in the top 5 best horror themes of all time



For my entire life I've been seeking out the most unsettling movies I can find in any language and these are the best ones I've found. I invite anyone to offer movies they think are scarier!

Audition (genuinely creepy moments)
Kairo (incredible depiction of suicidal depression)
Cure (just watch it. eerie as fuck)
Gozu (watching this movie is like living a dream while being awake)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Sequestrados (brutal film. I like to think of it as a metaphor for rich powerful elite 1% individuals tearing into your nation, stealing your cash, and raping and murdering everyone you care about).
REC 1 & 2


The Seventh Continent (existential dread of calculating that it is better to die than to continue living as one's culture demands one to live).
Funny Games


Them (very realistic)
High Tension
Inside (very gross)


The Mothman Prophecies
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Shining
The Black Door
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Jacob's Ladder

These films aren't really worth watching. If you're a teenage edgelord, you might find them to be enjoyable. I'd rather watch horror film that is legit great and not very scary than a film that may be scary or unsettling but is also terrible. Even the ones that are considered "artsy" like Martyrs are really not much better than the Saw sequels or the Hostel films. Granted not all of the films you mentioned are that, but i'm only referring to the ones that are.

it's weird as fuck but i wasn't scared

You have the most basic taste.

You the kind of person who would go out with someone to get ice cream and when the person asks what flavor y'all should get, you respond with "vanilla".

All you're missing is Nightmare on Elm Street and Annabelle and then you'd win the game.

What's the point of going out of your way to post shit that 40 other people have already said?

the witch
shutter (original thai version)

You just can't get scared by movies after the year of 16.
Recommend me a scary movie if you dissagree thoough.
Also I'm not talking about movies which show certain human conditions and imply that being human is scary or some shit.

The witch wasn't scary user.
It still was a great movie though especially if you like historical movies like I do.

Nigga where are you from? You talk like an alien lmao.

>when you see a fellow patrician trying to sneak a Deathbed: The Bed That Eats reccomendation

Which of the mentioned films do you consider terrible? I'm ready and willing to understand your perspective. Most of the movies that unsettled me in the list I provided, don't have much gore in them. To be honest, I enjoy distant, static takes of characters more than chaotic, close-up shots of gore. Audition, Kairo, Gozu, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, The Seventh Continent, and Funny Games all focus on lengthy distant static shots of eerie situations, rather than close up gore.

Take a guess.

agreed on the first half of descent. i had a general idea of what the movie was about and thought ehh, underground cannibal people, but fuck me something about it genuinely made me sweat

The eyes of my mother
The Enemy
Without Name
A field in england
Boys for sale (doc)
Sleep-away camp
The taking of Deborah Logan
Disappearance at hanging rock
The hunt
I can see you

You're speaking as if what you're saying is objective rather than just your personal opinion.


Wow, you're dumb.

Oldfag here. Why are you mostly naming newer films? You're missing out on some of the best films ever created. Yeah you have Sleepaway Camp which is a decent movie but it's not actually scary until you see that last scene. In fact most of the film is kind of silly. It just seems weird joining a thread that's about horror movies yet I'm seeing mostly common shit that aren't even that old. Not saying people should spam the common as hell slashers like F13 and NoES but there are plenty of great horror films that have not been mentioned. It would be nice to see some quality stuff pre-2005 or even pre-2000. For a site that's su[pose to be 18+, i'm seeing a lot of movies people who are 17- talk about. Hell my teenage sister has watched a bunch of these recently.



Stating your an oldfag is annoying enough. Commenting on a lack of 'older' films and then suggesting none yourself is embarrassing. If you consider sleep away camp 'old' then im wondering why you didnt mention disappearance or boys for sale. Those would both also be 'old'. You sound like a very annoying person and your sister was a terrible lay.

But hopefully the charts I posted will satisfy your 'old' sensibilities. You 'old' 'old' oldfag'.

The Hunt truly frightened me as an adult.

t. Man who used to work at a daycare center.

Look at that clusterfuck of garbage. Bubba Ho-Tep is good.

What I find funny is the person added Shadow of the Vampire but didn't even bother to add the original Nosferatu. Also why the fuck is something like 28 Days Later on here but George Romero's Dawn of the Dead or Day of the Dead? What kind of retard made this?
Nigga don't be salty. He has a point.
Even though it is suppose to be 18+ board, people who visit /x/ are usually teens. Only kids would be this involved into the occult and other weird shit adults don't have time with.

The Thing is not a scary movie per se, what makes it so creepy is the concept behind the alien. All it wants is to survive and reproduce, instincts that all life has. Man is trying to suppress these instincts with technology, which has lead to nihilism. Carpenter specifically made the movie to reflect that nihilism, hence the nihilistic ending, the lack of any female characters and the general feeling of hopelessness throughout the whole movie. Even the soundtrack has a "it's all fucked, what's the point" feeling to it.

Plenty on that list is great. Just because it doesnt have every single movie it needs to doesnt mean its a bad list. And honestly at this point suggesting the trilogy has to be a meme. No one is going to make a spook thread and not have seen night dawn and day. Also OG nos is overrated.

I can see that. Not really a horror movie in the classic sense tho

>Stating your an oldfag is annoying enough.
What a petty thing to be annoyed by
>Commenting on a lack of 'older' films and then suggesting none yourself is embarrassing.
Your use of the word "embarrassing" is not only idiotic but you didn't ask me to post anything yet choose to be asshurt over something very minuscule. Sorry I ruined your entire day.
>If you consider sleep away camp 'old'
Which I don;t really. It's old compared to the other films that were listed in the same post. I don't think it's an old film though.
>you didnt mention disappearance or boys for sale
Oh I am deeply sorry.
>You sound like a very annoying person
Which is ironic since you've done more complaining about my simple curiosity than anything I was talking about.
>But hopefully the charts I posted will satisfy your 'old' sensibilities. You 'old' 'old' oldfag'
Don't be such a salty autist.

>Also OG nos is overrated.
The Herzog 1979 remake was exquisite though.

Bretty solid shit oldfag. Feel free to suggest something?
Well sure but it wasnt specified.

I saw Black Christmas for the first time at 25 and it legitimately scared me.

found footage films are the scariest for me. like the blair witch project