ITT Fuck you I liked it


Other urls found in this thread: VADER HELMET

Everyone liked it. That's why everyone hates it.

Same, tbqhwyf. Fuck y'all. The sci-fi concept shit was pure KINO too.

>Tfw no Matanza Arms Cellular Ammunition Rifle Base

James Cameron is surprisingly innovative when it comes to military science-fiction. How the fuck does he do it? He's a fucking 60 year old dad with no real military experience or official scientific authority. Who keeps whispering these angelic fever dreams into his ears? Where is he getting the blueprints for this shit that should, logically speaking, be way out of his grasp? I just don't understand. It has to be his graphic designer.

Techinical wise, yes. Storywise, nah.

I've never seen it.

How pleb am I?


If you're on reddit, that makes you a patrician.

They even took the time to design the ammo? Damn

whats so good about that pic?

that's funny because i found it absolutely ugly even in 2009

It was actually very funny.

>80 round disposable box-type magazine with telescoping/cased ammunition chambered in 6.2x35 caliber rounds with built-in ammo counter
>8 semi-automatic underslung 20mm grenades+launcher
>Fully modular
>Fully customizable
>Canonically speaking, light, cheap, incredibly robust build with extreme design efficiency, as well as unmatched reliability
>Meme-pup design
>900 RPM (rounds per minute)

It deserves to be as iconic as the M14A Pulse Rifle, or the coveted Cheyenne Dropship. Even the mobile suit was sweet as hell, and the Samson gunships that BTFO'd the Na'vi hometree were major killer. I just now remembered he designed the deep-space voyager sub-light interstellar vehicle as well, and it was actually very well researched and very well done. James Cameron just pulls gold out of his ass, and I'm 43% certain some graphic designer's been helping him out all this time, because I refuse to believe someone as old and as normie as him would know how to design all this shit and pack it all into one film.

Fuck you.

It's comfy in a strange way

>because I refuse to believe someone as old and as normie as him
You do realize you're talking about a guy who built his own submarine and used it to go to the deepest spot on earth, right?

I watched The Last Airbender stoned as fuck with my friends. I had no idea what the movie was about but we loved all the pretty colors. Had an absolute blast. Unironically a 10/10 movie experience.

Bullshit. I dun beleeb it.

Just looked it up, found out he didn't quite BUILD it, but he did supervise production and he did pilot it down the Marianas Trench, which is still quite impressive.

Normally I write off anyone over 40, but James Cameron really seems to know what he's doing when it comes to this kind of shit. Maybe I've been to harsh on him with my prejudices...Hmmm

There are very few movies you NEED to see in Imax 3D. This is actually the only one I can even think of that you need to. Don't bother watching it at home first. Wait until 2 comes out. See them as a double feature the day before release. If you live in a shit town with no Imax, go to one that has one.

Deep lore

Name 5 characters without Google or Wikipedia

Have you seen his art? He is a better graphic designer than most people who are only graphic designers.


Seriously, im a musicalfag and if you can ignore all the normies teenage girl fanbase, the first 2 seasons were really good.

(then he made S3 and it turned into a massive turd)


>i unintentionally reddit spaced
ok you can insult me

Jake Sooly
Colonel Quaritch
Sigourney Weaver
Nereti...Nadia...Navania...fucking blue bitch
Lara Croft

The Force Awakens, where Rey is not a Mary Sue

>Stranded on foreign planet for 20 years to learn basically everything
>Guardian is a ship and technology broker
>Stupid audience is surprised when Rey has more knowledge of ship (compressor) even though Han has missed it for x years and never ever seen that compressor before

>Rey is said to be strong with the force
>In the Star Wars universe, force users are empirically better pilots
>Mentally deficit audience is shocked when Rey manages to steer the Millenium Falcon
>Also pilots of the enemy faction are consistantly conveyed as clumsy idiots, so TFA just follows previous set patterns

>Kylo is being torn apart mentally
>Just shot by huge, powerful lazer weapon
>Just killed his own father to feel evil even though he's not
>Retarded audience is shocked she can win even though all of these factors plays in

Not even a Mary Sue, can't believe world building by J. J. Abrams is too incomprehensible for you meme drones

i just wish it didn't have such weak moments. psychic black lady is the worst deus ex machina ever invented.

Still doesn't stop the fact that it's an awful SJW remake of A New Hope.


How is it SJW? Oh, right, because it has a competent female character in it.

Its good

>Blacks overpowering whites
>Females overpowering males
>Gay interracial relationships
>Obvious nazi symbolism
Not SJW at all.


>WAAAAAH the terrible SJWs are everywhere le dirty Disney jooz 1388 sieg Hitler amirite guys


Pretty fun.

Yeah, if you look at it as a comedy about stupid people, it's pretty good. The faces that Light pulls in any given scene make me think that this was the subtle intention of the whole thing.

For me it has to be pic related. Smart, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

>No argument
I think we're done here.

I hate SJWs as much as the next guy, but Sup Forumstards who see muh SJW pandering in absolutely everything are almost as obnoxious.

>>Obvious nazi symbolism on Star Wars

>but Sup Forumstards who see muh SJW pandering in absolutely everything are almost as obnoxious.
It's not obnoxious to point out a major flaw.

>Jake Sully
>Ripley's Believe it or Not
>Colonel-Miles-Motherfucking-Quaritch (Mega Ass Based)
>Chinlet lanklet DYEL cuck faggot

Yo Dog! We put a gun in your gun, so you can shoot while you shoot.