Was Jack Reacher any good? What are some other similar movies

Was Jack Reacher any good? What are some other similar movies.

Was it any good
>it was alright. Not worth going to a theater for but if you see it flipping channels its worth a watch.
Anymore movies like it
>Literally anything else that Tom Cruise stars in.

is there anything more reddit that shit talking a cruise kino?

couldnt say better than this. also 'Cruisemovie' should be separate category, such as horrors, sci-fi or comedy

If based Cruise is in it, watch it. Stop asking dumb questions.

>Reacher's demeanor is stoic, and he does not talk much. He has a propensity for saying "that's for damn sure". Reacher frequently does not answer when people make statements or ask questions, nodding or shrugging, preferring the other party to fill the silence. A recurring line in the novels is "Reacher said nothing".

>Reacher is a giant, standing at 6' 5" tall (1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg). He has ice-blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He has very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural (he reveals in Persuader, he has never been an exercise enthusiast.) He is exceptionally strong but is not a good runner.[3] Reacher is strong enough to break a man's neck with one hand (Bad Luck and Trouble) and kill a villain with a single punch to the head (61 Hours) or chest (Worth Dying For). In a fight against a 7 foot, 400 lb steroid-using thug (Persuader), Reacher was able to lift his opponent into the air and drop him on his head.


Good job Hollywood.

Only white people seem to like this movie.

>gets away with blasting jews this hard
>still gets work

are Scientologists the good guys?

good post

This. I read a few Reacher books years before the movie and when I saw the trailer I laughed for a minute straight. A manlet like Cruise dispatching 5 men easily in a fist fight? LOL

first one is a solid movie. avoid the second one.

second one has it's sub title right........never come back

sounds like a deviant art oc tier character

reach jacker

Cruise is more powerful than any Jew.

He's probably the last guy to be that powerful

That's now how you greentext you autismo newfag

do You think, that Mummy ending where he becomes a living god was a kind of refference to his position in Hollywood?

>nothing personel...kid

Jack Reacher?



The first Jack Reacher is quite good, a kind of working-class detective story. All of the characters are white except the villain who is some kind of Jew that survived the Holocaust by killing other Jews so Cruise may possibly be redpilled since he wrote part of the script. Shows some facets of life you don't really see in movies, one of the girls in the movie is like a clerk at an Auto Zone and Tom Cruise talks shit to her boss because he's a dick. Never seen a mainstream wide release film with a scene like that, it was like something out of a television show like CSI. Finale is a one-on-one fist fight between Cruise and the top Henchman and that's it but its effective.

Second Movie has that Shield bitch from Avengers. Its extremely cringe because it tries to introduce some sub-plot about Cruise having a daughter and Shield bitch keeps trying to assert her authority and preaches feminism and that Cruise is sexist for not letting her take command. A lot of Cruise's dialogue is over the top too.

The first film is a well executed detective film and the second film is a Tom Cruise power fantasy.

I want Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves to get together and do a John Wick Jack Reacher crossover film

>constant diversity and divergences from book character apperances in film


no one asked for your train of autistic thought to be dribbled all over us

>not watching it for his slut teen daughter

What does he think this is, some sort of movie discussion board?

>movie discussion board

This isn't reddit. Also, "the man did this, then he did this. when he did that i liked it. he then did this like on tv, that was good." isn't discussion you retard

>soviet gulags were the holocaust




>guy got btfo so hard he saw double

Bruce Lee was a manlet. Manlets are better at fighting because of their lower center of gravity.


it's like poetry

thank you cruise for this sign