But Sup Forums said the Hollywood jews would be pushing incest after the gay and trans illness not pedo acceptance

But Sup Forums said the Hollywood jews would be pushing incest after the gay and trans illness not pedo acceptance

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A 19 year old is a legal consenting adult you fucking idiot

Woods is an atypical showbiz conservative.

And they've been pushing incest. Try and keep up.

based James

incest was already done though

Based Woods, he's pretty much how i imagine myself, even though I'm only 19 i see myself as a grizzled hollywood legend who speaks truth too power. And if I'm not (((pc))) so what?

Old enough to get behind the wheel of a car and T-bone an SUV with a family inside of it.
NOT old enough to bang some 24 year old.

>17 years old boy



>17 year old "boy"
Americans are truly retarded.



why not both?

But he's talking about "decency" not "legality."

This. MOTY incoming.


17 is legal in most states in the US. I moved from washington recently and it was 16 there. Used to be 16 but only if you were under 52 months older but they changed it to a consistent 16 recently. Don't know what it is here in ohio but im a relentless milf chaser so I don't care

>star of satan

Based Dad

>washed up actor tries to be relevant again

>that necklace
they're just giving the middle finger now lmao

Armie's just defensive because he's been reduced to playing a """sympathetic""" pedophile after a series of bombs.

17 seems sort of risqué and possibly illegal in some places, but why is it morally wrong?

I don't get it

Shut-in lifetime kissless virgins memorizing the legal age in all of the US states and even internationally is one of the funniest thing ever.

What the fuck did Arm & Hammer mean by this?

it's not, really. But throwing pedo panic at every heterosexual age gap while insisting on gay ones is skeevy (i think blue is the warmest color the girl was 15)


Why are liberals so fucking evil?

>something is objectively bad

then i guess no one can talk

>17 seems sort of risqué and possibly illegal in some places, but why is it morally wrong?

>16 seems sort of risqué and possibly illegal in some places, but why is it morally wrong?

>15 seems sort of risqué and possibly illegal in some places, but why is it morally wrong?

you see where we're going here.

Sure any line in the sand is somewhat arbitrary, but that doesn't mean one doesn't have to be drawn.

very believable

"rape accusations by leftists against figures expressing themselves politically arent political at all" - Assange

classic liberal debate tactic

>(i think blue is the warmest color the girl was 15)

what the fuck did he mean by this

Tambln is lying because she's a butthurt liberal and can't handle James's bants. Hope he sues her for defamation.


It's what communism is.

An inversion of the natural order in order to control and oppress the populace. Same as feminism. Same as LGTBQ. etc etc.

It's not really ideological.

But there's nothing illegal or immoral about a 60 year old and a 19 year old.

>implying boys in ballet don't get hella pussy

that's going to backfire

why do americans act as if their standards are universal?

Oh I see, the lack of "in" made it very confusing.

Hershlag's husbando is a ballet dancer.

The line is usually morally drawn at 18 because that's the usual age at which a teen tends to distance from the family by either getting work or going to college.
Either way such a person is no longer under the constant surveillance (and care) of his/her family so it is expected that he/she will try to form a relationship outside of the family unit as a means of maturing and growing up.

Moving that line arbitrarily sooner creates a conflict.

Some cultures have this thing shifted because of varying cultural norms but in the US graduating from highschool is still considered a defining step in reaching a (perceived) adulthood.

>said sources familiar with this kind of thinking

17 is consensual in many states, doesn't make it not weird in both cases

Someone is about to get slapped with a defamation lawsuit.


Maybe the line shouldn't be drawn at absolute ages but age differences.

Sup Forums has never been right about anything ever


I did a jazz class when I was little and I was one of two boys in the class. I legit think if I had danced more growing up it would've paid in dividends in knowing how to talk and deal with women when I started dating in uni.

>even though I'm only 19 i see myself as a grizzled hollywood legend who speaks truth too power. And if I'm not (((pc))) so what?

looters are thugs who don't need work boots because they don't have a job

Yeah, legally, not morally. There should be some judicial discretion when someone is a year or two from the age of majority.

The way people largely think now is that dating someone who 17 years and 11 months makes you a pedophile monster whereas if you waited a month you're magically ok.

>hurr your argument is wrong because you also did something wrong

Why do libcucks always argue like this? Logical arguments are not good person contests. Pointing out hypocrisy does nothing to actually address the argument.

We're all shitty people, it doesn't mean that nobody can argue with anyone about anything.

Besides, a heterosexual relationship with a consenting adult is not at all the same thing as a predatory homosexual relationship with a minor.

Irl 98% of dancers are homos. The ones who aren't are in great shape and prob clean up.

They are for minors.

>There should be some judicial discretion when someone is a year or two from the age of majority.

i believe there is.

That's just absurd

Changing your viewpoints after time has passed or when new information surfaces is natural, but goes against the black and white mentality that people who reply to celeberties on twitter have.


Curious where a 16 year old was to even be within earshot of Woods at fucking Vegas.

A restaurant?
How dense are you?

>got 'em!

is James literally /ourguy/
i think so

James woods exposed

((perfect timing))

this isn't like saying fuck jaywalkers and someone saying "hey buy you doubleparked!" or some similarly unrelated bs.

it's pretty directly hypocritical to say "wow a relationship between a 24 year old and a 17 year old is fucked up" when you literally dated a 19 year old as a 60 year old. Either you say you're fucked up in the same breath or you stop pretending like age difference is something you give a shit about.

17 is as well in many places. You should probably apologize

They weren't in Vegas, they were in a restaurant and he wanted to take them to Vegas.

No, most states have a buffer if the couple is within 4-5 years of each other.

James is /myguy/

She consented, what's indecent about it?

So you'd be okay with a 55 year old guy fucking your daughter?

I don't have a daughter. Try explaining it instead, because I don't think you're able to.

Honestly, nobody should be having second until they're married and at least 25. Anything else is indecent.

Shouldn't Sup Forums be happy that they're sickness is "winning"?

>they're sickness

Wait, that kid is 3?

Isn't 17 usually legal only if you're 16-18?

wow this dumbass broad did not learn the lesson woods taught by suing some anonymous piece of shit for defamation and actually winning

she's actually famous and claiming this on his twitter. there's about to be a serious shitshow ya'll

Lets see what happens when it's not someone anonymous nobody

I added "sickness" to make sure people understood what I meant but forgot to change that
pls no bully


>Isn't 17 usually legal only if you're 16

lol this is the best 9/11 ever

Most states in the US have 16 or 17 as the age of consent. Anybody at that age or older can legally consent to have sex with anyone else at that age or older.

Some states have a sliding scale of 4-5 years (called Romeo & Juliet laws) that are mostly intended to protect people that start dating when they are younger but have an age gap to where one person reaches age of consent before the other. Most R&J laws have a "bottom floor" age, though.

Did anyone tell armie hammer he has a stupid fucking name and has never been in a good movie?

Isn't dating a 17 year old only legal if you're 16-18? I assume he actually means fucking, which is not a given for dating.

Who cares. He's fucking hot.

Based James Woods

Age of consent laws deal with intimate and sexual contact. AFAIK there's no law stating a 17 yo can only date a 16-18yo in any state.

Everytime I see a stupid poster I just assume it's this guy

I'm not asking, I'm clarifying for the poster who didn't understand.

It depends on what state you're in. Quite a few states the age of consent is 16, so at that age a 30 year old could have sex with a 16 year old and not get in trouble (so long as that 16 year old isn't dependent on the 30 year old).

In some of the more liberal states like California, the age of consent is 18.

Most states also have "Romeo and Juliet" laws, allowing for up to two years difference in age where sex is legal, so a 13 year old and a 15 year old could fuck, or a 17 year old and a 19 year old.

It really differs from state to state as they don't have a federal age. Canada changed their to 16 across the board back in 2008, and back then 13 was the age of consent in Nova Scotia.

>24 year old man

A 17 year old and a 24 year old, a 19 year old and a 60 year old.

Neither is illegal most places. Both could be perceived as a bit unseemly.

Anyway, it's all academic because this isn't about age it's about homosexuality.

>reverse cuck porn
Ted is /ourguy/

>its ok when gays do it!!
Once again liberals show their hypocrisy


i love fargo and legion

what a shame