Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door...

>Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Fine, then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>You wish to kill me right here? Are you forgetting about the gods? You cannot kill a guest under your roof, you'd be no better than your family's killers.
>You don't care about that? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. Then burn my body.
>Or just leave my corpse on the floor. I shuppoze that would be acceptable as well.

What did he mean by not saying this?

Other urls found in this thread:

He meamt he was sick and tire dof the show, and wanted to leave it to avoid typecasting

If we were still at season 1-2 level of quality writing, all of that would have been addressed in some way.

Instead we got a scene with a dumb "twist" for shock value and to write out the only morally complex character left

They've been botching the Stark revenge plot so hard. Freys and Boltons and Littlefinger just die as if a box on a check list of shit D&D needs to do before Jon and Dany fuck.

Is this the new Jonahposting?

and he would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for those meddling kids

So he left it 6 episodes before the finale?

How do you plead.... Lord baelish?!
*record scratch*

Frey deaths was the most unsatisfying shit. At the end of season 3 I was boiling for their blood but I ended up feeling nothing once they were killed off. God I fucking hate what the show did to Aria

What was even the point of all that drama when Bran can just tell them the truth at once? What's even the point of any mystery when Bran has the answers to everything?

Shave me copypashta

>I was boiling for their blood
>thinking the Freys' were in the wrong in the Red Wedding situation
>getting surprised over such a obvious trap (i was only surprised that they actually killed all the Starks, because I did not know how the North plot would carry on after)

You have to go back!

In the books, you can feel divine retribution is coming to the Freys. GRRM spends a lot of energy to make a proper build-up to their revenge by building multiple factors that will eventually ruin House Frey. Blackfish in hiding. Nymeria's wolves. Lady Stoneheart. Wyman Manderly's pies. Lady Dustin's warning. Everything is hinting at a volcano ready to erupt any moment now. This makes it more satisfying because it sells the point that Red Wedding was disastrous to the North and something that affected a lot of people.

In the show, Arya teleports from Braavos to the twins and also makes some pies and then Frey dies. The worst crime Hack&Hack committed as of yet.

>thinking the Freys' were in the wrong in the Red Wedding situation
These type of contrarians actually exist.

>Arya teleports from Braavos to the twins
Now I want to see this with Walder's face
>Something personnel, my Lord

Everyone thinks they were in the wrong except for contrarians like you.

You're replying to the wrong person.

It's a shitty show desperately trying to write out a fun but demanding character.

Even the JRR has confessed on record that writing Littlefinger is the hardest part of the entire process because he's supposedly thinking 10 steps ahead of everyone else.

The hacks that write the show don't have enough talent to keep writing Littlefinger.


You're talking about a show that hasn't been good in 5 seasons.


I ment GRRM. My head is elsewhere.

>serve the rightful king
>get revenge for being insulted when Robb did not marry your daughter
>end the Northern threat
>spare many soldiers' lives by attacking straight the leadership and the numb rebel forces

Walder Frey did nothing wrong

This should be pasta by now.

I'll humor you. The Red Wedding was so abhorrent and morally wrong to Westeros' culture that even fucking Tywin distanced himself from it. This is the guy that brought Robert two dead kids during the rebellion. Even he didn't want to be associated with the deed.

The Red Wedding forever marked House Frey as dishonorable and cursed by other houses. They backstabbed their allies in favor of Tywin's favors and they were completely reckless in not just abandoning the Stark cause peacefully and honest. Robb would've respected that. Instead they went full greed instead and killed off Stevron Frey (who would never approve of the deed) and then plotted to fuck over all the major houses of the North and Riverlands just so their daddy Tywin would give them higher titles.

Tywin probably jumped in joy at the thought that a house existed that was so dumb that they would go to these extreme measures to serve him. Regardless, they bet too much on Tywin and now it's all falling apart. Freys will probably end up killing themselves as greedy as they are. They've already begun.

>spare many soldiers' lives by attacking straight the leadership and the numb rebel forces
Also this is wrong. Bolton's and Freys betrayal directly lead to the death of almost ten thousand Northern troops. Even if the war continued, it's doubtful casualties would ever raise to that amount.

Game of Thrones is overrated garbage, that now just panders to YAAAAAS QUEEN SLAAAY audience


I've seen this in every GOT thread. What the fuck is this shit?

It's the modern niggerfied version of "you go girl"

Something like "guuuurl pooowaaa". Imagine a fat, black woman being rude and then snapping her fingers in a z formation

can someone please post the video with 300 confirmed kills?

Arya, not Aria.

it's a phrase for bitter virgins losers, who are butthurt about powerful female characters

Isn't there a webm version?

*poorly written female characters

Because Bran can warg into people.
He had no chance.

It is pasta.

One other thing I was pissed about in this season was how they handled Theon. I was expecting him to finally overcome his state by himself and go save his sister, instead they make it happen because that Mary Sue John Snow gave him a Naruto-style speech.


it was so shit I didn't really notice it as it happened. the show can barely hold my attention these days.
