

>Comic book nerds put in their place
I like it.

and if you're someone with just a little bit of taste, it's trash just like everything else capeshit

I'm a casual and it was utter shit.

really makes you think


It was a good movie. The two types of people who hate it are the le nerd crowd who likes dumb capeshit and the pseudo-intellectuals who think all movies about superheroes are by definition dumb.

No memes, it gets better the more times I watch it.

mature superheros for mature adultsq

I'm a comic reader and I hate it.

I'm a normal person and I don't watch superhero movies.

>normal person
>don't watch superhero movies

Batman v Superman is pure kino, it's just too heady for your average viewer or even most film critics

This. Even Ben Affleck said it was too smart for him.

>comic book reader

Well that's one way to say "stupid kid".

I forgot to save the realistic animated Batman vs Superman webm someone posted.
>invincible alien that shoots lasers from his eyes
>some rich guy with a utility belt
It was a dumb idea that translated into a dumb movie.

meh the movie had little to no draw for me I read a few of the good batman arcs this tried mashing like 5 of them together and called it a day watching it in the movies I thought it was a waste of time I hated wonder woman in it and liked her movie obviously she wasn't the problem but the story itself

I have boxes and shelves of DC books.

BvS was fucking gqrbage.

A thousand times this.

go back to Sup Forums faggot
of all the retards i argue with about BvS, comic book fanboys are the fucking dumbest. "durr lex luthors not old and bald, i am so fucking triggered." fuck off.

Then they are wasted in you. You can't be picking up more than half of what they're laying down.

wtf i love kids movies now