I rewatched this, because I am juggling two girlfriends, and they both wanted to see it. (long story)

I rewatched this, because I am juggling two girlfriends, and they both wanted to see it. (long story).....


Upon second viewing, I am convinced that IT is actually in the kids heads, they are just imagining him, and rationalizing things that happened to them as things that IT did.

its their boogyman of sorts - the theory flies, until the end where they all see the same thing.

does the book mention or have clues about this? could they all be hallucinating the same thing?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I rewatched this, because I am juggling two girlfriends, and they both wanted to see it. (long story).....
You tell that story right now

This is completely wrong if you go by the book. IT is an alien god-like being that landed on Earth and started devouring people, basically. It's complicated, but bottom line is, S. King is a hack.

>>it's a Sup Forums neckbeard lies to impress other Sup Forums neckbeard episode.

IT is real and feed's on fear. It crashed landed to earth long ago and the town of Derry was built ontop of where it landed. IT *is* inside their heads as IT is very physically fragile but psychically powerful and uses its mental powers to feed on the kids. It does this in a cycle and goes back to slumbar until it can get back to full power.

they have different schedules, I have them staying with me at different times. one lives far enough away that I can plan things with the other, & visa versa.

I am 38 yo.

One is a white 42 yo, that has a pron star body
one is a 20 yo Chinese, that has the best ass and cutest face. I am going to cut them both off, soon, though. anyway, they both wanted to see it, and I said I would.

>juggling to gfs



you pretty much can easily interpret the story as the kids having a fictional battle with their fears and growing into adults. Then coming back to town to face their fears once more that have haunted them or damaged them in small ways in their adulthood.

Im trying to think, where this wont work. does anyone else see the clown? you only see the clown if you're afraid, not necessarily from the clown. it becomes a chicken and the egg thing.

think about it - the bully only saw the clown, AFTER it was afraid from the dads scorn, and that scorn was NOT influenced from IT. it was discipline.

you're on to something OP (maybe)

That wasn't a long story at all you flaming faggot.

Did you have a sitcom like moment where you ran between the two theaters?

OP, you do know plastic dolls don't actually count as GFs, right?

Stephen King had a better story that was similar to It. I think it was called the Tommyknockers. It had similar themes of an evil alien terrorising the towns folk.

I don't think it's a revolutionary thought that shapeshifting alien monsters do not exist and that Pennywise is a metaphor because he's a character in a story.

>I rewatched this, because I am juggling two girlfriends, and they both wanted to see it. (long story).....
>being this much of a social loser you "casually" drop this pointless and obvious fake information so strangers on the internet think you're cool

How pathetic

So is this guy, I bet he really believed it. Probably came from tumblr or reddit and thinks all obvious bs stories are real.



I had a friend who was juggling three girls at the same time, he looked really tired and worn all the time and I'm pretty sure he was turning into an alcoholic. Thanks to him I'm convinced that dating is like breathing poisonous air.

No you fucking fagot. Just cliff note the book on thr wiki page if you're that daft to understand this.
IT is a primordial being. He is REAL, but because he isnt of OUR universe he has to take physical form of something we can comprehend in order to eat. In his universe he's just a giant Orange glob of ghost cum but because we're not worthy enough of comprehending, or making sense, of his true physical form we lose our minds. Essentially, what King is implying is that we are all connected telepathically which is why the losers, or IT's victims, can see IT but others can't unless IT forces them too.

>One is a white 42 yo, that has a pron star body
>one is a 20 yo Chinese
Yikes, shitty choice. Gook or hag?

kek what
doesnt he kill a fag right at the start?

who chose the movie? someone or someones in this triangle are idiots

I'm dating two chicks atm and it's a pain in the ass. Cutting one off soon

Nothing wrong with seeing one chick and fucking multiple others but

When he comes back after part one he does.


Good times. I remember watching Annabelle and ted 2 twice when I was juggling 2 broads. Shit is exhausting I fell asleep during Annabelle

I dated two girls once too. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that I had booked a date with the both of them...at the same time! Stay tuned to see what happened next, this friday on ABC's TGIF right after Step By Step

How are you this stupid

What a queer clown.

6.5/10 mediocre jump-scare reliant flick

Personally I felt like Pennywise wanted the kids to kill him. Sure there's the turtle god that protects the kids, but what about all the other victims? Were they simply not worthy of being saved?

Maybe. Maybe the curse of being trapped between 2 worlds and forced into a life of infinite hunger was too much for It, so instead of just scaring kids to salt the meat, it tests its victims to see who's worthy of standing up to it. Pennywise could have killed these damn kids any time when they were absolutely terrified, but it held off even when it was backed into a corner. Hell, the only times It came close to killing the Losers were when their courage started to falter at the worst moment, so that could've just been Pennywise thinking "fuck it, they're not the ones."

Pennywise even shows up in the Tommyknockers

Best answer. Although... in this sitcom, there are two neighboring theaters both playing IT? Maybe just play up the "it's sure dark in here" aspect and have him jumping from seat to seat in the same theater. Plus then you can have the end bit where he calls the wrong girl the right name and the other girl three rows up spins around just as the houselights come up and is like, "KEVIN!?"

Someone's jelly

Greatest ally confirmed. In the book he killed a gay in the guise of either the Mummy or a zombo.

Oh yeah, and the bully's gay friend got his head squashed by Frankenstein's creature or something.

Alternating between hands for wanks doesn't count as having two gfs.

>one is a 20 yo Chinese
Dude why are you racemi-
>I am going to cut them both off
Oh shit you scared me for a sec.

This guy gets it.

His problem was that he was dating them

Should've just been fucking them like a real Alpha male

What an amazing theory. But you're wrong.

'Dating'? You mean like, spending time with a person to see if you're compatible, or do you mean like fucking? What's the point of bringing it up either way? Aren't you a little bit old to be talking about 'dating' like it's something you don't have handled?

kill yourself


You are why I don't date anymore.

no in the book adults can see it too, but rarely. I can't even remember what IT was, an evil alien iirc, and can't remember why it was going for the kids in the first place. book is a bit of a mess.
also, everybody talks about the underage fuckfest, but nobody mentions the part where one of the bullies just jerks off 2 of his friends in some junkyard. that scene in the book made my skin crawl.

Then why the fuck do all the people disappear?

God I bet all of you stink

Is Derry cursed? It's the most fucked up town in the Stephen king universe

What happened to all the kids that floated down? Did the losers tell the town that a big clown was snatching eveyone?

They won't remember what happened, no one does.

>I'm trying to think of where this won't work
How about the other kids that Pennywise murders? Georgie, Patrick, Bettie whatserface, etc

Except the fact that the bully (henry?) saw the clown and Patrick saw the zombies proves it can't be in the kids heads.
If it were a simple delusion that the kids were agreeing on and reinforcing between themselves, then no one outside of their group would see the same thing (the clown).
I think IT is a metaphor for childhood trauma, but in terms of the actual story IT is real thing that is terrorizing Derry.

But OP, if you had to do God's will and pick one, who would it be?



>Stephen king is a hack

List your favorite writers right now, faggot.

>actually putting in the effort to juggling a middle aged woman and a fucking chink

Shilling the good shill

Why not stay with the chink?


>pedophile child murderer
>face of LGBT
Makes sense

J.K rowling
Donald Trump
Adolf Hitler
Ayn Rand
Norm Macdonald
Christie Golden

It's exhausting. Doing it now, and am looking for a reason to let one go and focus on the other.