Mtv liquid televison apreciation thread

What is the single most forgotten and under appreciated cartoon of all time and why is it Aeon Flux?
>no copies of the original show available online just the bastardized dvd redubs
>no critiques of it to be found online
>constantly overshadowed in searches by its crap sack movie.
>still obscure as fuck in 2016
also the maxx was pretty good.
no one really seemed to care when liquid television came back a few years ago but i liked it...

They redubbed it?

yes and its painfully bad how much they ruined doing it. like 4 episodes for a show full of quotes they went in and fucked with a good third of them.

loved Aeon Flux, loved how inconsistent it was and how she died in nearly every episode. Particular fav was when she downed in that underwater fortress. Also when She and Trevor fell asleep in a cryo container and woke up thousands of years in the future where the planet was basically filled with weird Amebas and robots.

Did it have dramatic segments too or was it just jokes?

Pic related...

its nothing but drama... and very in opportune deaths if you're talking about the shorts.

i havent seen this one before what's it about.... if that's even an answerable question

Sorry, I meant the Liquid Television revival. I watched Aeon Flux a few weeks ago and it was really good.

Sort of a noir-ish detective story wherein the gumshoe is Indian...