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Comics #878
The South shall rise again!
Defend this
OC Thread
What's the best deconstruction of the superhero genre?
So,i'm gonna be posting all of john campbell's stuff,i dont know
Best seat in the house
This redeems the show
Titans #5 storytime
Teen Titans #2 storytime
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
The only good thing to come from this show
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Just got around watching Zootopia, pretty good
What did you think of JLU's take on Power Girl?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Supervillains (kms)
Daredevil Storytime
Snyder Bat Epic Pt. 6
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
So, will this film still happen, or will the Neo Nazis stop it from happening?
You now realize he won't even be considered for a DCEU film for the obvious similarities casuals will draw between him...
More handsome or less handsome?
Hulk #1 preview
Scrappy Doo
Step on my balls pls
When you first saw this episode, who did you think had done it?
This day next year, The Jungle Movie will premiere on Nickelodeon
ITT : We design a Toxin Suit
Help me conjure the most stereotypical modern cartoonist possible. All you need to do is post one trait
See, Launchpad is confirmed to be in the reboot. You can calm your tits now
Told by friends to watch Steven Universe
CAGE! Storytime
Official Win-O'-Thread #1
Couldn't even get the shot composition right
What does Sup Forums think of Arrow Season 5?
What could of been thread
The Loud House Thread
Rosianna Rabbit
Fanservice in superhero comics
Why does Thomas the Tank Engine have such a large adult fanbase?
So what's more played out and dumb?
RWBY/RT General #987: The Comfiest! Edition
Behind this mask is an idea, and ideas are bullet proof
I'm a 3rd year filmographist and I made this video essay explaining why Marvel movies are ugly
Robert Crumb comics & stories
CN is Screwing Regular Show Again
Star Vs
Actual war
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero #234
Doctor strange made a sinister villain a joke
Redpill me on Apocalypse. Why do comic fans hate him?
Tell us youre ideas for a hit comic/cartoon Sup Forums
Started marathoning Wakfu, what the hell happened here?
Future Quest #7 Storytime
Okay, Sup Forums. Let's hear your pitch for a Superman story. It can be a single story, a run...
"Empowered" Storytime #8
Vigilante - Southland 02 Storytime
Harley Quinn #8 STORYTIME
New 52 Wonder Woman appreciation thread
Holiday Lanterns - Thanksgiving Eve Edition
Random Comic Generator
Press X to pay respects
Godzilla Rage Across Time 4 and 5
Wally is the fan favorite flash
Groo - Fray of the Gods #3
Look, these last few months have been great
Literally WHY is this show popular?
Spidergwen #14 storytime
ITT Sup Forums culture if it was in Sup Forums universes
The HellBlazer #5 storytime
Elena of Avalor
Why was she the bad guy again?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Chew #60
Do you do any autistic shit Sup Forums? Sometimes when I'm alone and getting drunk...I put on some dress clothes...
ITT: You are fucking old
DC has all of the fucking best black comic book characters. This simply cannot be denied
Batgirl #5 storytime
It was all a lie lmao
Heroes For Hire vol 3 (Part 3)
Cosmo! Wanda! I wish I had a hot chick on my bed!
This is Rowley. Say something nice about him
Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 Chapter 01 Storytime
How the fuck is this show popular?
Sixpack and Dogwelder - RIP Dillon Edition
Blue Beetle #3 Storytime
Batman Beyond #2 storytime
Wonder Woman 11 storytime
Would Steven Universe have been better if none of the characters were human in the first place?
Post webcomics that have made you laugh hysterically
What does Sup Forums think of Captain Underpants?
Flash #11: The Speed of Darkness
Why do people whine when Superman or Batman are forced to kill but don't bat an eye when Optimus Prime nonchalantly...
Why did Carnage have a gf? Always seemed odd to me...
Venom #1 Storytime
Captain Marvel #10 storytime
Ultimates 2 #1 Storytime
Amazing Spider-Man Annual
Story time
All new x-men annual #1
Deathstroke #7 Storytime
Secret Warriors v2 Announced as part of RESURRXION
Reaction Image Thread
MurderCarol thread
Do we have an ST? WTF is happening?
LoliRock Music Video Wednesday
This is Skeet. Say something nice about him
Dear other Austronesians
Detective Comics #945 Storytime
Star Vs
Steven Universe General
Transformers Storytime
Action Comics #968 Storytime
ROM #5 Storytime
Justice League: Darkseid War Green Lantern storytime
Hal Jordan and the GLC #9 Storytime
Kill Six Billion Demons
ITT: Characters that are pure
Why didn't Superman stab him in the back with the spear?
Mrs. Chiu is waifu
Gunnerkrigg Court
Every day until you love her Sup Forums
Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #4 Storytime
ITT: obscure/underrated cartoon
What's his weakness?
Why are cartoons so sexy? Ever since i was a kid the main thing that got me off was cartoons rather then people
RWBY/RT General #986: Literal Who Edition
Sad as fuck scenes
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
It's been a while, Sup Forums. I probably missed the discussion for it, but what do you all think of Infinity Train?
No news in 8 months is this dead?
Netflix picked up a Australian Archer rip off
Hi Sup Forums!
Kelly does it again!
Was this really the best they could do?
What if WASP is black girl?
How would Kenshiro do in the Marvel Universe?
ITT: Dubs makes Stan Lee live for an extra year. Trips kills him within 5 months. 666 kills him within the hour
Does Marvel seriously think we'll fall for this? After all the trouble they went through to get rid of him?
Name a cuter princess then lola loud protip: you cant
The Flash Post-Episode Talkback Thread
South Park
Well, hey. She did a horrible thing and made someone likely die, get horribly mutilated...
Who is the best superhero of all time and why is it Bibleman?
You guys listen to any comic podcasts?
ITT: Canonical atheists
Are there any western comics that does the tournament arc?
How many of these web comic characters can you name or identify, Sup Forums?
Critter Coven
Lin-Manuel Miranda Wants To Play Carnage In The MCU
Shad does it again
I wonder where this fat fuck floated in from?
Why was Phineas so fucking blind?
A little doctor strange storytime
Why.does this show attract so many incestfags?
Daredevil Storytime
Animal Man Storytime Part 1 Morrison run
What are some great cartoon fight scenes
When did the "Wonder Woman is bulletproof" retarded meme start? Was it really Injustice...
Reminder that we actually get new episodes in less than two months
Name your favorite Pre Act 6 and favorite Act 6 [S]! If your Pre is Cascade name a secondary
The Flash still doesn't have a director
So the MCU nerfs Thor into uselessness but Carol gets to be cosmic-tier? I'm fucking done
What're you reading?
X-men art appreciaiton thread
The Flash Talkback Thread ICE ICE BABY Edition
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
Snyder Bat Epic Pt.5
Which Sup Forums OTPs have stronger sexual affinity for each other?
Redoing Avatar Better: For Shits and Giggles
Justice League Action Debuts December 16
Is this any good?
OH SHIT Sup Forums
Star vs The Forces of Evil
RWBY/RT General #985: RT being completely fucking useless again Edition
I don't mind Laura as Wolverine but please someone design her a new fucking costume
ITT: Great characters who only appear in one episode
Has there been a piece of animation you've cried over?
Pictures for Sad Children
Steven DeMayo General /sdg/
Toonami Ratings for 11/19/16
Awesome/emotional Sup Forums moments
Why is she so cute, Sup Forums?
Imagine hating a series of movies SO MUCH that you spend the time and money to animate all three and make fun of every...
Why does the show's writers seem to hate Robin?
Can she not phase through photons and become invisible?
How did Young Justice get away with some of the shit it did?
Was it ever explained how he could take away peoples bending?
[META] Looking for someone
Cartoon has an Asian character
Are the star-spangled panties officially dead forever?
Image Comics February 2017 Solicitations
Cosmo, Wanda.I wish Vicky had big boobies!
How to create a hero
Maya the bee :)
3x3 Thread
Fox controls the film rights to “The X-Men” and “The Fantastic Four...
Which one would you choose?
ITT We recommend a webcomic
So I've been reading along with the Bat-Thread storytimes that have been going on these last few weeks...
What does Sup Forums think of Telltale's Joker?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Are Silver-Age style comic book covers coming back?
Scemma, /ss/ edition
Feel like doing some Sup Forums hunger games. anyone want in?
Post fanart so good it looks better than the actual product
Marvel's February 2017 Variant Theme is Corner Boxes by Joe Jusko
Why does Sup Forums hate him?
Black Bolt ongoing announced
What are some animated movies and shows that will make me feel depressed as hell?
Historically speaking, what would have changed if Zuko had married Jin instead of Mai?
RWBY/RT General #984: What are you planning Edition
Pieguyrulz makes a rant on Nickelodeon again
Batman is DC's most popular character
Red Hulk in U.S.Avengers isn't Thunderbolt Ross, but General Maverick
Isn't this what every man wants, though?
Marvel Comics February 2017 Solicitations
Does anybody remember this famous british duo
Lego Batman movie
Has Shad finally gone too far?
Could've had her own show
Let's talk about Alice in Wonderland
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting November 16, 2016
Was it really that bad?
Kitty is (NOT) a cat
"I am Bane" arc
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What do you think about this Russian duck cartoon? It was made for asian markets and funded by asian companies...
Is this a cartoon or anime?
Is this going to be the greatest animated film of all time?
So what theories do we have behind the whole Rebirth mystery?
This is Riley. Say something nice about her
CGI movies
Which Sup Forums goth has the best tits?
Twin-Pack Storytime Incorporated
Rebecca Sugar has been given complete control over a Steven Universe reboot...
So where would you live if you had to choose to live between these two cities
About to watch this for the first time. What am i in for?
Why do heroes wear costumes to funerals?
Calling it now, Pixar's first PG-13 Movie
Star vs. Evil
Hey Arnold!
Ruby Gloom thread?
Did you chose one?
What does /co think of The Tick?
Be born a Gazelle
Official Cars 3 Trailer
That one time Jimmy Savile appeared in the Beano
20th Century Comic Strips
So what will happen to Ms. Marvel now?
Mfw people act like Mr. Peanutbutter is pure
Character building
RWBY/RT General #983: Short Stack of Scoops Edition
Poppy O'possum
Which Marvel obscure female characters would you give an Ongoing?
Who is the best Satan in Marvel?
WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN: 2016 Superhero Movies
The biggest HHHHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGG moment in the entire show so far
Hey Sup Forums let's continue reading Sandman with BRIEF LIVES! I would have done it a few days ago but pokemon...
Post shit that makes you happy
So... I'm going to school right now for animation. I'm not really in the school I really wanted to be. mind you...
Maid marian thread
Zendaya is NOT MJ
Filename Thread
This is Lynn. Say something nice about her
Think of your least favorite writer. You know, that one whose very existence brings your piss to a boil
Justify this. I dare you
Why didn't kamala keep her original costume?
Tron: the ghost in the machine
Do you know anyone that looks like a cartoon or comic book character?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Bad cartoon thread
Would this have made a good graphic novel? I was a very big fan of Keith Thompson's illustrations in the novel...
Post webcomic strips that make you say "wow, the writer of this is an asshole."
With great power comes great responsibility
Supergirl Season 2 Episode 7 Talkback Thread
Was 2016 really that bad?
Star vs. Evil
New Latchkey Kingdom Pages
Snyder Bat Epic Pt.4
Apparently the last episodes are FINALLY out
New episode when?
Dimaggio opinions
What are some canonically average looking to ugly heroes? Scaring, mutant appearances or deformities aside
Anyone else started out as loving Harley/Ivy and then growing weary of it?
Cmon Blue Marvel, what the fuck kind of argument is that?
What is the shittiest webcomic that you still regularly follow? Out of habit, guilty pleasure...
ITT: Post random lines from shows that occasionally get stuck in your head for mysterious unknown reasons
RWBY/RT General #982:Mom of the freaking Year Edition
Mega share thread
ITT: Villain character development
Woy general reloaded
Were these guys basically the exact same character?
The Unbelievable Gwenpions
Cars 3 Teaser
So, is it safe to say that Dr. Strange takes place before the events of TWS and the after credit scene in Dr...
You've come to DIE
Star vs the forces of evil : Starco tears edition
Make someone want to read a comic by posting ONE page from it
So anonymous crew member confirmed that Jackie's family are monster refugees from Mewni in hiding from the Butterfly...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Decide to look up in-show age
Sup Forums
That unmade Dark Crystal sequel Genndy Tartakovsky was going to direct is being done as a 12 issue comic book series...
Random Futurama comic storytime
Civil War II #7
Is wwe the 3rd biggest superhero universe?
Why does he hang around Rigby again?
Be honest with me Sup Forums, is this really Cartoon Networks finest ?
What happend to the American dream?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
What defines GOOD animation?
Since Shrek 5 is pretty much confirmed, show me your ideas for a Shrek movie
So much for King tackling the 3 Jokers thing. I guess we'll have to wait for Johns to do it in the next mega event
Venom #1 spoilers
Where should I start with the Transformers?
>Spend so much time hyping up the Space Infinity Gem on how it's able to transport things across space
Yfw you're the number one cartoon in America
Who let Zack Snyder direct Cars 3?
Mutation is dumb
A new Smurfs: The Lost Village trailer is up
This member berries plot line is really unfunny and repetitive and they need to stop forcing it so hard
Post scenes that gave you awkward boners
Hey Arnold!
Inhumans are about ot get good under the guidance of Al "The Man" Ewing
Jonboy Meyers Moves to Marvel in New Inhuman Ongoing "Royals", part of RESSURXION
Remember Grant Morrison's Multiversity?
Released in 2 days
Teen Titans #2 Lettered Preview
Death of X
How would Sup Forums do a Batman/Gargoyles crossover?
ITT: boys you'd fugg
In real life, who is the person that is the closest to be a comic book villain?
Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Bon Bon the Birthday Clown Talkback Thread
What jojo could beat up superman
What defines BAD animation?
What does Sup Forums think of Bigdad?
Hi /co
RWBY/RT General #981: Neiss Heiress
Simpsautists think this is a bad episode
There was a panel called "TV Game changers" with rebecca sugar,alex hirsch,Lauren Faust...
Is this worth checking out?
What is the worst KOTH episode?
What are some good Sup Forums robots? Not just sexy ones, but standard cool robots
What did they mean by this?
Hey' Sup Forums, who's that girl?
Scarlet Witch appreciation thread
Why is Joker still pretending?
Do you guys watch cam recordings of cartoon and capeshit movies and shit while they're still in theaters because you...
Why is high fantasy a nearly dead genre in comics and cartoons...
ShitOTP Thread
No she's hot, i just don't find her attractive
Why is mandy a fucking princess with ginger hair
Thoughts on the new Lion King remake Sup Forums?
Gunnerkrigg Court - Chapter 60: Page 4
Just finished watching Bojack Horseman
In All-Star Superman, Morrison sums up Superman's origin story nicely in the format:
Is it any good? Does it try to push an agenda very much...
So he just chucks people into hell for all of time?
Endtown 21-11-16: No answers
Are you a Greg? or an Andy?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Remember when Homer fucked Mindy, but felt guilty and just pretended it was Marge?
Remember when Disney tried to rip off Ren and Stimpy of all things?
Sup Forums, I want Perfect Hair Forever
Do you remember when Green Lantern got BTFO forever?
So, I was watching Bojack Horseman, and, uh
Just started watching this show a few days ago, didn't skip anything because my friend told me I'd regret it
Heathcliff and his friends enjoy the catnip
What's the appeal of Steven Universe?
So what does Sup Forums think of this series...
What do each of these flavors taste like?
Oh snap
There is a rap song about Timmy Turner
ITT: Shit nobody remembers
This is Luan. Say something nice about her
How does Sup Forums feel about... 'Bigger' female characters?
Was it good, bad, or just okay?
(pulls string)
So what's going on with the Avatar comics/EU?
"That's a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie"
If this is the reason why theirs no more tits in comics and cartoons, then more women need to be raped
Disney's most underrated film
With Young Justice and Justice League Action coming down the pipeline, is there hope for a second coming of DC nation?
You and your harem must battle other anons and their harems. Which harems do you think your team can beat...
Oh... Pitch Video
Who Ruled a better word?
Official Win-O'-Thread #3
Remember that Jimmy Neutron episode where Carl's ass was pregnant?
Culture and curves
This wanders into the DC universe
Nude/fanservice shots when?
Spongebob comparison chart thread?
Who's your favorite X-Men character, Sup Forums?
RWBY/RT General #980: SURVIVOR SERIES edition
Tfw DC spent years building you up as a perfect successor to Bruce to the point that they even killed you Dad
What are some good comics about stoners?
Do you read biographical comics
Haven't seen this thread in a while
What was the Hypest moment in Comic Book History?
ITT: Alfred shade
I've finally decided to watch Avatar after catching a random episode on tv. Only problem is...
Movies that you only remember
The Rise and Fall of Sup Forums
How can people sexualize this?
What does a typical Thanksgiving look like for Batman?
ITT: Characters you love but are never used
So, i haven't read any Marvel or DC comics in around 2 years or so
People ask questions like: "How does she get her hair into the helmet...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Is there any Sup Forums who can defeat Ronald Reagan?
Worst Villains Thread
Ha, it was only a matter of time
Say something you're thankful for Sup Forums
Snyder Bat Epic Pt.3
Sunday Symbiote Thread
Amazing Spider-Man Michelinie run Storytime part 10
Name...two cartoons
When did you realize that Snyder's Doomsday was by far the best interpretation of the character seen thus far...
Animation Domination General #1: Double the BAAAAAAAWWWWBBBYYY Edition
ITT: Comics that are destined to be future classics
Star vs predictions
You get a black sidekick. And you! And you!
You get 3 Sup Forums related wishes for the new year!
What's so funny about truth, justice and the american way?
Why can't they just say they don't want white people reading them anymore?
When do you think we'll get another DC crisis-like event? ie. something that resets/alters canon in some way
Alright Sup Forums, it's time to embarrass yourselves
Was he right?
RWBY/RT General #979: >implications of family Edition
Is there anyone here that even likes him? If so, why?
What was his problem?
Love an animated Flash cartoon in the early 2000s
George you sicko
Its a "hero has to fight a giant bug" issue
If your name is called, get off of Sup Forums and go clean your bathroom, do your laundry, and clean your refrigerator
What mental disorder(s) does Dale Gribble have?
Looks like Deadpool 2 found a new director
Congratulations South Park. You've effectively trivialized any statement that begins with "remember when...
Lets talk about Earl Norem, and other forgotten greats
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Whats the deal with redheads
What did Charlie Brown mean by this?
Why does Hussie hate him? He was one of my top characters in early homestuck...
Black Hammer #1-5
Dresden Codak
Question to Sup Forums:
Megg Mogg and Owl - LANDSCAPE
Who says I'm getting cancelled? I'm here to stay, lame-o's!
Explain to someone who's never read a superhero comic what is this character's deal
Why wouldn't Tony use the Hulkbuster all the time?
>People all around the web think that Homecoming will be this god tier film
MCU excitement thread
I know we take great pains to forget that nuPPG exists so I just figured I'd take this time to remind you all that it...
OSR Thread
Is she a Mary Sue or not?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What a shitty character. Literally a Mary Sue
An entire episode of Connie salivating over Steven's new body
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
What's wrong with edgyness?
ITT: Pedophiles
2 spiders
Do you only jerk off to cartoons at this point?
Why is the SU fandom so asscancer?
What the fuck was her problem?
What went wrong?
Tic Tac Tales
Heroes For Hire vol 3 (Part 2)
Vixen a cute
You're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me
You've just been commissioned to develop your favorite childhood book series as a cartoon. What books do you pick...
Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern variant covers
Sup Forums hackers
This is Jin. Say something nice about her
"Everything comes to he waits. And i waited so very long for this moment."
RWBY/RT General #978: When your brother abandons the tribe Edition
So this channel is back in a fucking Dark Age again huh?
Telltale Batman
Scenes that could not be made today
How do you deal with really stupid shit in comics that becomes canon?
Who's the better reptile villain, Killer Croc or The Lizard?
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Is Green Goblin the most iconic and influential villain in all comics?
What the fuck is this thing...
Rewatching Avatar with my girlfriend. We're trucking through season two, and I'm reminded about how awful Mai is
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Is considered the intelligent princess of wisdom by the Dsiney fan base
Who is the best Russian character in cape comics and why is Red Star?
Star vs. Evil
Garfield Minus Garfield
Toonami General #5
What the heck am I reading
Foster's reboot in production
The fuck is this guy?
Toonami General #4
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age therapy session
I miss it
Toonami General #3
Can someone explain the difference? Because i don't see it
Am I crazy, or was a popular animated series supposed to be getting a long awaited revival this year?
ITT Sup Forums bootlegs
Toonami General #2
Young Justice Rebirth when?
What defines good animation?
ITT: Characters that you look a lot or exactly like
This is your villain tonight
Grown men who watch action cartoons....or even worse, "adult comedy" shows
I can't believe Marvel found a way to make Dormammu unthreatening
What is Florida-Man's origin story?
Changing the sexuality of established characters
RWBY/RT General #977: Even Oobleck is Afraid! Edition
ITT characters that would make great sex workers
This looked like shit
Underwear in Western cartoons
Wow I just realized how sexual this scene was
B-b-but Superman doesn't kill people!
Harvey Beaks Thread
'ey Steven, I get that you think your little pumpkin abomination is cute, but, ah...
Cartoonfags are ruining this place. Why can't they get their own board?
What does Sup Forums watch now?
Domestic Total as of Nov. 18, 2016: $168,645,877
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
X-Men: Franz Kafka's "The Trial"
You`ve got to be kidding me
Lets play a game!
ITT: Sup Forums lynchings
When did you grow out of South Park?
Left or right?
Jokes you didn't get as a kid thread
How does Disney do it!?!?
Mtv liquid televison apreciation thread
Pink or Beige?
What do you say we keep the Jentrain going
Sniktbub storytime
Adventure Time/AT: Preboot/Reboot Talkback Thread
When its time for the next step of your master plan
Toonami General #1
Can short male superheroes be sexy?
Snyder Bat Epic Pt.2
Lorefags BTFO
Has there EVER been a DC comic worse than Identity Crisis?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...