Nude/fanservice shots when?
They even had ver take a bath in costume for christ sake
Nude/fanservice shots when?
They even had ver take a bath in costume for christ sake
She knows she's in a comic, of COURSE she's not going to do anything like that.
>they wasted this gag
>it wasn't Gurihiru who did the art
Uh, the "culture of violence" thing is part of the joke, right? I have trouble telling these days.
It has to be.
Don't worry its some dude named Nick Kocher who writes all the Groot and Rocket Racoon.
He's not use to how Gwenpool acts so he thought that would seem the most self aware comment for a joke.
or hes a dirty liberal.
Either way, he's not touching Gwen for a while.
UNFORTUNATELY he's writing her in the upcoming Holiday Special.
well fuck. disregard that last part then.
>or hes a dirty liberal.
Dirty liberal, slimy conservative, putrid libertarian.
All politics are the same in the end.
her hair is so fucking hot jc
Wouldn't be gwenpool without the leotard I guess
I mean, she HAS to get naked eventually, how does she know the comic won't show it?
Can't take any chances, no telling what kind of comic it is. The only time she's probably truly safe is when she's using the toilet, and even then there's a slight chance a gag could arise from someone accidentally barging in.
She wears a leotard. Every shot that shows her legs is fanservice.
god i want to kiss gwenpool so hard
wait, is he saying COVERING the r-rated bits is what incites violence? because yeah, obviously. that's why the muslims are like that.
it doesn't make sense to ACTUALLY show her costume ripped up if they unironically believe it incites violence against women. Right?
Yes, user, it's a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if the writer visits Sup Forums considering later in the issue we get Gwen bitching about Bendis.
He's writing in the upcoming Holiday Special. We don't know if he'll touch her. He could be writing about Rocket and Groot doing something that's briefly shown in the background of a Gwen story. These things are only loosely connected.
she looks SAD without her eye lens.
like i want to buy her a cup of coffee.
>not done by gurihiru
Literally who the fuck cares.
To be clear though, she isn't really bitching about Bendis. She is worried that if Bendis is writing the issue then some serious shit might go down because Bendis is one of the relatively few writers with the authority to kill most characters.
Was more referring to calling out Bednis' obsession with Kitty.
True that. I love how the only evidence she had is Kitty having no idea why she was there, therefore this must be a pointless Bendiswank moment to shove her cameo in.
What's extra funny is the frames where it shows the same character's face 3 times in a row in slightly different expressions looks pretty Bendis-y
preggo Gwenpool when
When ghost boy figures out how to materialize, or possess people.
>Dammit. Things have been all messed up, and not in an interesting way. My sales must be down. There's a big upcoming event. If I don't get my figures up, they'll fridge me for sure....
We should read the rest of the issue. user says she runs around with battle damaged clothes for the rest of the issue.
Faith restored. Carry on.
Ghost in the Machine is getting NTR'd from Gwen by Sarah.
how can Gwen Poole ever compete?
God fuck, is that Ms Marvel cute
What issue is this?
Gwenpool Holiday special
The Gwenpool Holiday Special from last year with about 10 pages of Gwenpool and 40 of characters you didn't buy the book to read about.
Volstagg looks very uncomfortable, if he were conscious enough to feel the position he's in.
I want a Volstagg MAX comic.
Does Marvel even use MAX anymore?
They should do a big push to bring it back, with that Born prequel Garth Ennis mentioned writing as the headliner.
Is it in the Gwenpool TPB?
Could use more Volstagg in general.
All the bits with Gwenpool, yes. You also get her crossover with Howard the Duck that was also made before her series started.
Should've known Gurihiru was behind it! I wish they work on some Ms Marvel, would want to see this 10/10 cutie some more
Yes, except Bendis's trademark is copy/paste, these are redrawn.
Is him being mass murderer by accident still a thing?
I'm gonna ask Santa for it then.
She is hot in that panel. Too bad the majority of the comic most characters are drawn ugly
I want her to sit on my face and wriggle.
Ever since I saw this story I ship them. They're too cute for words.
With all the different artists doing comics, how could Gwen possibly recognize a hero out of costume?
This just proves that regardless of the style used to draw the comic from the inside you naturally adjust to it. The world to her and the people in it look the same to her in her own comic or any she guest stars in regardless of how it is drawn to us. If she saw her at any point she'd know her.
That a character from the 'real world' can see the 'real' through the different comic styles or art seem apropos to me. Kinda answer the 'what is real' philosophy question, but hey, if you break the fourth wall philosophy goes out of wack
You know, I wonder how it'd feel to be a comic character who knows they're a comic character, seeing their world, nay, their reality staying essentially the same but looking different due to different artists working at different issues. Everything, from yourself to everything around you, can look different from one issue to the next.
Kinda, taking the idea of a fourth-wall breaking character seriously.
Kill yourself, queershit shipper.
I bet the first thing she did on arriving was start cyberstalking as many of her favorite heroes (and villains) as she could find online.
she made a comment in the Howard back-up about having trouble recognizing a guy because he was being drawn by a different artist to what she is used to, so she definitely sees the differences between styles
Yet owing to a quirk in crossover adventures those words were only canon in that issue. Like in the first Civil War event how Tony was supposed to be right per Marvel mandate but most of the writers just ignored it.
I want the fourth-wall breaking characters to deal with this awkward canonicity of events.
I meant that post as a joke but now that I think about it it would be pretty horrifying since once she stepped into their world she is at the whim of whoever is writing the story she is in. Who is the real her anymore? People were arguing whether was out of character or her or...well I guess the thought of being stuck in a Bendis written issue is pretty obviously terrifying for her.
>"hmm, a crossover"
>"oh no
>"I'm going edgy."
>"Time to debate philosophies of justice, at first metaphorically then just outright blatantly."
She can't. Gothy girls beat perky blondes any day.
Oh my god it wasn't just a one time thing she does sport a semi permanent blush.
I want to start reading these comics to see more of it, are they good?
Shit taste Ahmed.
You're telling me she hasn't taken a nude bath ever since she entered the marvel universe?
>Gwenpool will never get drunk and kiss Kamala
Life isn't fair.
I wonder how a fourth-wall-aware character like her would react to being forced to a relationship.
That's exactly what I'm telling you.
She's taken a nude bath in the Off-Panel Zone.
>lewd stuff
Pick on OP. They do cute, not sexy. We are not that lucky
How does she know she's off-panel?
It's just behind the panel borders, duh
And sometimes the near-sexy cute artists can't draw actual lewds.
I was under the impression she wwas Gwen from spider Gwen. Am I wrong?
It's weird. I normally hate team-ups and crossovers and shit, but Gwenpool is only good when interacting with the who's who of the MU. Which thankfully is most of the time with her comics, but I find her original story to be un-entertaining.
Shit is kawaii though
Am I wrong?
Yes. She is a new Gwen, sui generis.
She is Gwen Poole. People tend to mishear when she says her name, so they think she's Gwenpool.
Understood. Imma read it later (although I feel her hero costume is silly)
It's a comedy book, so being silly is kinda a given.
i feel im going to like this
>"Let's see... Oh, thank god, I'm cute right now, I'm not in an R-rated one, I can finally take a fucking bath!"
She's probably be safe if she started masturbating every time she took a bath. They'd never print that.
That sounds like it'd get tiresome, though.
After looking through these, I cannot believe it but, my marvel killed my love for comics. I thought
>as soon as marvel stops pandering and goes back to basics I'll jump right back in
But I cannot say that anymore. I used to buy like 20 books a month (new titles and old trades) but it is all kinda tainted and meh now.
The old guy who runs my lcbs, ironically, is who I feel worst for about this.
anyone have that gwenpool/x23 edit?
Good user
Leave Sup Forums and go back to have a life
anons, thanks very much. I'm loving this.
NOOOOOOOOOOO!! The hacker sidekick died! I liked that guy! Why did he have to be the Uncle Ben of her?! WHYYYYY!
I'm guessing the post below this is yours as well.
Yes. I didn't expect there would be plot twists.
I'm loving this. I'm probably gonna fap to this sooner or later, but damn this is good. Gwen Poole is made 100% waifu material plus 20% badassery and 30% cuteness. In essence, she is 150% a babe
Keep reading. The Terrible Eye may be even better than Gwen.
>w-we're totally in on this joke guis
>we are very funny people who knows what's funny
>h-how do you do fellow memesters
He comes back as a ghost.
All you have to do is Google...
>Rule 34 Gwenpool
Excellent, glad to hear.
she is really nice too, thanks man!