Isn't this what every man wants, though?
Isn't this what every man wants, though?
>Princess Carolyn will never be your mommy you can slip your dick into
Isn't that was dicks are for though? Sliding inside women until you make them into mommies?
Yes, that's the whole point of a wife. They do all the things your mother would have done for you, and also you can fuck them.
goddamn i wish i had a wife
Why bother with wife if your mother can do it for you?
The older I get the more true this becomes.
The fun part about that is typically "what does mommy mean to you, user?"
Though I got the added bonus of my mommy being a total bro so bonuses all around.
(Side Bar: Is it gay or just awesome if my wife prefers to be a dude but still like to take it up the ass from me?)
> Is it gay or just awesome if my wife prefers to be a dude but still like to take it up the ass from me?
What did he mean by this?
Sadly moms age too fast
>Side Bar: Is it gay or just awesome if my wife prefers to be a dude but still like to take it up the ass from me?
Does she ever peg you back sometimes? Because there's no point in being a guy if you still hog the bottom bitch role anyway.