So what theories do we have behind the whole Rebirth mystery?
So what theories do we have behind the whole Rebirth mystery?
Is anyone else in Mr. Oz's Wonderful Prison?
Maybe Bart Allen and Conner Kent
Or Metron and Owlman
Sure they are.
They're got Rorschach treatment.
ah yeah
I hope that the mystery of Superbro's real identity ties with this stuff. Everyone on Sup Forums seems to be more bothered with whethere he was better or worse than pre-FP Superman, but the fact that he wasn't this continuity's Superman is still out there
>I can't believe Metron is fucking dead
You can definitely see how this wasn't the intended ending when Johns started to write the mega Darkseid War arc with Metron explaining all the crises stuff
>So what theories do we have behind the whole Rebirth mystery?
Marvel and DC can pretend that #1 issues sell well, forcing the dependants of Diamond to buy more of them than of their usual dreck.