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You are now the director of The Flash.
How do you visually represent "goes fast"?
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You are now the director of The Flash.
How do you visually represent "goes fast"?
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I'm not particularly creative, so I'd just go yellow streaks like the TV show mixed with world-slowed-down sequences akin to Fox's Quicksilver. One thing I would do, however, is maintain a speed consistency, attempt to display the sound accurately to science and figure out a way to do that neat after-image effect from the comics.
I would make alterations from the beginning so that the show was always like .5 times faster, but with the pitch of sound edited so they couldn't tell as easily. Whenever Barry was in costume and running, I would flip it to normal speed and since people were so use to the sped up sequences, it would be like they are going fast too.
I'd make it a bit less like Tron for one. Speedforce can go fuck itself.
Legs turn into a blur รก la Sonic.
Look at X-Men Apocalypse and do the opposite.
Use stop motion when the flash is running
On the TV show they show going fast from two points of view: Normally we see the speedsters, and they're jogging while the background is a blur; but every now and then they'll put Barry on the cosmic treadmill and we see him from the normies' reee viewpoint, where his arms and legs are blurry, a la I would basically combine the two, so even when the audience is running with the speedsters, it still looks like their limbs are blurry along with the background.
Have Flash and speedster villain fight on like a street. Have somebody drop something and make them have a full fight in the time it takes for the item to drop.
Why haven't the Wachowskis been tapped to direct yet?
Because they kinda' suck.
MAke it as if everyone else was in slow motion
You could easily say the same about the rest of the DCEU though.. .
Because they'd want to rewrite the script, and while they have a penchant for great visuals, their writing, at least film wise, is their biggest weakness.
For some reason I just imagined a blurry catfight between two speedsters.
Shoot real life footage then modify it with the flash running with a blur effects and speed the footage 10x
Fair point.
maybe slow the scene down to a literal crawl (like 1 second in fast=100 seconds in normal), and have Barry zipping around the slow scene at a quicker pace (noticeably faster then normal speed but not too fast). I'd also have the color of the scene become duller (think Za Warudo) and there'll be a faint lightning trail behind every speedster.
For in-universe normies, Maybe have a speedster become very saturated and then suddenly they move at a almost unviewable pace. If not that then probably what said
very underrated
MoS and Suicide Squad both did a good job with super speed.
In the Daredevil movie, they made an effort to depict visually how his senses work, with this whole CGI visual style created just for that.
But then in the show, they eschewed all of that and don't show you things from Matt's perspective at all. I think the idea was that you don't actually NEED to know exactly what Matt is "seeing", because the way he is reacting and putting a focus on the sounds in the scene let the audience understand it in a better way than showing blue and black waves bouncing around actually does.
I think this approach would work for the Flash. Slow motion doesn't really convey a sense of speed, it's just a way that the viewer can see exactly what Flash is doing. That works for a couple things to show off his powers, but when every time he's doing something fast you go into slow motion it takes away from what's impressive about the powers; it's more that the world is going slow than that he's going fast.
The ironic thing is that despite being entirely static, comics are actually the best way to portray speedsters, because time only moves as fast as the reader can think, and you can see clearly what the Flash does without having to literally slow down the action and show them. I wish I had some spreads from Waid's or Johns' Flash to show it with.
So basically I'd be more interested in showing in real-time how fast he is than using slomo.
Holt fuck, this would be amazing.
A red afterimage blur when in motion, accompanied by the sound effects in Justice League (the animated series). The whole physical basis of Barry's superspeed is vibrating his molecules, so when stationary his molecules seem to very slightly but visibly oscillate in place.
Make him invisible
I just want a scene where they fist fight but the world around them is frozen, or moving in very slow motion. Somewhere populated and busy. Maybe the bad guy grabs a woman and she's now rendered in "flash" speed or someone hits like a cup or something and it goes fucking flying at sonic speed. Little details that show the disconnect between goes fast and normie motion while they duke it out.
Whatever they do, I dont want more of XMen Quicksilver's bullshit of everything being slow. I kind of like MCU Quicksilvers blur effect though. Perhaps my biggest gripe with DCEU Flash right now is how destructive his speedforce lightning is when running.
I had an idea for a climactic battle scene where Flash (Barry) and Professor Zoom each go so fast that time dilation starts affecting them, causing them to end up in 25th century Central City, in Thawne's time.
That doesn't make any sense. They go so fast that they go slow?
Insert literal afterimages in the Flash's wake either with CGI or secondary photography. As he ramps up the speed for the final climactic speed scene, the afterimages increase in number until it's just a Flash-shaped blurry tube of crimson and yellow behind him. Combine that with a little bit of tv-style lightning+blur and I think it would look perfect.
Oh yeah also shots like pic related with multiple Flashes doing stuff in normal-vision mode.
Blue lightning
Show them in real time. Have them be literal blurs fighting against other blurs. A single fight scene between Flash and Zoom should be the most goddamn intense thing ever, with millions of red and yellow fists flinging at each other at a rate so fast that all you can see is the outline of their suits as they race through Central City
Even when the movie slows down time, Barry and Zoom are still moving really damn fast. They aren't blurs like before, but its like the rest of the world is barely standing still while they both fight each other
Something that makes super speed look bad is when everyone is slow/stopped and the speedster is moving super fast, stopping to do something comical during it.
The key to it is to have everything super slow and have the speedster just not as slow. Also show their facial skin, their clothes and their hair moving with the momentum of their movements, like they're underwater or something.
Just make them run backwards and it would have the opposite effect.