Jackie means supplanter (to take the place of another, through force, scheming, strategy or the like).
Lynn means lake.
Thomas means twin.
Asher White
classic writing tactic, bait and switch they have to lead with this first, in order to build tension, since they cant lead with the one everyone wants first, otherwise it will come of as rushed, and will lead to the question "where to? now that we have what we want"
Caleb Ortiz
This may very well be the greatest school dance joke in the history of cartoons.
Robert Gutierrez
>"mine" Yet Star lets another girl grab his ass and another one steal his hand and mouth virginity
Aiden Brooks
like they haven't done this joke in tv a million times
Asher Brown
I've never seen it done before.
Leo Murphy
He worked for and was rather fond of Eclipsa.
The Magic High Commission is staffed entirely by demons.
This isn't as much of a stretch as you might think.
Gabriel Gray
timeliness is a virtue, and it isnt her time yet, she is has much to learn
also, she doesnt know, she only knows that she cares about marco, and that she cant stand the thought of marco not needing her, or not valuing her
Joshua Sanchez
Mah Mugga!
Nolan Reed
>"Star I know it's been a tough night, but something good did come out of it... Jackie and I kissed, and I don't think I could have ever gotten this far with her without your help and support. You are such a good friend"
Jordan Kelly
Gabriel Sullivan
Anyone else think that Star wasn't the only one salty about Marco and Jackie going out?
Isaiah Carter
Tell Janna something nice!
Chase Green
Janna seemed totally fine.
Thomas Thompson
I didn't expect them to make Jackie so great in this episode. Gave her a lot to say and do.
Grayson Thomas
She was bugged by Star stressing about it.
Wyatt Kelly
You're going to ruin your eyes.
Jose Torres
>He worked for and was rather fond of Eclipsa. Yes, because he's loyal to the Butterfly family.
>is anyone else weirded out that glossorick at the end was like "yeah,im working for ludo now.whatever" No. Glossaryck pretty clearly engineered the whole situation to guarantee he ended up with Ludo. He went along with Star and Janna without being asked. He burned the page about the rats. He prodded Star into casting dark magic while emotionally unstable. And he did nothing to stop or slow down Ludo when he showed up. If he had acted even slightly differently, he probably wouldn't have been captured.
How is Glossaryck always a step ahead? how did he know to destroy the rat spell? If he knew he would be taken by Ludo why did he let it happen?
Also if Glossaryck knew Ludo had the other wand fragment, has he not told Moon? Maybe getting captured was part of his plan (in order to find where Ludo was hiding)
>Eclipsa could smite enemies from great distances with her surveillance spell
Good gravy. How did the Butterflies ever manage to take back the Wand?
Logan Ross
Fixed the arrangement of the frames for you
Hunter Brown
i can't believe the CUTE AND PERFECT meme is dead
Ryder Cruz
Jack Parker
Dylan Foster
>Death to Starco!
>Marco kisses his lifelong crush >Immediately thinks of Star
Jonathan Walker
>great editing and scene transitions >wonderfully placed music tracks >Jackie becomes Grade-S Waifu Material >Ludo pulls off a genuinely effective dick move >a real actual proper fight
10/10 Finale
Hunter Brown
congratulations Diaz, you are now more of a man than Dipper Pines will ever be
Jackson Bailey
Guys, I know everyone thinks Starco is dead, but remember, we still have half of Season 2 left to air and an entire Season 3.
Jackson Foster
Probably by utilizing the Butterfly Family Virtues. they held her husband hostage.
Austin Cox
That's pretty good. kek
Parker Barnes
i can't believe this image is relevant now
Luke Robinson
when is the next episode?
Isaiah Russell
You son of a gun.
Jordan Ortiz
Nicholas Turner
Blood moon is a bitch
Cooper Garcia
>Hearing 'Do you want to go on a date with me' in Grey DeLisles voice
Thomas Cruz
End my life
Isaiah Diaz
Too bad he changed that later so everyone can be shipped.
Landon Clark
you know what...fuck it...you win this time and i'm not saying Jatco shippers..i'm saying meme-shitposters because the only reason that unholy shit is something is because you couldn't deal with people being happy about something....suck a pile of dicks...each and everyone of you.
Henry Ward
REMIND this is not the season finale.
we still have 8 more episodes .
Austin Kelly
>Jackie hitting every nerve corresponding to my tomboy fetish
Nolan Scott
>When all 3 girls were thirsting for the Diaz in a single episode, holy fuck.
Hudson Collins
Good work user.
After watching the finale I have to say this is undoubtedly my favorite current show. Let's hope the train of great episodes continues after the hiatus.
Bentley Evans
Why did Disney advertise it as a Winter finale? It had everyone confused on whether this is the season finale or not
Aaron Scott
oh my god
Carter Hill
me on the left
Robert Reyes
Anyone else think they're going for the rute of Eclipca can come back in some way, like maybe the thing of "at your service my lady" maybe he's going manipulate Ludo as part of the plan
David Brooks
>and the one that slapped his ass and then smelled her hand was the less thirsty of the bunch
Joshua Hill
I think Janna might be salty about Jarco.
She was flashing a light in her eye when Jackie came to get Marco so that she wouldn't break down crying
Nathan Perry
>Star throwing dirt on a dead-looking Janna lying in an open grave, in a similar manner people do at the "earth to earth, dust to dust" part of a funeral
What did they mean by this?
Noah Myers
i going that Eclipsa is the lord voldermort in this show
Adrian Wilson
Janna is secretly also jelly of Jarco and wants to die inside
Evan Bailey
Dipper already got to kiss another ocean-themed person.
Angel Phillips
>like maybe the thing of "at your service my lady" It's going to turn out the voice in the wand isn't Toffee, it's Eclipsa. Toffee has also been just a mere puppet for her all this time.
It's all part of Eclipsa's grand plan for revenge
James Murphy
I can't believe Janna is fucking dead
David Sanchez
Midseason finale. It's the winter finale because no new episodes this year.
Joshua Murphy
>Anyone else think they're going for the rute of Eclipca can come back in some way Maybe? I can see your chain of reasoning, but does the show really need another recurring antagonist? There's already three.