Dresden Codak

"I solemnly promise to you, dear reader, that I will never, ever paint that many boxes again."

Is that his excuse for why this page is almost two months late?

Also goddamn he is so bad at transitions. Where is this place? How did Kim and Lilith get there? I guess we'll just never know.

I like how drawing a bunch of weighted companion cube swipes, with no perspective or straight edges, is apparently time consuming.

>"I like how I look."
More like DIAZ likes how she looks. She still looks like an obvious cyborg to play into his fetish. That's the real reason.

Why do only some of the crates have the logo? Was he just lazy?

The fuck is even going on anymore? I lost interest in this after the whole "leviathan" bit.

No one knows. Things just sort of happen.

Why do you care?

I find Dresden Codak's badness sort of interesting. It's like a fascinating study of how not to tell a story. We can learn a lot from its failures.

His art isn't bad.
His character designs are interesting.
But fuck me if I'll ever figure out what's -actually happening- at any point during the comic.
Scene transitions just seem random, people teleport around different areas, with no explanation for how they got there, or even why. As soon as one plot point almost kind of gets started, it just jumps to some other random new shit.

I think that he has never really read any comics. The stuff he said about Eisner and Kirby is pretty good evidence of that.

>His character designs are interesting.
You're joking right? He doesn't have any original character designs. Literally all his characters are lifted from other sources.

I guess the boxes are full of artifacts from the Giantslayer's alternate world? I think that's a thing, right? I'm pretty sure that's a thing.

So does he not get the $4,500 every month from patreon when he utterly fails to deliver on his promise of "A guaranteed Dresden Codak comic every other week!?"


How did he get there and how he keeps making that much will forever be a mystery to me.

Exactly. The fault entirely lies in the story and the way it's told, which is only compounded by the inconsistent and slow update schedule. There's a weird pacing problem where it feels like absolutely nothing has happened, even though going back and looking at it shows that a lot has indeed happened, it's just impossible to actually register it all. It's an entirely unique problem, I've never seen anything quite like it.

Someone's going to complain about the Muslim girl being the one to discover a wormhole.

Actually I was being facetious, but you enjoy yourself

It's good you can look up big words for "I say retarded things on purpose". Maybe one day you'll just stop saying them

Are there any new Diaz tweeter screengrabs?

How can anyone know when he takes three months per strip?

Did he play up his hispanic heritage to talk about how terrified he is of being deported or what